Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 842: investment

New York, Staten Island. ?? Chinese? = ≤≈

The Bayway refinery is dead, which has left David Lawrence with a hole card that can control the whole world. But if there is less, there will be less. The general commander in the area without this card will be more sober and more practical.

Commander Simon, a scapegoat, has been tried in public and has gone to **** amid the curses of millions of people around New York. And David Lawrence continued to lead the people in the ruling area to survive in the last days, and he even got higher prestige because of his wife's perfect treatment.

But anyone who knows the inside story knows that the loss at the Bayway Refinery has changed David Lawrence tremendously. Rachel felt that these changes were beneficial. At least her husband valued the family again, was willing to go home to eat every day, and was more concerned about himself and his daughter.

However, Rachel was also disappointed. In the past, her husband was occupied by several beautiful female assistants. Now that the female assistant has retired, David Lawrence has changed from a confident king to a self-disciplined Avenger, and continues to leave his wife alone.

David Lawrence works in his study at home. After dinner and a short break, he will enter the study and continue working. This left the wife and daughter who felt the warmth of the family again.

At the table, Angie turned his head to look at the lights of his father's study, and whispered to his mother, "Is it really impossible to reconcile the contradiction between Dad and Victor? The two men are the best in the world. Without conflict, why ca n’t you just sit down and talk? ”

"Probably they are all too good, so no one wants to be worse than the other, they all want to compete for the best name." Rachel is helpless, and no one can think of this step.

In the study, as the leader who commanded millions of people and controlled the region but was devastated, David Lawrence would have countless jobs waiting for him if he wanted to work. At this moment there was a lot of waiting on his desk.

"Mutants are really easy to use. They don't need fuel or equipment, and they are much more efficient than ordinary troops." His Excellency Lawrence is reading a battle report. More than 30,000 mutants who have fallen into his hands have begun to attack the city. .

Out of fear of mutant creatures, basically, as long as the banner of the mutant army is directed, any hostile forces are doomed to morale, either fleeing the wind or surrendering the flag. Within a month, the two maine forces that were still resisting were wiped out by David Lawrence.

"Quebec, Victor really sent someone there." David Lawrence frowned when he saw the second report. According to reports from intelligence personnel stationed in the north, the 'Aurora Corps' has opened direct flights from Havana to Montreal and Quebec City.

In the past two months, more than 1,000 legions have been operating in Quebec, and the number is still expanding. At the same time, a refinery in Quebec City has restarted. Crude oil from Venezuela has been transported by sea, and a large amount of refined oil will be refined.

"Victor Hugo's ambitions are so great!" After learning that the Quebec oil refinery was reopened, David Lawrence's first reaction was to send someone to blow up the refinery, but in the end he was able to hold his heart. Impulse-people with aircraft carriers are amazing!

"But Quebecers won't follow you easily." David Lawrence was confident of that. Compared to those poor ghosts in South America and the Caribbean, Canadians have seen the market anyway. To get such a group of people to go to Cuba, this ideological work is not good.

Under the report on the start of the refinery, there was also an application from the intelligence service for food. The reason Quebecers haven't reached despair is that David Lawrence finally opened his own grain warehouse and provided 50,000 tons of food aid.

However, 50,000 tons is a fortune for millions of people who are still alive in Quebec, and several local autonomous agencies have been demanding more food. But David Lawrence didn't have enough food on hand. Do you want to continue investing?

David Lawrence was stuck with another question just for a moment of thought-where did the ‘Aurora Legion’ come from? Victor Hugo's food should be even more tight. There can't be much food reserves in that poor place in Cuba!

The information from the Aurora Corps had a separate filing cabinet, and David Lawrence rummaged through the filing cabinets for several pieces of recently learned information.

For example, Victor Hugo persecuted religious people, forcibly converted, and blasphemed the gods. Intelligence analysts even made serious predictions, saying that the ‘Aurora Corps’ would cause chaos and was no longer a threat.

"A mess, if Victor isn't sure about those religious people who don't have the slightest power, he will die a hundred times earlier." David Lawrence scoffed at the so-called "prediction", where do people still have any faith?

For another example, the 'Aurora Corps' dispatched more than 30 oil tankers, cruise ships, and freighters of 50,000 tons or more in one breath, all of these large ships were heading for Quebec City. Filling the tanks of these tankers alone can bankrupt the Aurora Corps. but…….

Refinery in Quebec City has restarted!


Controlling an oil well in Venezuela ~ www.readwn.com ~ and getting a refinery in Quebec City, how pleasant it is to own your own petrochemical industry. Unfortunately, this industry chain is controlled by others.

But this will only increase the bargaining bargaining power of Quebecers, as all people who work at the refinery are Canadians. After the refinery restarts, they will not leave easily. Victor Hugo would have such a coma?

A report also said that the 'Aurora Corps' has recently increased its exports of fresh food. The number of freighters to New York has increased from half a month to once a week, and its transportation volume has increased from more than 10,000 tons to 20,000 tons.

"Where did Victor ’s show capital come from?" David Lawrence even saw frozen pork and chicken listed on the export list. "Raising these animals requires a lot of feed. Can the" Aurora Corps "get a lot of corn? "

An important use of corn is as livestock feed, and the United States has consistently ranked first in corn production worldwide. However, after the nuclear winter, the corn crop was cut off. Now the temperature is rising, but the global drought is raging. David Lawrence also faces the problem of lack of feed to engage in the breeding industry.

"Perhaps corn stocks from Brazil." David Lawrence can only make such a guess, after all, the 'Aurora Corps' controlled the route to South America. It is really enviable to think about it, South America's resources are too rich.

The last piece of information was a letter of intent for cooperation, and Victor Hugo asked to restart several paper mills and daily chemical plants around New York. He expressed his willingness to invest funds and hoped for control.

"What is this guy trying to do? He wants to buy these factories?" David Lawrence was quite shocked, he thought to himself: I am still worried about the food and fuel related to survival. Construction of daily necessities? How can he be so powerful?

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