Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 855: Experiment failed

‘You have consumed all the positive prestige with the Huaxia government and forcibly erased all the negative effects accumulated in the interaction with the Huaxia government. The government will not track down any doubts that have been exposed before you. This effect is limited to the present, not the future. ’

The sense of danger that made Zhou Qingfeng Han Mao erected slowly disappeared. After Xiao Jinlang let go of his hand, his face became cold and Shen Sheng said, "In the principle of cooperation and mutual benefit, the country understands your psychology of trying to hide the truth.

However, "Sad" is no better than ordinary weapons. It is a strategic equipment used to deal with ballistic missiles. One that is not good, not to mention the World War, is at least a fierce Sino-US conflict.

In order to prevent American dogs from jumping off the wall, the central government has ordered first-level combat readiness for the entire army. This is not an ordinary arms trade, but a political issue. If you really want to get in trouble, it is not that you are unlucky, but that the entire country is being dragged into the whirlpool of war.

However, considering your previous contributions to the country, we still appreciate your difficulties and value the prospect of cooperation with you in the future. Therefore, this case is not an example. If there is any similar equipment that cannot be messed up, it must be notified in advance. You are not afraid, we are afraid! "

Seeing Xiao Jinlang's fearful look, Zhou Qingfeng really felt that Lao Xiao and the Chinese government behind him were scared enough. However, after the scene is finished, there are still benefits to be gained.

"But given that the helicopter and‘ Sad ’system you ’ve got this time are really valuable, we wo n’t let you suffer. We evaluate from a purely military trade perspective and will pay you 1.2 billion US dollars.”

This is just talking about things, talking about business. This friendship really fell to only business activities, and the Huaxia government did not want to be dragged into the muddy water by Zhou Qingfeng. But everyone is comfortable, Zhou Qingfeng doesn't care.

Waiting for Xiao Jinlang to leave, Zhou Qingfeng only found that there were various armed personnel near the tea room in his park, and even several helicopters were hovering overhead. I can imagine how excited the government and the military were when they saw the set of 'Sad'.

Zhou Qingfeng, who was scared of cold sweat, ran away, but after running away, he felt that it was worthwhile to erase all the negative conditions accumulated by "Sad". So he no longer cares about it, anyway, the small money is already available.

It's just that Uncle Zhou doesn't care anymore. The Huaxia government and the military care very much!

With more than a hundred 'Black Hawks', the military can form two more 6-air regiments. Hmm ... this is fine. After all, military construction takes time. Although these batches of "Black Hawks" are second-hand goods, it is very cost-effective to save at least two years of time.

But what if you get ‘Sad’? This is strategic level equipment. Don't look at the name ‘Defense’, but if one side ’s shield is indestructible when fighting, that ’s a big deal.

It's almost okay this year. Anyway, one hundred thousand tons of nuclear bombs and one million tons of nuclear bombs are disasters. But if the shield is good enough, going from one nuclear bomb to ten nuclear bombs is a huge difference. This is the power of strategic weapons.

What can I do with such a good thing? As a country with a complete industrial system, is the cottage skill in vain? Anyway, learn it!

The "Sad" set is still good. Its kinetic energy interceptor is relatively small, but it can shoot at a maximum altitude of 150 kilometers with a weight of less than one ton. And it is very accurate and worth learning.

'Sad' radar is also very sophisticated, taking into account both strategic and tactical applications, and can be maneuvered to a position farther from the hostile country. Compared to the clumsy and heavy 6-base and sea-based x-band mid-range antimissile radars, its survivability is much stronger.

It should be known that of the five major hooligans currently, China and the United States can play anti-ballistic missiles. For example, Mao Xiong's anti-ballistic missile system only protected the Moscow region, and it is a technology of the last century that has long been outdated and useless.

And Niu Niu and Gaul chicken gave up treatment, relying on Lao Mei to hold up an anti-missile protection umbrella. However, the rabbit family has been playing extra-atmospheric satellites and missile interception systems such as 'Kinetic-3' in recent years. Although there is still a big gap between Eagle Sauce, we have been working hard!

And as for this "Sad" ...

When the military's current hawk sauce did not respond to the "lost" baby, it felt like we could test this set.

Yeah ... how do you know if this thing is good without testing? How do I know the specific performance parameters of this thing? How to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each other? So let's try it out!

Really don't say, although Zhou Qingfeng is a pit product specifically devouring hawk sauce, his character is always guaranteed. Although the "Sade" system shipped this time has been reduced in size and has no truck head for transportation, the entire radar, command and firing three sets of components are complete.

After completing the internal test of the "Sade" system, the rabbit changed the desert yellow paint of Eagle sauce with Wang Shifan to the green paint of Tuyafan, and modified the appearance-anyway, don't let people see it at a glance This is 'Sad'.

Therefore, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense said at a routine news conference that our country will conduct a 'last-stage high-altitude area defense system' firing experiment in the near future.

For Eagle Sauce, which has a global ballistic missile surveillance network, www.readwn.com, you know what it is you say or not. But for the global media, especially the sticks and foot-baked chickens in Northeast Asia, how do you hear the term 'last high-altitude area defense system'?

"Yes, this is our theater mobile ballistic missile defense system in response to the threat of medium and long-range ballistic missiles." In response to questions from reporters, Ministry of Defense speakers also showed pictures of the entire system.

As soon as I saw the pictures, the reporters at the press conference jumped up—don't think you wore a vest, I don't know you. Aren't you ‘Sad’? Plagiarism, this is properly plagiarism of American military technology. My dad, someone stole your stuff!

The rabbit talker looked up at forty-five degrees to look at the sky, and said inwardly: I just plagiarized, you bit me? It is also my ability to plagiarize. Even if I get this thing for another person, I ca n’t plagiarize if I want to plagiarize. I do n’t have that strength at all.

And when seeing the "Sad" of the rabbit family, Eagle sauce is also terrible-no! The Damocles Sword that I spent heavily on building has always been a defensive treasure. Originally, I wanted to go to the rabbit's doorstep, so the rabbit would be there all at once. Can you play well after this?

The shape of the radar, the layout of the commanding Fangcang, and the look of the missiles and firing vehicles are exactly the same as those of my family 'Sad'!

Without waiting for Eagle Sauce to figure out what went wrong, one day's news webcast inserted a short news after the 'leaders were busy' link-the shooting experiment of the 'last high-altitude area defense system' performed by pLa in the Korla area of ​​Xinjiang the day before The missile fired normally, but failed to hit the target.

This news is less than thirty seconds, but the foreign media collectively-ha ha ha ..., the cottage parallel imports of the rabbit family also want to have the level of my freedom lighthouse and the United States, the same shape but different capabilities, isn't it shameful? !! 8

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