Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 895: Instant noodle

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. ???"

"I was touched by some of your thoughts and words, and I hope you can continue to maintain the quality of independent thinking."

"Actually, I also sent someone else's notebook. This is just a normal transaction. Don't listen to those aunts talking nonsense."

Seeing that Zhou Qingfeng really chased it out, reporter Xiao with a red face and ears tried to make himself clearer and more generous, so as not to introduce some negative situations. But when the tall man in front of her approached her, she could only raise her head slightly to look up.

"You ..." Reporter Xiao had a feeling of being suppressed. The man in front of him was too tall. By comparison, she was very petite. Suddenly she loosened her shoulders, thinking that if the other party was really entangled, she could only reject it coldly, lest good things turn bad.

Zhou Qingfeng chased from the canteen to the street outside, watching the female reporter staring at him with 100,000 vigilance and resistance. He just smiled and smiled: "Don't be nervous, I just come back as a gift. You send me a notebook and I'll send you a pen. "

A Parker pen was handed to reporter Shao. The pen was very beautiful, and at first glance it was a good thing of great value. She liked it at first sight, but ... "This is too expensive, I can't accept it."

"This is my trophy in the first war against the United States and aid North Korea. I think it will be more useful in your hands." Zhou Qingfeng shrugged indifferently.

"Lot? You should turn it in, otherwise it will be a violation of discipline. This will affect your future."

"A pen can affect the future, what is the use? I want a more ambitious future, and I will fight for it myself. This pen is still a little commemorative, so you can accept it with peace of mind."

Zhou Qingfeng stuffed his pen in the past and turned away. "Don't think too much about it. This is just a simple friendship between revolutionary comrades."

When Zhou Qingfeng waved his hand and left, reporter Xiao, who had originally felt oppressed, suddenly felt lost. She shouted ‘oh…’ at the tall back of Zhou Qingfeng, but when the man turned back, she did n’t know what to say, but only said “take care”.

Zhou Qingfeng smiled and left, free and easy.

When the Sri Lankans went away, reporter Xiao could only turn around and return. The propaganda officer just came up again, and sue like a complaint: "Reporter Xiao, the big Zhou has been collectively studied by our propaganda department, and we must give criticism and education. You are not firm.

Reporter Xiao was thinking, turning his head to see that the propaganda officer around him was disgusted. She said coldly, "You are just a small army station logistics propaganda office. Why do you criticize people? Yes, some grass-roots cadres are not good enough, and they have a good temper.

Such people feel that they have a certain right in their hands, and they feel that they are superior to others. Rather than thinking about how to work well, they wantonly suppressed the soldiers on the front line. In this case, I will write it in my report.

Resistance to the United States and aid of the DPRK is a great war, a roar of confidence for our nation, and an important milestone in the advancement of our country. I do not allow anyone to destroy it. "

Reporter Xiao felt that some of Zhou Qingfeng's words were really good and level. She quoted one by one, and suddenly felt very happy. It was only her big hat that had been buttoned down that made the propaganda officer's face pale.

Leaving aside the confused propaganda officer, Reporter Xiao burst into a fiery passion. She must refine Zhou Qingfeng's words and formally present it to the internal reference of Xinhua News Agency, so that more people can see the thought and wisdom of the fighting hero.

Of course, taboo speech cannot be used in the name of Zhou Qingfeng. It is better to say something as a reporter, after all, a reporter is the uncrowned king who wants to express his attitude.

However, before this, reporter Xiao also wanted to come up with some actual results to improve his voice. For example, 'Instant Noodles' mentioned by Zhou Qingfeng. Isn't it just fried noodles? It should not be difficult.

The production of industrialized instant noodles is actually very troublesome. Many special equipment are used, and the low temperature drying process is a big trouble. But if it is a small workshop, there are a lot of procedures that can be simplified. The key is to drain the cooked noodles and fry them so they are easy to transport and store.

Anton's soldier station has nothing else, flour, kitchen and chef are all complete. In fact, the current logistics department of the volunteer army also has a headache. It needs to supply more than 100,000 troops in North Korea to eat and drink Lhasa. This is a completely new issue for the 6th army, which is not a modern army.

Americans can rely on a strong industrial system to supply front-line soldiers with a variety of nutrient-rich foods. There are many categories and complete varieties, and even ice cream is delivered to the front line. But do you think that for the time being, don't think so far, the goal of "filling your belly" is very difficult to achieve.

With his natural identity as a reporter of Xinhua News Agency, Xiao Lan was still very easy to establish a new Ming. The fried noodles don't take about a dozen pounds in the morning, and then all kinds of tasting.

It ’s crispy when it ’s dry, and it ’s much better than fried soy beans, and it ’s a hundred times stronger than the “fried noodles” in the future. And once the hot water is soaked, you can eat it for a few minutes ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is really simple.

"You also need to order dried vegetables and minced meat so that they are more nutritious."

"Packed in iron drums, you are not afraid of squeezing during transportation."

"This thing can be eaten immediately on the front line, greatly simplifying logistics. Moreover, it can be eaten dry and does not need to make a fire, which will greatly reduce the probability of being spotted by the enemy air force."

Reporter Xiao's experiment was quite successful. In the past, no one thought that noodles could be fried, but the effect was very outstanding. As her product continued to improve, more and more leaders came to inspect the site.

At present, the logistics of the volunteer army is still under the responsibility of the logistics department of the Northeast Military Region. The instant noodles packed in iron buckets were quickly brought to the commander of the Logistics Command and several political commissars. These professional soldiers looked at the samples sent with critical eyes.

"It tastes pretty good."

"It tastes good, especially with the side dishes."

"The key is simplicity."

A commander and a political commissar were all very satisfied after they tasted it. They just picked up the instant noodle production records written by reporter Xiao. Everyone frowned when it came to processing and food consumption—whether they were fried or naturally fried. The loquats are so poor that they don't even have a little cooking oil.

"At present, enemy planes are raging, day and night bombing, frontline troops march at night, it is not easy to cook in the daytime. This kind of instant noodles can be processed first and sent to the frontline for trial eating. If the response is good, we will promote it. As for the shortcoming of fuel consumption, we Find out for yourself. "

The Logistics Department of the Northeast Military Region finally decided to try it. Naturally, this try gave up the history of "fried noodles". After all, instant noodles are much better than fried noodles like earth.

This small change by Zhou Qingfeng has greatly eased the difficulties of resisting the United States and assisting North Korea from the basic logistical supply. Anyway, let the soldiers eat better, and let him eat better! 8

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