Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 881: march

Why join the party? Because joining the party is a shortcut to upward promotion.

No matter how good a big man is, he has won a lot of awards and is at best a king of soldiers. If you want to establish greater military achievements, you must lead troops, but how can you prevent them from joining the party?

Now that he has arrived in North Korea, Zhou Qingfeng will not confess his fate. No matter how good the soldier is, it is the cannon fodder's life. If he wants to survive well, he must work hard to climb up.

Uncle Zhou was a person who had served as the head of the legion. There were not one thousand or eight hundred personnel appointment letters signed in peacetime. He knows that promotion is not the most important talent, but whether this person is with me. If it weren't for one heart, wouldn't it be that the more power you have, the more you pit yourself?

Joining the party is a statement to superiors. I have one mind with the organization.

However, the party members of the rabbit family are really difficult to enter. Especially in this war year, the identity of the party member is Jin Gui. For example: Everyone has heard of the term 'FireWire Joining the Party'. This is basically a reward for those who are about to become martyrs.

Zhou Qingfeng made a few clever suggestions to help the people in the automobile transportation group realize the role of air defense and camouflage in advance, but this credit can't change the status of party member.

Party members' cheapness is not so easy to occupy. Although Lili's political commissar personally praised Zhou Qingfeng, he only gave him the status of an activist, and did he even want to join the party? It depends on your next performance.

Paralysis, others are pit fathers, I pit myself!

The weather is extremely cold, and it is said to be the coldest winter in North Korea in recent decades. The temperature at the end of October is already close to zero. Although Zhou Qingfeng had experienced nuclear winter in the icy miles, he never ran into the wild on foot during the nuclear winter!

You have to know that even when Uncle Zhou expeditioned to Baltimore in the wasteland, he took a transport plane and brought the vehicle with sufficient logistical support. At present, the volunteer army has a diao hair, and the troops march on two legs of the infantry.

March, march, march continuously! The weather is cold, the roads are bad, and the food is not good, but the troops have never stopped moving forward.

During the headless march, Lienli's political commissar suddenly stood at the side of the road and shouted, "Comrade Jing found the enemy in 'Wen Jing', and now we are only more than 80 miles away. Work harder, the Party Central Committee and You are watching us, you must fight! "

Suddenly ... morale broke out after this voice shouted. Everyone went forward like a chicken, and moved forward, as if never tired.

The whole company marched hurriedly, and Zhou Qingfeng had to follow his leg. But he was mad in his heart: march, march, march, never stopped after entering the DPRK on the 19th. I can't stand twice as much body as ordinary people, why are you still able to walk than me?

What Zhou Qingfeng can see is the one in front of the hundred people. Everyone is wearing an earth-colored cotton coat, a cotton hat with earmuffs, and a pair of rubber shoes under his feet.

Such military uniforms have to get rid of scum, and many people's clothes are still worn, such as someone's shoes are perforated, and they keep walking around. The soldiers were all iron feet, Zhou Qingfeng always felt that he was able to endure hardships, but compared with them is the spoiled little master.

I can't stand it, I want to stop. I want to kill the enemy, and I would rather fight it immediately than leave.

Zhou Qingfeng touched his kettle, which was originally filled with boiling water, but now it is cold and cold. But he didn't care whether it was cold or not, he unscrewed it and poured it into his mouth. I've drank it twice, **** ... I don't even have water.

This **** * fights a bird!

"Here, drink me." The big man with the machine gun has been side by side with Zhou Qingfeng. This guy carries more weight than Zhou Qingfeng, but he has always maintained a strong morale. Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's water drank, he immediately passed over his kettle.

"Forget it, I bear it." Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to be taken care of by others. The commander of the army had the self-esteem of the commander of the army. He is a super soldier anyway, and can't be compared casually.

At this meeting, Uncle Zhou is full of angry big fat man. You are not good at fighting as a wicked ghost. Are you okay when you're full? You hit the south stick to provoke Eagle Sauce, but want us to clean up the mess for you.

Also, the Soviet steel comrades are not a good thing. They acquiesced to the fat man to take action. Now that something is wrong, he hides and does not help, so that the flower planter can only fill it out. It ’s okay to fill it with your life, so you have to buy some weapons and equipment. Even if it is outdated during World War II!

Let ’s see what the volunteer army used just now? Japanese weapon. Have you heard that the main force of a country's military is armed by seizures? The flower planter is.

There are not many artillery in an army, and they are all Japanese or American artillery with various calibers. A sixty small mortar is the baby's heavy firepower, so there are few shells.

It seemed that Zhou Qingfeng had deep grievances, and the big machine gun hit his arm with his own kettle and grinned, "Drink.

Yeah, it's a long way.

Zhou Qingfeng, who had a dry mouth, could not help but took a big sip from the kettle. The cold water poured into the throat, and the burning throat finally felt better. And he was unwilling to take advantage of others, "Give me your machine gun, I will carry it for you for a while."

"Hey ... don't don't."

"Don't worry, you can't break your baby machine gun. Isn't it a crooked handle? This broken gun is very bad. I'll give you an American M2HB. That stuff will be great."

The machine gun couldn't be twisted, so Zhou Qingfeng was given the ‘crooked handle’. I just heard Zhou Qingfeng said that his gun was bad, and he was unhappy. "This gun is so good. I think we didn't even have one in that camp.

At that time, when Japanese soldiers saw that the situation was not right, they would rather destroy it than let us seize it. This machine gun was not easy for me. Several soldiers died before they got it, which is rare. "

Good ghost, there are not many good goods for infantry equipment in Little Japan, but there are a lot of pit people.

But Zhou Qingfeng couldn't tell his own vomiting, he just felt an inexplicable soreness in his nose. This kind of broken machine gun is still hard-won in the volunteer army. How did we fight this battle? How can we push back the incomparable Americans?

I have to fight, I have to seize it, I do n’t want this broken weapon, I want beautiful weapons. Lao Tzu would rather be hard-headed than stop running around like this.

The cold wind continued to blow ~ www.readwn.com ~ The physical strength of the soldiers under the high-intensity rapid march fell quickly, but everyone insisted on clenching their teeth. Some people started to shake while walking, but still did not stop moving forward.

"Bring your gun, I'll carry it for you."

"Don't talk nonsense. Come on, I help you."

"Fight hard, is Wenjing's ghost place here? I can't wait to kill the enemy!"

Zhou Qingfeng soon had four or five rifles on his body, and dragged a fast-moving soldier forward. He himself clenched his teeth, insisted, and insisted, in the cold mountains of North Korea.

Until the end of the mountain road for dozens of miles, there was cheering all over. Zhou Qingfeng found out that everyone was extremely exhausted, but they were eager to fight because only combat could rest.

When Zhou Qingfeng, who was so tired and sweated coldly, entered the ambush position, his heart was as hot as a kind of fire... Fight fast! (To be continued.).


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