Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 900: Old driver, you drive!

Hearing the sound of the car rumbling from far to near, Zhou Qingfeng climbing on the tree quickly twisted a large branch around him and dropped it.

Hmm ..., the message tree. The communication means in the soil is fine. The underground militia Qingfeng issued instructions and quickly passed the order-all pay attention, ready to fight.

At this juncture, it is also necessary. Otherwise, people can escape into the mountains and wilderness to eat and drink, but the team cannot escape.

The head of an M3 troop carrier appeared in sight, and Zhou Qingfeng took out the tattered red flag. This was originally tied to the team and was taken down as a signal flag. The flag was raised, and the militiamen responsible for pulling the bombs tightened the twine in their hands.

When the troop carrier was ten meters away from the buried site, Zhou Qingfeng waved the red flag heavily. The stringed militia hid in a bush more than 20 meters away from the site where the soil bomb was buried.

An earthen grenade was pulled, and about half a kilogram of T * n * T explosive was tied to it, which was enough to blow the personnel carrier into the sky. After waving the red flag, Zhou Qingfeng was waiting for the picture.

The cold wind is still whistling, the temperature is still cold, everything in this wild world is still the same, and the convoy of the South Stick Supply Center is still driving. Damn, that grenade didn't blow up?

Zhou Qingfeng's mind was numb immediately ... My heart had already scolded the earth for its ability to make grenades. This technique is too trendy! But just when he was thinking of starting a remedial plan, the grenade exploded-it was delayed by three seconds, and it really killed someone.

Half a kilogram of explosive was still detonated, but it failed to blow up any car. Due to an additional delay of three seconds, the personnel carrier at Nanbang Road had driven past the location where the bomb was buried, leaving a distance of seven or eight meters.

The explosive explosion created a violent sound and vibration, and it also raised a large amount of dust to permeate the entire battlefield. But because it wasn't blown up at all, this power shattered the windows of the Nanbang Supply Depot at most, and jumped the soldiers' scared farts out of the team.

Cheating ... the explosion didn't have much success. But now the battle has begun. let's hit!

While the opponent was turning dizzy, the red flag in Zhou Qingfeng's hand waved twice again, and the two personnel carriers controlled by himself immediately rushed out. They will have a decisive assault.

And Zhou Qingfeng was not idle, he had several cluster grenades on hand, six grenades were tied together, and he was fastened with a belt of more than one meter long. Grabbing the belt of the trousers, he flicked it all over his head.

The cluster grenade roared around Zhou Qingfeng's head for three turns, and then he let out his hand. Six bundles of grenades flew off the pull ring and flew more than 50 meters away. They slammed into a truck on the road.

The cluster grenade broke through the window and landed on the cab seat. The driver was throbbing at the sound of the explosion that had just sounded. This was a bunch of smoke grenades by his side, and a wow shouted immediately. He opened the door and jumped out.

Boom ..., the cluster grenade exploded, and the driver who jumped out of the cab was instantly engulfed by the shock wave. Following a few seconds interval, a burst of loud noise shook the world-Nanbang truck was loaded with ammunition and was detonated!

Huge vibrations spread back and forth between heaven and earth.

"What happened?" Lieutenant Nanbat, who was in the back of the convoy, was scared to jump up. In fact, his question was meaningless. Hearing this continuous explosion, the fool knew that he had been attacked.

"Get off, get off, fight back, fight back." Lieutenant Nan Nan shouted in his mouth, but he got out of the truck in a panic, and crawled into the bushes and trees by the road without a fly.

The entire Nanbei team spread for hundreds of meters. After Zhou Qingfeng threw out two cluster grenades at hand to create huge confusion, he began to use his ‘three and eight big covers’ for accurate shooting.

A lot of smoke and dust soared in front of the convoy to target people, and a large number of soldiers and officers who jumped out of the car later became Zhou Qingfeng's target.

One shot, a Nangan officer holding a pistol 100 meters away was hit by a bullet in the chest. His gesture of waving his command kept attracting the eyes of death. The soldier next to him quickly bowed his head and retracted into the grass on the side of the road, no longer looking up easily.

Regardless of how Zhou Qingfeng fired, the number of enemies had an absolute advantage. Nanbao soldiers kept jumping from the truck, and they used guns in their hands to shoot in suspicious directions. This aimless attack could only give them courage.

However, this brave behavior also caused them a lot of trouble, and the two M3 personnel carriers that got the order for the attack burst into the smoke rising from the explosion.

The militia captain on the first car held the m2hB d-shaped grip, and the whole machine gun immediately began to vibrate rhythmically after pressing the trigger. With a muzzle of more than a meter long, the large-caliber bullets shot out.

The driver's monitor of the driver also yelled, rushing forward like a mad tiger. On the convertible, the bullet flew over his head, and the louder the gunshot, the more crazy he became. As a result, the old driver went a little crazy, and directly collided with the former guide transporter whose luck had not been blown to the sky.

The people in the two cars were upset at the collision.

The people on the Nanbat troop carrier opposite were being attacked by a sudden attack and wondered what to do. It stands to reason that they should get off the car immediately, and the heavy machine gun on the car countered the fire prop. But in the dust, they didn't wait for them to organize. They were not afraid of death, and the deadly enemies had been killed.

The fifty ammunition box was emptied within ten seconds. As soon as the fire stopped, the captain of the militia responsible for firing was dumbfounded ~ www.readwn.com ~ The car also stopped, and when he was excited, he pulled the trigger to the end, and the bullet spit out.

The second troop carrier behind was very clever, and when it turned around, it passed from the side of the road to take the lead. The captain of the militia immediately looked at the Nanbang captives around him-he only learned to shoot, not how to reload.

Just ten seconds after the captive was loaded, the smoke from the explosion just slightly dissipated. The driver's squadron and the militia captain of the collision faced the situation on the m3 troop carrier. The blistering close-range crit just now had terrible consequences.

Because the M3 troop carrier is a convertible car, the occupants in the car are not fully protected, and all 50 large-caliber machine gun ammunition are sprayed on the other car. The driver of Nanba's troop carrier, the machine gunner and several soldiers were all smashed by machine gun bombs and their bodies were incomplete.

After the bullet penetrated several corpses, its power continued unabated, and it continued to be fired on the truck following it. The front of the truck was suddenly beaten out of sight, with bullet holes and a blood-red splash mark left in the cab, that was the other driver.

"I did this?" Suddenly the captain of the militia yelled, "I'm so powerful? If I could go back alive, his mother would be enough for me to blow my whole life."

With a click, the m2hB case lid was closed. Under the intimidation of the bayonet, Nanbang prisoners had refilled a new fifty ammunition box.

With one hit, the militia captain was full of pride. He yelled at the squad leader, who was also stunning, "What are you still doing? Old driver, you drive! Rest assured, my technology will not turn over." This site recommends a free novel APP, bid farewell to all advertising. Please pay attention to WeChat public account to download and install appxsyd

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