Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 892: Interview

Anton, volunteer logistics station. One ..., inside the latrine.

"No matter how great a man is, he has to **** on his own. It has been like this since ancient times." Zhou Qingfeng squatted in the smelly toilet for a long time, his face frowning without the authority of the army commander.

"I won't eat fried soy anymore after I go back. Eating this stuff will cause me a lot of shit, it's just that I can't get along with myself. It's still good for American soldiers to eat. I'll wait for a way to collect more points next time."

Zhou Qingfeng entered the DPRK on October 19. The first battle was fought on the 25th. On the 26th, the seized truck was delivered to the Andong station in the country. The fighting was not bitter, but life was terrible. He now knows what life the inhabitants of the bottom of the wasteland are living, it is too miserable.

Consuming a few rough sheets of paper, Zhou Qingfeng wore a bloated cotton out of the latrine, and the whole person was much lighter. He looked at the rustic look in his own soil, and looked at the same gray dress of the busy people at the soldier station, only with a long sigh.

Ordinary people have to live decades of hardships before they can wait for a day of revival!

"Comrade Xiaozhou, Comrade Xiaozhou." A cadre with glasses running across the latrine, with a smile on his face, beckoned to Zhou Qingfeng with enthusiasm. "Xinhua News Agency has a comrade from reporters to interview you."

Due to the pressure of volunteer transportation, there is a shortage of means of transportation. Therefore, more than 20 trucks brought by Zhou Qingfeng were immediately transferred to Andong Logistics Station. To what extent are the transportation facilities at the military station lacking? Food was piled up behind the mountains, but the soldiers in front were hungry.

In order to transport supplies, all Nanbei drivers drawn by Zhou Qingfeng were recruited. The Logistics Department of the Volunteer Army even wanted him to join a car transportation group, and he was made the platoon leader directly.

But Zhou Qingfeng didn't agree with life and death. He would rather go to the front line and fight hard with the Americans, than drive the car and be bombed by the Americans on the road. It won't be long before Americans will launch the 'Strangling Strike in the Air'. Driving a car and transporting it is the most dangerous and aggrieved.

Zhou Qingfeng had to stay for another day when he arrived at the military station to unload the truck. The logistics department immediately used these trucks to transport supplies to several divisions on the front line, and he happened to return with the truck. I thought it was a day of doing nothing, only to find someone still found him.

"Interview me?" Zhou Qingfeng asked puzzledly, "What did I interview?"

"You are now a fighting hero. Volunteers defeated a puppet regiment of the South Korean army in the first battle of the DPRK and severely attacked the arrogance of the enemy. The 354th regiment has reported to the Volunteer Command the soldiers who performed well in the battle. Among them, you Just the first! "

The person who found Zhou Qingfeng was a propaganda officer holding a pen. It is estimated that he wrote more than eight articles on weekdays, showing a sour gas. He pulled Zhou Qingfeng and said, "You have to change your clothes. I'll get you a rifle, and the reporter will take a picture for you, and you will be in the newspaper. It's glorious."

For other soldiers, I heard that I could publish the newspaper, but I was afraid I was so excited. But Zhou Qingfeng hasn't been a star for a day or two. Why hasn't the media been on it? I don't think so.

"Changing clothes? It's not necessary." Zhou Qingfeng didn't mind being interviewed or anything, but he felt that he had to change clothes for an interview, which was too exaggerated.

"You are in an American outfit, which does not meet the requirements. We should have our own characteristics." The propaganda officer saw that the tactical outfit on Zhou Qingfeng was a bit dazzling. In his opinion, the volunteers should 'bundle' a bunch of straps.

"What's wrong with the American outfit?" Zhou Qingfeng was unwilling to listen to this. He casually pulled a passerby and asked, "Ma'am, what do you think of me wearing this?"

The aunt passing by saw a handsome guy who was a soldier and asked himself, but smiled lightly: "Nice, very spirited."

"I seized it from the puppet army in South Korea, and we fought a victory!" Zhou Qingfeng was also ‘cracked by people’ and had a high-spirited shout. He is a pragmatist unwilling to suffer for his face.

"Good boy, good job." As soon as the young man was a soldier coming down from the battlefield, the aunt passing by was immediately overjoyed and even took him to eat boiled eggs at home. Even other passers-by came around and asked hurriedly.

"Do you suffer on the battlefield?"

"Is the enemy terrible?"

"Are our soldiers all right?"

Various problems emerged endlessly, and the masses were very enthusiastic. Zhou Qingfeng also answered these questions one by one, "The South Korean army is nothing, Americans ... It should still be very powerful. Life on the battlefield must be very difficult, but my comrades are confident to persist . "

While Zhou Qingfeng was telling the truth, the propaganda officer on the side was sweating anxiously. This is completely wrong with his image of heroic and fearless revolutionary soldier. He had always wanted to pull Zhou Qingfeng away, but it was no wonder that he could pull it.

At this moment, there was a clicking sound on the side of the road. Someone was holding a camera and continuously shooting at Zhou Qingfeng surrounded by the crowd ~ www.readwn.com ~ a mighty warrior, a passionate crowd, the picture is very harmonious .

When the propaganda officer looked at the person who took the picture, he suddenly shouted, "Let ’s go, let it go. Comrade Xinhua News Agency reporters are coming for an interview. Please observe discipline and don't watch."

When the cadres were heard, the people slowly dispersed. A young girl wearing a military uniform and holding a camera came over, a smile blushing, and actively reached out: "Hello, Comrade Zhou Qingfeng. My surname is Xiao. I am a reporter from Xinhua News Agency. I am very happy to meet you."

"Hello, Reporter Xiao." Zhou Qingfeng also reached out his hand generously and shook the small hand of the pretty female reporter.

"Wait a minute, ..." The propaganda officer interjected suddenly, "Reporter Xiao, let's interview at another official place. Comrade Xiaozhou is not ready."

"I just want to go back to the soldier station dormitory and talk all the way." Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to be held by his nose, and started to lead the way.

As soon as things got out of control, the propaganda officer immediately said coldly, "Comrade Zhou Qingfeng, would you please cooperate? Okay? The propaganda work is also very important. We only consider you as a typical propaganda after careful consideration. But if If you don't cooperate, I must criticize you. "

"I also feel that the propaganda work is very important. But some people simply cannot understand the intentions of their superiors, lack of ability, rigid thinking, and only dogmatic propaganda."

Zhou Qingfeng taunted nonchalantly: "You only think that I have a problem with the appearance of Americans, but I haven't thought about the benefits of this thing. This kind of practice, as long as you don't lose face, will kill a lot of people. "

Listening to Zhou Qingfeng's daring to refute himself, the propaganda officer suddenly became angry. But Uncle Zhou didn't bird him at all, and reporter Xiao, who came to interview himself, left. (To be continued.)

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