Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 848: In a good mood

"Oh ... hahaha!" David Lawrence has been straining his heart lately, but today he rarely laughs. With a ticket, he walked into a newly opened printing plant on Staten Island, where more than 200 employees recruited were working diligently.

The paper mill has begun, and the downstream printing industry can naturally also be started. By the way, it can also drive industries such as ink to exhibit together. This kind of industry chain comes down, and the social benefits are extremely huge.

The management of the factory all followed behind David Lawrence and saw that their boss was in a good mood, and they followed each other with a smirk. The general manager stood by and said, "Mr. Lawrence, I assure you that our factory management is more reasonable, more humane, and more enjoyable.

We implement an eight-hour work system. Compared with the 16-hour inhumane and abominable acts of the Aurora Corps, our approach is obviously more in line with universal values ​​and will make employees love you more.

We have also formed a union to set up insurance and pension funds for our employees to solve their problems. Compared to Victor Hugo's vampire, we are obviously more sophisticated and higher in management level.

We heard that every day in the factory of the Aurora Corps, workers fainted because of heavy work, and employees who were forced to rest without any pay income naturally fell into despair. And we're much better. By contrast, people like to work in your company. "

Ha ha ha ... sounds great! But David Lawrence smiled for a long time, and suddenly his expression converged, "Doesn't this mean that our production costs are a lot higher than the 'Aurora Corps'?"

Ah ..., the **** is on the horse's legs!

"Uh ..., this, we mainly consider giving more people to solve the work problem. After all, we are the responsible government. And ..." The general manager of the printing plant did not know what to say.

David Lawrence also knows that the people below are trying to figure out what they mean, and sometimes it is better to speak clearly. He approached the general manager a little and whispered: "Now there are too many workers, there is no need to be too pity for them, and the union and eight-hour workday are unnecessary.

Benefits such as old-age pensions and insurance can be compared with those of the Aurora Corps, which is slightly better. The 16-hour continuous work is really too long. It can be cut into two eight hours. It should be much better to let the workers rest for four hours in the middle. Do you feel it? "

I feel like a ghost, you are the boss, let us do it! It's not us who are exhausted anyway. The people in the printing factory nodded again and again, praising the wisdom and wisdom of their leaders.

A smile continued on David Lawrence's face. To be honest, he really feels very happy recently, because he and Viktor Hugo have always reached a cooperation agreement-the two sides exchange agricultural products for industrial products.

The "Aurora Corps" recruited employees with a variety of inferior food from the sea and restarted many factories to produce a lot of materials that are in short supply of modern life. This idea greatly inspired David Lawrence. He felt that he could make a prescription for medicine and replicate the same model for exhibition.

Factories and workers are readily available. The key is how to organize them with work instead. David Lawrence thought about using his precious food reserves to do this. But ..., the food is gradually decreasing. God knows when God will rain?

So David Lawrence wanted to import food from the Aurora Corps. Anyway, he had a lot of gold in his hand. In order to solve the problem of employment and material shortage, it is worthwhile to consume a batch of gold.

But Zhou Qingfeng's ghosts are so incredible that he is not fooled—gold is used for birds, hunger cannot be eaten, and thirsty can't be drunk. At present, it can be used for commercial circulation. In the future, the uncle will print credit money. If you want food, you can exchange it for industrial equipment. Note that it is heavy industry equipment.

When faced with such a request, David Lawrence was burning heart and lungs. He can also figure out Zhou Qingfeng's idea now-heavy industry equipment is now irreproducible, and it is gone. Even if it is not available, it cannot be reserved for the enemy.

Having said that, it really reminded David Lawrence that the Brotherhood of Steel currently has a large power. The former general commander of more than a hundred regions, only seven were left after continuous merger and integration, and now no one can swallow anyone.

So David Lawrence was as bad as Zhou Qingfeng. He found a way to buy industrial equipment from other allies and transfer it to the 'Aurora Corps'. He also obtained agricultural products from the 'Aurora Corps' and sold it to allies of the Brotherhood, and he could Make a difference from it.

This business is so good that everyone has benefited in the near future. Among them, the biggest sales amount is the protein powder made by Zhou Qingfeng. The output is huge and the sales are very wide. It is very popular.

In addition, dehydrated vegetables are also selling very well. Although the taste is worse than fresh vegetables, it can also supplement various nutrients.

Even after the filtering process, the trench oil is regarded as a conscience, and now the edible oil is too scarce. Who cares if you are not ditching, anyway, it is not a big man in high society to eat.

In David Lawrence's view, Zhou Qingfeng got a lot of heavy industrial equipment, but the guy really was just to protect himself. Lack of supporting facilities and technical personnel, and even the power supply cannot be guaranteed, there is no way to talk about heavy industry-give it, give it to the kid anyway.

The 'Aurora Corps' is far from the sky, and it will not threaten the New York Brothers at www.readwn.com for a while. Instead, other allies are around, and the knife is not a good kind. If it were not for the common enemy of 'Increte', I would have been fighting long ago.

The difference from the food and equipment trade has become a magic weapon for David Lawrence to restart light industry to improve employment and stabilize society. At present, more than 20 companies have restarted construction and more than 10,000 people have found jobs. As long as this momentum continues, the entire New York area will be stable.

As for the consequences of losing heavy industry, David Lawrence believes that as long as there is a period of five to six years of stability, infrastructure is still there, and North America can retain its talents and technologies intact to rebuild heavy industry.

The key now is to overwhelm stability to ensure that you will not starve before the global famine explodes. If everyone starves, everything else is empty talk. This is really calm for a while, take a step back!

The most important thing is that North America is not only the United States, but the heavy industry in Canada is also very good. David Lawrence has used Quebec and Ontario as his own back garden. What's missing, just take it in the back garden.

How could David Lawrence be unhappy under these circumstances? He has been in a good mood for a few days now, thinking whether he should continue to relax the relationship with his wife and live a spouse life.

But sometimes the idea is too good, but the reality is cruel. When David Lawrence wanted to end his visit to the printing factory and left, a new batch of prints suddenly came out of the printing line. The prints were so weird that one couldn't help but take a look.

Just looking at it, David Lawrenceton was stunned and surprised, "How can he be so bold this guy? This is challenging the conscience of the world! This kind of tyrant, lunatic, barbaric behavior, everyone else He did it secretly, how dare he make it public? "8

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