Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 911: This patriotic lesson we have never left

"Hello, we are reporters for the Onion Evening News. Can you give us an interview? What do you think of the new movie by big star Lin Sen?"

"Have you seen Lin Sen's new TV series? What do you expect from this show?"

"Do you think the show is up to date? Do you say that the show preaches war? It's great, can you tell me more?"

Two reporters conducted interviews in a university in Didu. They specially selected girls in fashionable dresses, boys in stylish clothes, and foreign teachers who did not understand anything. The answer is often ...

"Lin Sen was very handsome. But I don't like his new movie. It's too rustic, more rustic than expected."

"Who cares about the past few decades? I don't really have much to expect. I would like to see his Hollywood blockbuster. What ... he is not a Hollywood star?"

"Human beings should dissolve the army, eliminate war, and have NGOs to manage the society. The films Lin Sen made are too extreme and do not conform to the trend of the civilized world."

Interviewed a dozen teachers and students in the school, two reporters sat on the lawn and wrote notes with a notebook. Half of the phone calls were written, and the reporter who wrote the article called out and shouted, "Editor, don't worry. The new manuscript already has a way out, and the title is" Linson's New Film from the Perspective of Campus. "

According to the results of our interviews, no one in the university cares about even resisting Lin Sen's TV series. I feel that I can dig deeper into this material to ensure that it meets your requirements. "

The phone hung up, and the reporter who answered the phone continued to hurry up and type on the computer quickly. The whole article was all about Lin Sen's new TV series.

The reporter in charge of the video looked aside and asked with some doubt: "Why are we doing this so meaningful? I watched the two episodes that have already been broadcast, but they were really good."

The reporter who rushed to the press did not look up, and said disdainfully, "I care whether it is very good, I just write the manuscript requested by the editor. The editor said that now Helinsen is the trend, I will specifically look for those who do not like Linsen People go to interview.

You see, the people I'm looking for are either brainless worshippers or masculine sissies, and foreigners who don't understand us at all. It's no wonder that these people can say good things about Lin Sen. But I have facts and basis, and no one can say my fault. "

"So has the ratings of Lin Sen's new drama been hacked? I heard that it is a lot lower than normal." The video reporter was obviously new, and didn't understand the inside story.

"It's a bit low? If other stars can get a rating of 1.8, they will immediately raise their worth to tens of millions." A reporter who ran a sneer, "haha", sneered, and taught his juniors to say, "But what about Lin Sen? ..., these are all numbers games, plus some processing skills, the water inside is mixed.

You know Lin Sen can now offend the entire Chinese director circle. And what about directors? They are all famous. Nowadays, there are many people in Helinsen who want to make movies and TV shows that are too good and make too much money, but it makes many people uncomfortable. "

The reporter who read the manuscript said that the head was the way. The reporter turned to look at a boy's dormitory not far away and asked: "If you say, if we want to write Kwalinsen's manuscript, do we have to find a serious point? People interview? "

"The sister-in-law can teach." The reporter who rushed to typing typed and kept busy. He was about to type the last period as the end of the article, and suddenly he heard the continuous shouting from the nearby male dormitory.

"We won't forget!"

"Forgetting history means betrayal."

"This is the film made by the real men, I can't stop tears. The plot is good, the actor is good, the special effects are good, the last paragraph is so moving."

The sounds kept coming and going like tidal currents, and at last the whole dormitory building seemed to ring. The shouting sounded like a thunderous explosion, and the noise even shocked the school security.

What happened?

Both reporters were stunned, and the man who rushed to the manuscript suddenly shot the shoulder and shouted, "What are you doing silly? Shoot!"

"I'm filming." The reporter carrying the camera was at a loss, "But what the **** happened?"

One dormitory building is noisy enough, and several male dormitory buildings have made noise and noise like riots.

The reporter who rushed to submit the article could not put an end to his article. As soon as he closed the notebook, he grabbed the microphone of the interview and ran to the boy's dormitory building.

The two reporters hurried to the gate of the dormitory and saw a girl come out from it. The rushed reporter asked quickly: "Hello, what's going on in the dormitory?"

The girl smiled heartily, "The boys in the whole building are watching Lin Sen's new TV series, and when they see the emotional part of the show, they do n’t want to. Some people even watch the TV and weep. Rarely this energy The surplus guy is so cute. "

Secretly ... a whole building, right, are the boys in several buildings moved by a TV show? This is too exaggerated!

Probably excited and unable to restrain, some boys came out of the dormitory unconsciously. The reporter hurried up and asked what happened? The boys just talked a little bit and just said, ‘Because I ’m so excited, I have to go out and adjust my mood’.

Feeling excited and coming out?

And there are more and more boys who want to adjust their emotions, one by one rushing out of the dormitory, and swaying around the campus in groups. The school teacher was startled and came over to ask what was going on? After learning that it was because of a TV series, the teachers and students were impressed together.

An old professor stood on a stone bench by the side of the road, gathered hundreds of students to improvise and said a few words: "When I came over, I was worried about what was happening. I just asked why everyone was so excited. The answer I got was very comforting ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the past we talked a lot about the issue of patriotism, but thousands of words can not go deeper than the real impact. We have experienced fanaticism, confusion, escape, Fenfa, finally ushered in an era of spontaneous love for our motherland, this is the blessing of all of us.

I really want to thank Lin Sen who made this TV series. He did what we always wanted to do but couldn't do. He touched the most sincere heart of our hearts and let everyone run out in the middle of the night to calm down! "

Hahaha ... There was a laugh at the scene. "Calm" is obviously a modified description. The boys also felt that they ran out of the dormitory with excitement because of a TV series. It was a bit silly to think about it. But stupid people seem more sincere.

The reporter who rushed to the manuscript interviewed more than ten students at random again, and finally squatted on the lawn of the school to start writing a new manuscript. Seeing him slamming again and again, the reporter asked, "Isn't the editor asking you to write this?"

"Idiot, haven't you noticed that the limelight has changed?"

"The editor didn't call to make you stand out."

"At this time the editor-in-chief had a fart, and he wouldn't have thought that a TV drama would have caused such a big reaction. This would never be an example. No matter how black a hellson is, he must praise him at this time.

Fortunately, I have n’t published the manuscript just now. You see the title of my new manuscript-‘we have never left the lesson of patriotism’. What do you think? Does it carry a particularly moving meaning? "

The media and journalists these days are all cowards. I was solicited for advice, and the reporter from the video camera froze. After a while, Youyou said to her companion, "I don't know if you are moved or not, but I think you are really a grassroots person, like the author of this book."

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