Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 865: 2 drugs


A loud sneeze came from the room, and the middle-aged woman in the living room said sadly to her husband: "The college entrance examination is coming next week, and the child actually has a cold. This definitely affects the review. What can I do?"

If the college entrance examination is not good, the impact will be great. ??? If you want to go to a good university, you must have good grades, otherwise your child will be affected for life. But the middle-aged man on the side had no choice but to frown and said, "What can I do? Go to the doctor and take a cold medicine."

"I've seen it for a long time, and I've been taking medicine for a few days, but I haven't seen it well." The middle-aged woman was half-blameful and half-sorrowful and said to her husband, "Hurry up and try something!"

His wife was stunned, and her husband was helpless, so he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go to the pharmacy to see if there are any special medicines."

When you go out, go to the street, there is a pharmacy on the side of the road.

But the middle-aged man can't believe those small pharmacies and clinics. He went to the big pharmacy in the city and asked the doctor who said: "Master, my child has a cold, but he will have a college entrance examination next week. What's the better cold? Can the medicine speed up his review without affecting his review? "

The doctor in the store looked at the ordinary dress of the middle-aged man, and felt that it was also the ordinary working-class. He pointed him directly to the corner of the counter and said, "Well, take Lanchen cold medicine, a pack is effective. This is us Tianyang Pharmaceutical Factory. "

"What good medicine can we make in Tianyang?" The middle-aged man couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Furthermore, how long has Lanchen brand smelled for years? You can introduce a better medicine. My child's study is important, and it's expensive. Row."

"Then you can think of it as bad. This medicine is really good. It is said that the new version of the improved formula has been used and said it is good. It is now a family medicine. It is not expensive for a pack of fifteen." The doctor still solemnly recommends it.

Looking at the recommended medicine, it is only a pack of fifteen dollars. Thinking that the doctor cannot pit himself for this money, the middle-aged man sells a pack to try. Before leaving, I saw a lot of drinks in the freezer of the drug store. He thought that it was hot now, and he picked his most expensive bottle of "Extreme Ice Cool" with his teeth.

When she returned home, when she saw that her husband actually sold ‘Blue Morning’, she could n’t help complaining: “This medicine does n’t work, it ’s a smelly brand in the early years. Cheap is not good, you just ca n’t bear to spend money.”

"The doctor recommended it, and said it was a revised version." The middle-aged man drank the medicine and brought the bottle of "Extreme Cool" to the child's study room.

After watching the child drink the medicine, the father put the drink aside and said: "If you are tired, you can rest and just go to a regular university. Dad didn't expect you to take Tsinghua University."

Classmate Huang Xiaoming smiled awkwardly. He will have the college entrance examination next week. His studies are usually good, but there is a big gap between Tsinghua University and Peking University. He took the bottle of "Extreme Cool" and said "Thank you Dad" and continued to immerse himself in various simulation papers.

The room was quiet again, and Huang Xiaoming who took the medicine soon felt much better. At least most of the symptoms of dizziness and nasal congestion disappeared, and most of the questions were relaxed. He couldn't help but grab that cold cold drink and filled a small bottle, and it felt even better.

Alas ... Huang Xiaoming felt that his mind was suddenly sober. The thinking of the problem was instantly clear. A problem that took at least ten minutes in the past was solved by him in five minutes.

The next thing is that if there is any divine help, Huang's problem-solving speed will be significantly accelerated. In his head, he will constantly recall the main points of the knowledge that the teacher has said. The key is that he can also link these knowledge points and apply them in an indirect way.

Wow ..., doing one question will be one question, and one question will be one question, this refreshing is very encouraging, and the more you do, the happier you are. After completing a test paper, Huang Xiaoming's time to solve the problem was reduced by half, and the score was increased by 20 to 30. His score was full.

It's so goddamn, this thing is too bad!

Huang Xiaoming completed a test paper and felt that his spirit was still very good. He made another one, and he was still in a magical state. Both the time consuming and the score were much better than his usual scores. But even after doing two test papers, he began to feel tired and had to take a nap after lunch.

After getting up to sleep for three hours, Huang Xiaoming still wanted to continue the courageous state in the morning, but he was now aware of his cold, but the clear problem-solving and refreshing feeling had disappeared. Whether it was time-consuming or scores, he returned to the usual state.


Looking at the test papers done in the morning, Huang Xiaoming still has the deep memory of freely doing the questions, but many knowledge points need to be repeatedly considered before they can come to mind, and the integration is exhausting the brain—no, I did it very easily in the morning of.

Huang Xiaoming looked at the bottle of “Extreme Ice” that was left at the table. It seemed that it was after drinking this bottle that people had magical problem-solving effects. He quickly grabbed the drink bottle to find his parents, and wanted to ask where did the drink come from?

But Huang Xiaoming's parents are not home, he can only take the money out of the street to buy a bottle on his own. He is now sure that his magical state in the morning must be unusual. "If a bottle of beverage can be so powerful, I must fill this home with this beverage."

There is a ‘Extreme Cooler’ at the roadside shop, and Huang Xiaoming ca n’t wait to buy a bottle to pour into his mouth. After drinking it, it feels-this orange water seems to be delicious, and it is very refreshing and happy after drinking, but ..., it doesn't have the amazing feeling in the morning.

Huang Xiaoming thought he had suddenly grasped a big secret, as if Peter Parker had been bitten by a spider. He could have a magical learning ability by drinking a drink. But the results were very disappointing ~ www.readwn.com ~ The drinks seemed to be good, but just good.

"Hmm ... I know daydreaming is unreliable." Huang Xiaoming went home dejected again. "How could it be possible to master the ability by drinking a drink? This is obviously whimsical. It should be a sudden cold. After that, the situation suddenly burst. "

Facing the endless simulation paper again, Huang Xiaoming continued to struggle in the sea of ​​questions. He always wanted to experience the magic of a sudden cleverness, but that feeling never appeared again.

In the evening, parents go home to make dinner. The family sat at the dining table while chatting, and the mother asked, "Xiao Ming, is your cold better? If not, we have to get some good medicine. Your dad just saves that money and cannot afford to sell expensive medicine. "

The blown Huang Xiaoming was immersed in his meal, and responded weakly. "I have a cold, and I have no stuffy nose or dizziness."

"Really good?"

"Really good."

The mother and the child finished the simple conversation, worried that the criticized father would quickly shout, "I just said that the medicine works! How can other doctors lie to us. Cheap and effective, we still have good companies in Tianyang."

Is the medicine effective? What medicine works?

An electric light suddenly flashed in Huang Xiaoming's head. He suddenly looked up at his father, and asked with a somewhat surprised expression: "Dad, what medicine do you give me this morning?"

"A cold medicine."

"What cold medicine?"

"Lan Chen cold medicine."

"Ah ... I know, I drank two kinds of things at that time." Huang Xiaoming stood up abruptly, threw away the chopsticks after eating half of the meal, and hurried out with money to go out to the street. It's two things, two things to drink together. "

Watching his child suddenly ran out with hysteria, the couple at the table looked at each other, "What's wrong with this child?" 8

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