Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 904: Night

At night, the world is dark. Δhunting Δtext network WwΔW. ΔLieWen. Cc has no moonlight, no starlight, and can't see five fingers. This situation made Zhou Qingfeng helpless. He had no night vision equipment, and he could not see anything.

Squatting in the woods beside the road, only the endless cold wind was blowing from the side, no fire lighting, and nothing to provide light. Zhou Qingfeng could only hold a rope that touched the land mine in his hand and leaned silently behind a big tree. He couldn't do anything else.

Suddenly a little light lit up in the night, Zhou Qingfeng moved suddenly and watched intently. He is in the limelight and can't hear anything in the distance, but judging the movement of the light spot should be a car.

No ... not a car. More and more light spots emerged from the night. It was a convoy and the lights pierced the night.

"One, two, three ..." Zhou Qingfeng had seized the telescope in his hands. After zooming in on the distant scene, he could see that there were more than twenty trucks rushing on the road overnight. All the spare cars in the Nanbang Seven Missions Department. "

Although Yankee's cars are countless, it is not unlimited to equip them to a Southern League. In order to save the regiment supply station, the head of the Nanbang Seventh regiment dispatched all the vehicles he could dispatch.

The enemy not only sent cars, but even ransacked all the petrol for this operation. If the operation fails, the already depleted oil supply of the Seven Missions will bottom out. In fact, the head of Nanbang Seven Regiment regretted the fact that he had sent a manpower.

The regiment supply station must be finished, and there is nothing to save. Even if the number of opponents is small, it is certainly possible to destroy the materials that cannot be taken away.

However, it was not long before the rescue team was on the road, and Major Fleming of the U.S. Army returned a message saying, 'The enemy may not have destroyed all the supplies.'

After confirming this news, the morale of the entire fast company improved by a few points. After all, no one wants to run hard and see a pile of burning ashes.

Thinking of the upcoming battle with the army, the blood of Major Fleming, who commanded the company, was almost boiling. How he hopes to have a thrilling battle to prove his talent, maybe he can add a beautiful stroke to his resume.

Major Fleming is very confident in himself. The company he led was trained by himself, and it is much better than the average southern base army in terms of equipment and tactics. He believed that the company should also be able to fight the same number of troops.

"Those despicable assailants must have never imagined that you would lead the team to revenge in person, and it was so fast." The company's assistant officer patted a fart in a timely manner.

"Hahaha ..." Major Fleming chuckled, and asked, "We should be close to where we were attacked."

"There should be two or three kilometers, at least ten minutes," said the deputy.

"We should be ready to get off and go on foot," Major Fleming said.

The voice had just fallen, and suddenly there was a violent explosion in front of it, like a thunderous shock. The air waves swept through, and Major Fleming felt a shock wave with smoke coming from his car window.

The major US military responded quickly, and as soon as the explosion exploded in front, he immediately jumped off the jeep on which he was riding, and yelled on the spot: "Stop, all the infantry get out of the vehicle and spread out in the shape of a combat team. Fire reconnaissance forward. Remember, don't stop there. "

The combat effectiveness of this Korean army is indeed stronger now. Almost under the order of Major Fleming, an m8 'Greyhound' armored reconnaissance vehicle is approaching.

The 37-millimeter artillery on its body began to turn left and right, and a machine gunner stood on the open turret and started firing outside.

The sound of 嗵 嗵 嗵 's heavy machine gun echoed in the night sky for a while, but when the Greyhound ran out and walked around, no one attacked it. And watching the formations of his subordinates have spread forward, Major Fleming carefully approached the place where the explosion had just occurred.

A leading M3 troop carrier was blown up, the body tilted and twisted, two front wheels were blown up, the fuel tank burst, and the leaked gasoline burned the body wreckage into a bonfire in the night.

"Damn." Looking at the crater on the ground, Major Fleming knew what his enemies were doing. A pit was dug in the ground and buried one or two kilograms of explosives, and then detonated with a grenade, which was enough to contain the entire fast company for some time.

"All vehicles turn off their lights to avoid being targeted by the enemy. A few people have put out the fire," Major Fleming ordered. "Others move forward, our enemies are nearby, but they must be small. , Squeeze their space, don't make them too happy. "

Watching more than a hundred Nangan soldiers stopped by the thunder bombed by their own land, Zhou Qingfeng hid in the darkness of the forest and sneered. He didn't escape immediately after the explosion. In fact, instead of escaping, he used his advantage of quickness to move behind the enemy.

On the way Major Fleming directed the convoy, Zhou Qingfeng saw several armored vehicles in his team. He didn't have anti-armored weapons, and if the enemy's guns were firing, the fun would be great.

Especially the m8 'Greyhound' armored reconnaissance vehicle. That stuff not only carried a machine gun, but also a small caliber artillery. What does Zhou Qingfeng take with others? Is the heavenly spirit covered? So he simply abandoned the firearm, felt a bayonet in his hand, and slowly approached his prey.

Because the explosion was born in the front, the soldiers of the Nanbat Fast Company subconsciously felt that the enemy should be ahead. The soldiers who got off from the back were obviously not so nervous. They jumped out of the car and spread out in a combat formation. The distance between them was about five or six meters.

But when Major Fleming ordered all lights to be turned off, everyone's footsteps had to slow down, because it was too dark and no one could see the surrounding environment-night battles have always been a problem, and darkness is the greatest fear of humanity ~ readwn.com ~ For a long time, everyone was a little overwhelmed. Because he couldn't see his companions around, a Nanbao soldier had to speak out. At first I heard someone around him answering himself. He was still a little calmer, but after a while there was a strong blood in the wind.

"Did you smell anything?"

"No. What happened?"

"It looks like blood."

A whispered response kept appearing, but the Nanbao soldier suddenly felt that a companion on his left seemed to have been silent. He couldn't help but shouted the other's name several times, but still didn't respond.

So weird in the dark that the entire infantry squad noticed something wrong. The Nanban squad leader ignored the order given by Major Fleming, and hurriedly took a flashlight to take a picture, but saw a horrifying scene-a Nanbat soldier was covering his mouth and a sharp bayonet was drawn from his throat Too.

The soldier's eyes widened before dying, and the desperate look was terrible. The Nanban squad leader was frightened, and then shouted: "Shoot, shoot. Someone is sneaking on us." (To be continued.)

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