Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 850: Barbaric law

Toronto City Hall, noisy. ???

The members of the Autonomous Committee are desperately spitting saliva. The "Aurora Corps" throwing over 100,000 leaflets has completely paralyzed the entire administrative system.

Some people were so excited that they called for a tough attitude to completely punish Victor Hugo.

Some people call for peace, hoping to reach an agreement with the Aurora Corps at a certain price.

Most people don't have much noise, but they are not silent.

Mr. Bi Xiaopu, who was sitting in the chair, was like an idol made of clay and wooden tires and remained motionless. The situation is worse than he imagined. Because he deliberately provoked disputes with the 'Aurora Corps', he was deprived of his position as chairman and became a candidate.

To put it simply, don't let anyone clamor for force confrontation in the stands, but the effect of this wave of leaflet offensives is extremely negative. Everyone was afraid that the 'Aurora Corps' had really bombed the Darlington nuclear power plant. If it really wanted to bomb Toronto, it would be over.

Afraid not to wait for others to blow up, they themselves asked to shut down the nuclear power plant. This is the only nuclear power plant in Ontario that is still operating and the only power supply in Toronto. As a result, Toronto fell into darkness.

The city hall can also rely on diesel motors to supply electricity, but millions of people in the city are complaining, and many people are protesting the decline in living standards.

Not only was the nuclear power plant shut down, the 3,000 militia members that the Autonomous Commission managed to organize were also transferred to protect the nuclear power plant, so that it would not fall into the hands of the Aurora Corps.

Don't talk about attacking Montreal now, Toronto's self-protection is difficult. The security staff in the city was not enough, but it is even worse now. The living environment in Toronto is also rapidly deteriorating, and the sense of security has disappeared. But the Autonomous Committee has no one to manage these things, but only keep arguing.

This is probably what the regimental commander wanted, he just achieved this effect by using his reputation!

Mr. Bi Xiaopu felt very upset and even more bitter. He always felt that the democratic society was good, but the enemy lost some leaflets and made himself messy. There are too many people in the committee who have the right to decide. One person has one idea. This really has to be fought. I don't know what it will be like.

"I heard that someone is already thinking about joining the Aurora Corps." A committee member beside Bi Xiaopu said casually.

"Really? It's normal!" Bi Xiaopu didn't know how to comment, but could only pretend that he didn't care. "The pain of a democratic society, isn't it?"

Silent for a while ...

Bi Xiaopu couldn't help but asked, "Is there a large number of people?"

The board member's voice was lowered a bit, "Dozens of cruise ships, large and small, come over Lake Ontario, which can pull thousands of people each time."

"So many?" Bi Xiaopu was startled, he thought there were at most a few hundred people.

The director of the committee smiled wryly: "The refineries in Quebec are working well. The Aurora Corps has sufficient capacity. What is even more ridiculous is that they don't need all of them, they only need elite personnel. They don't need ordinary service personnel."

Bi Xiaopu was even more shocked. "Is nobody care?"

"Who cares?" The director lamented at the high-ranking committee on the stage, then lowered his voice and added, "Who dares to care?"

I ’m messed up internally, and nobody cares about it. When facing a threat from a strong enemy, who will bear the consequences if I anger the other party? Naturally nobody dares to control it.

"Well ... now only Mr. David Lawrence can stop Victor Hugo." Bishop could only put all his expectations on the New York Brotherhood, but he didn't know if it was useful? Because 'Aurora Corps' doesn't seem to be afraid of anyone at all.

Bishop was sick of the messy City Hall, and when he walked out, it was already dark outside. Compared with various noisy big men, there are also many citizens on the road. As a result of the power outage, people were holding all kinds of emergency lights, and the black lights seemed to be anxious and chaotic.

"Hey, does anyone want to go to Montreal? Where there are more job opportunities and more rations of food and living supplies. Believe me, the 'Aurora Corps' is not as terrifying as expected. Today the last boat is about to sail, so don't take the opportunity anymore But we have to wait for tomorrow. "

An old man on the street is constantly calling for business. He seems to be responsible for soliciting customers and providing consulting services. No one came forward to ask, and Bi Xiaopu, who was depressed, also asked, "Does Montreal need a lawyer?"

"Oh ... sorry! The people of the Aurora Corps have said that their demand for lawyers is full. But the demand for doctors, scholars, former civil servants, veterans, engineers, women is open. You may be able to Send the family over. "Lao He shrugged and said he couldn't help.

"Barbarians hate lawyers, right? Hehehe ..." Bi Xiaopu could only laugh at himself. And as he continued to walk along the street, a tall figure stopped him.

"Oh ... Mr. Sergi." From the New York Brotherhood, Bi Xiaopu immediately straightened and looked at the brawny man with even a millionth of hope. "Is Lord David Lawrence willing to help us? Can he send troops directly to protect us?"

Sergi sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ and shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lawrence said he can't help. He can only protect Ontario as much as possible, and as for Quebec, he can only give up Now. "

Bi Xiaopu wailed for a moment and wept bitterly. His country was thus divided.

And in New York, David Lawrence officially signed an agreement. According to the agreement, the 'Aurora Corps' recognizes the special interests of the New York Brothers in Ontario, and the New York Brotherhood no longer interferes with the 'Aurora Corps' operation in Quebec.

"Victor Hugo, only you can do this." One of the two printed leaflets was placed in front of David Lawrence, reading the words with strong threats on it, and he suddenly laughed. "This It ’s really hard to do anything, it ’s really hard to stop you! "

When Bishop asked David Lawrence to come forward to stop the fierce authority of the 'Aurora Corps', the Regional Commander sweared: "Do you want to drag us into the water and let New York be bombed again?"

Victor Hugo ’s blatant threat did not provoke any accusation. The various forces in North America were at most alert to the ‘Aurora Corps’, but no one came out to speak out of righteousness or even gave acquiescence.

When David Lawrence signed an agreement to peacefully divide the two eastern provinces of Canada, he signed his name happily. No one really cares what the residents of Quebec and Ontario really think, their fate is decided hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers away.

According to Rachel's future autobiography-this is a disgusting and creepy agreement that appears to the democratic world. After confronting some powerful men, both men realized the strength of each other and sat down to divide their respective spheres of influence.

This is the barbaric law of wasteland! 8

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