Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 857: spy

United States, Ballistic Missile Defense Agency. ???

Lin Qipin waited outside the director's office, and an assistant led her in more than ten minutes later. When the Major General saw her come in, she pointed her finger at the chair at her desk and said, "I'm glad to meet you, Lieutenant Colonel. I read your report, but I want to hear you speak for yourself."

"It's my pleasure." Lieutenant Colonel Lynch motioned for the assistant to turn on the projector in the office and plugged a USB stick into the computer. Soon a dynamic drawing of the missile interception of the outer atmosphere appeared.

"Huaxia has been conducting ballistic missile interception tests recently. They have fired seven missiles four times. Our radar detection satellite has collected most of these interception tests. The results are very surprising."

The US Ballistic Missile Defense Agency is not well known in the media, but this agency is an important department of the US Department of Defense. It is either Boeing, Thor, or Loma that can sign a contract with it, all of which are important US defense equipment manufacturers.

Lieutenant Colonel Lynch's job is to target strategic missiles in other countries. Her powers include the use of reconnaissance satellites in outer space and various giant radar equipment on the six oceans. These are all billion-level equipment, and she always orders millions of dollars.

And now the report is just when Colonel Lynch is worth, this old virgin in her forties who has been single has an incredible sense of judgment. She pointed at a slowly rising dotted line on the projection light curtain and said, "I'm sure that our 'Sad' system has been stolen."

"This is impossible." The director spread his hands, but wanted to laugh but did not smile, pretending to be serious: "Our security system is absolutely tight, and there is no sign that the secret of 'Sad' has been leaked. Now it can only prove the Huaxia exhibition A system similar to ours. "

Lin Qi shook his head, still insisting on his point without expression. "Sir, Secretary, I don't understand any security. I only understand the ballistic data and the information collected by radar. I can prove from more than ten angles that I have recently been in northwestern China. The anti-missile experiment conducted is our 'Sad'. "

"The" Sade "system combat system was designed by me. I even intercepted the missing system's externally-connected networked data. I almost activated its self-destruct program. Unfortunately, the person who made it before it succeeded.

The Huaxia military later modified the fire control data, but the flight trajectory of the kinetic interceptor could not be modified, so I can say with certainty that it is our ‘Sad’. With the words of Lieutenant Colonel Lynch, the director's face went green and white.

"Do you know what you mean by saying this?" Said the director Shen Sheng. The heavy treasure of his own home was taken away, with serious consequences.

"Know." Lieutenant Colonel Lynch calmly said, "meaning someone leaked the secret of 'Sad' and Huaxia got our technology. It means that there is a major loophole in our anti-missile system, which is big enough for us All the efforts of the past two decades have been scrapped. "

"No, it's more serious than that." The director couldn't sit still, and he immediately transferred more experts to verify Colonel Lynch's argument. The results were terrible, and everyone was surprised to be speechless-they regarded the treasured ‘Sad’ system as being used for anti-ballistic tests by others.

The situation was reported to the Ministry of Defense. The Ministry of Defense immediately blew the pan, the information continued to spread to the President's Office and Congress, and then returned to the Ministry of Defense. The National Security Council meets and the president personally orders to investigate the matter.

In this case, cIa is not enough. The National Security Agency was ordered to investigate what happened? Moreover, it is not enough to investigate domestically. People must be sent to Huaxia for investigation. It is better to confirm what happened to the Chinese version of "Sad".

Knowing that it was extremely dangerous, the Americans still sent intelligence officers brazenly. In order to make the operation smooth, a three-generation Chinese American who grew up in the United States is responsible for the operation.

Because the matter is so important, the director of the National Security Agency even took control of the spy himself, "Your alias is Liu Zonghan, born in Hong Kong, and of Chinese descent in the United States. Your task is extremely difficult this time, and we hope you can find out De 'system leaked intelligence.

To this end, we have enabled several hidden stakes that have stayed inside Huaxia for many years. One of them, a woman named Jin Miao, should be the only one you can rely on. She is a senior cadre of the Huaxia Xinhua News Agency. She was never used by her in the last century.

Jin Miao's career gives her access to various senior Chinese officials and inside information. After we recently re-enabled her, she provided us with some potentially useful information. She said she learned from the side that a special team inside Huaxia Guoan controlled an extremely powerful spy network.

This spynet has caused great harm to the United States. The destruction of the Pandora laboratory recently may be the masterpiece of this spynet.

This 'Sad' leak may also be responsible for it. But the outside world knows nothing about this deadly network ~ www.readwn.com ~ The only flaw may be this woman. "

The Secretary gave a photo of a beautiful woman with a smile on her face, with impeccable looks and dress. "This woman is called Xu Yun, a very famous Chinese singer. Our 'Larson' The woman was attacked in the South China Sea. The woman was on a cruise ship nearby.

Jin Miao said that at that time, the mysterious spy network in Huaxia Guoan may have just started, and the information she received showed that the head of the spy network had paid particular attention to this woman. We guess that this woman may be related to an important member of the spy network, this situation requires you to verify. "

The man known as "Yu Zonghan" is tall, strong, handsome, and in his thirties, with short beards, he has the charm of a mature man. He smiled and picked up Xu Yun's photo. He laughed and said, "Need me to get this woman? I am best at pursuing beautiful women."

The director spread his hands and said seriously: "This spy network is too harmful to us. It penetrates into the depths of our United States. This time we even got our most important anti-missile system, and we didn't even know it was How to do it, so we must find a way to eradicate it.

But this spy network is too deep to hide, we lost a lot of intelligence personnel and could not find more information. This Xu Yun may be the only clue to the inside story, I hope you can make good use of it. We really cannot afford more losses. "

Liu Zonghan stood up right away, saluting solemnly: "Yes, sir! I will definitely take out those guys who are hiding behind the scenes."

"I hope you are well, and God bless the United States!" The Chief of the Commissioner also stood up and saluted, and he was pinning his hopes on this officer.

"May God bless America!" Liu Zonghan gave a positive response. 8

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