Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 862: guess

Standing at the open-air bar on the top floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, you can overlook the night view of the entire Bund. Liu Zonghan, who looked extraordinary, was thinking about the night scene while holding a wine glass. Many beautiful women around him were watching him, but no matter who came over, he was declined.

As an intelligence officer focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, Liu Zonghan with a Chinese face has been repeatedly stationed in China by US intelligence agencies. Since more than ten years ago, he has more than once enjoyed the night view of the magic city, and he clearly remembers the changes of this city every year.

As a yellow-skinned banana man, Liu Zonghan has always been proud of his American background and is willing to work hard to defend the free world. However, this pride can only be demonstrated in Southeast Asia, Japan, and South Korea. When you go to Huaxia, you will feel that this pride is slowly fading.

Especially in Huaxia's most open magic capital, Liu Zonghan can feel that people here are becoming more and more confident. Ten years ago, as long as he showed his identity as a Chinese American, there was no harm in doing anything. But now the people on this land are more knowledgeable and more and more difficult to handle.

Although Liu Zonghan can still rise up in the magic city with his outstanding appearance and noble identity, but he has lost the kind of national treatment in the past. For example ..., he hit a nail again in Miss Houhou.

Liu Zonghan's current status is the vice president of the Asia-Pacific region of a subsidiary of News Corp., a senior executive with an annual salary of one million US dollars. His company is working to promote Xu Yun to the world, making it a true global superstar.

If this kind of good thing happened to another woman, I'm afraid I would have been lying in bed for a long time and started to serve Liu Zonghan. Entertainment, this kind of thing often happens. It is not unusual at home and abroad.

But Xu Yun suddenly left when she met last night. Today she agreed to make an apology in person, but just now her agent called again and said, ‘Miss Tianhou is slightly emaciated and ca n’t come. When to meet and make arrangements ’.

Yesterday, the agent took a more inflamed tone, for fear of offending Liu Zonghan to affect cooperation, but his voice is a little louder today. Liu Zonghan is an intelligence officer. It is an instinct to observe and observe the color, and he can clearly feel that the agent suddenly has more strength.

Liu Zonghan was curious for a while. Overnight, who is supporting such a humble character? He easily bought the bodyguards around Xu Yun through other channels, and got a surprising news-the always arrogant queen young lady hooked up with today's hot 'Lin Sen'.

This situation surprised Liu Zonghan, according to the information provided by the inside line-Xu Yun is probably the mistress of a high-level intelligence officer of China, because she had been under the protection of national security officers for a long time. This is a bit surprising, but it makes sense.

This is not difficult to understand. Liu Zonghan knew that no matter what country, it was common for senior executives to raise beautiful women as lovers. However, in order to possess Xu Yun's unusual appearance, he must have considerable power.

In Liu Zonghan's inner description, his goal should be a high-level Chinese intelligence executive with heavy power. He is fierce, rigid, energetic, ruthless, and capable. He is between fifty and sixty years old, but also needs a woman who enjoys tenderness under the hard, icy appearance.

Liu Zonghan wants to know who this person is behind by contacting Xu Yun? In the end, it was clear who had constructed a mysterious intelligence network and was constantly stealing American secrets. But he never expected that the person who could stay in Xu Yunxiang's girlfriend turned out to be 'Lin Sen'.

"It's so puzzling." The identity of 'Lin Sen' is not in line with Liu Zonghan's vision of the goal. Although 'Lin Sen' also has a great reputation, this is far from the King of agents who can stir the world and make the rest of the entire United States restless. That guy is just a more successful act.

"Perhaps 'Lin Sen' is the son of a senior official." Liu Zonghan thought suddenly, and after the idea burst, he couldn't clean it up-that's right, this young man is definitely a background person, and the background is not unusual.

‘Lin Sen’ came out just over a year ago, but he has been receiving a lot of attention from the moment he appeared. His films have been translated into many languages ​​without any publicity. This is definitely not what ordinary film companies can do. He needs a strong administrative force to promote it.

‘Lin Sen’ may be the illegitimate child of a major official, otherwise how could he be an ordinary person with current achievements? He even traveled to the United States as a ambassador for peace, which requires a strong political background.

The more Liu Zonghan thought, the more excited he became. He began to recall the identity information of Linsen, but there was nothing to prove. But the more ordinary 'Lin Sen' is, the more unusual he is.

Liu Zonghan was a little excited. He knew who he should look for to verify his guess-the secret stump responsible for providing him with intelligence support, the spy Jin Miao buried inside the Huaxia Xinhua News Agency.

Jin Miao doesn't know who Liu Zonghan is? She only knew that she had been activated suddenly for more than ten or twenty years, and then the Americans began to ask her to provide relevant information. However, she does have access to a lot of confidential information.

But for Ms. Lin Sen, Jin Miao can't find anything special ~ www.readwn.com ~ but she agrees with Liu Zonghan's "Senior Official Hypothesis". There is a song that sings-'No one can succeed at will'. This guy named Lin Sen can't come out suddenly.

Nothing, nothing, nothing!

But the more you can't find it, the more the problem.

‘Lin Sen’ has no agent, no contact information, no film company, and no one in the entertainment industry is familiar with him. But at first he came out to participate in the Modu Film Festival. It seems that he has won the best actor with no backing.

Who dares to say that there is no insider?

At the time, all three candidates competing with Lin Sen encountered various scandals, and all of them were badly moldy afterwards. This means that the back office is very hard, and it is like an iron plate. Who knows who kicks!

This person definitely has a problem and it is worth digging deeper.

In the absence of other progress, Liu Zonghan applied to his superiors to request a change in the direction of the investigation. He felt that he should take a closer look at this Chinese star who could not see the dragon, and maybe he could get an unexpected gain.

The U.S. side is no different, things have broken down to the present point, and they are as rushed to the doctor as headless flies. Because China ’s recent anti-missile test is still going on, Xinjiang has hit it several times. Compared with the previous one, it has always missed. Now the hit rate is greatly improved.

It is likely that the rabbits are using 'Sad' technology to improve their own antimissile system. If this matter is really successful, it will not only mean that the 'Sad' system has been mastered and scrapped, but also a significant drop in the rate of ballistic missile penetration in the future.

Now I have to look for any clues ..., look at this guy named Lin Sen!

"I might catch a big fish," Liu Zonghan thought quietly. He didn't think he might be a prehistoric monster. 8

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