Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 935: Be a thief

On the night of October 31, Yunshan City entered military control. The town has a curfew, and all major roads are guarded by sentries.

According to daytime reconnaissance, the regiment commander of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment of the US Army is located at Yunshan Elementary School, and its three battalions are located in major locations outside the city. Inside the city are the regiment-directed troops, a mortar battalion and a howitzer battalion, with powerful firepower.

In addition, the tenth anti-aircraft artillery group of the US military was covering the 15th regiment of Nanba outside Yunshan City, which was also a tough bone.

Zhou Qingfeng appeared on the street of Yunshan on this dark night. He used the darkness to disguise himself, and approached the logistics department of the eighth regiment quickly and quickly. The logistics office is equipped with a large number of trucks, and all food, ammunition, and fuel are transported by these trucks.

These trucks were guarded by a company of US troops, and even tanks closed the streets. Zhou Qingfeng lightly used the building wall as a cover and quietly approached the open space where the truck was parked. The neatly-vehicle vehicle was shadowed by the dim bonfire, and he hid in it like a raccoon cat.

Lifting the canvas of the truck compartment, Zhou Qingfeng inspected the US Army's eighth regiment's materials one by one. The Americans carried too many good things in the logistics, and the American-made Pazuka rocket launcher he most wanted to find.

The beach is really a great miracle. It gives individual soldiers a chance to fight against the tank, instead of having no counterattack in the face of a giant made of steel. This one-man anti-tank weapon is simple and lightweight, and can be used in a small amount of time.

Unfortunately for Zhou Qingfeng, he found gasoline, flour, bullets and artillery shells, but he couldn't find a rocket launcher. It took a lot of effort to find t * n * t explosives and detonators.

"Only explosives? This is not so wonderful." Zhou Qingfeng could assemble a simple explosive package, but this thing must be used near the tank.

If you want to take a dynamite pack to blow up a tank, you are really filling it. The following infantry of the tank will sieve any nearby enemy, which is a matter of character.

However, in the absence of Bazuka, explosives can only be used. Zhou Qingfeng transported a hundred kilograms of explosives and detonators in two parts. But he was not satisfied with it. A small amount of grenades, rifles, machine guns and ammunition were also stolen by him. These things will be used to equip the sharp knife squad.

The grenade uses mk2 very well, this thing is powerful and has many fragments. Everyone can easily bring three or four. Next came the rifle. Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted to use his m1 'Garland', but when he accidentally presented a batch of m1 carbines for armored soldiers, it was an instant treasure.

The close-range melee at night, the precision and long range of the m1 ‘Garland’ is meaningless, but the lightness and high-firing of the m1 carbine is even more enjoyable. Zhou Qingfeng himself abandoned ‘Garland’ and brought a carbine and a large number of magazines.

Leaving the eighth regiment's logistics office with a lot of harvest, Zhou Qingfeng was carrying bundles of arms and ammunition, and moved these equipment to his sharp knife squad home like a moving mouse. When he went back and forth many times, he suddenly saw several tanks stopping at the mouth of the eighth regiment.

m4 "Sherman", an old car of World War II of the US Army, a classic that has been improved many times, and produced more than 50,000 vehicles. It is durable and reliable, and it ’s very good to play a little devil ’s bean chariot in the East Asian battlefield, but in the European battlefield, it was beaten by Yuan Hubao.

Now the Korean battlefield is using the late-m4 m4a3e8, which is a quite powerful tank. Zhou Qingfeng received maintenance and driving training of 'Sherman'. He can do the job of the captain, gunner, loader and driver of this tank alone.

"What if Lao Tzu could drive a tank?" Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help but raise this thought in his heart. But just thinking about it, he said to himself, "If you drive a tank alone, you'll be beaten by the Americans."

Whether it's an airplane in the sky or a tank on the ground, the volunteers can only be forced to fight in the mountains at night. Fight with the US military in the plains during the day, and the American uncle will teach you how to be a man right away!

To be honest, if the aircraft were left out, the best anti-tank weapon on the battlefield would be another tank. The reason why Zhou Qingfeng ran to the military expo in the real world to learn how to fight tanks and open tanks, wasn't it that one day he could drive these mechanical monsters to cross the battlefield?

"No, Lao Tzu can't open it and it won't make you Americans happy." Zhou Qingfeng felt that he couldn't reliably fight off the tank of the Eighth Regiment by relying on an explosive package, and he had to come up with some idea. The first thing he thought of was to fill the tanks with water.

Fuel tank watering is not easy to detect, and the motive is damaged as soon as driving. At first glance, this idea seems to work well, but ...

How much water is appropriate? It's meaningless to irrigate less. If you irrigate too much, the Americans will only see it as soon as they start the tank. This time is not easy to grasp. Irrigation is still not very reliable.

Molotov cocktail? Gasoline and rubber are easy to find, but this stuff is more unreliable than explosives.

Is there any way to set a pit for these tanks in advance, which will not affect the Americans' temporary use, but they will be finished once they fight?

With this question, Zhou Qingfeng returned to his residence. He also taught the sharp knife class how to use carbines and how to throw explosives. How to divide your subordinates into cover groups and projectile groups?

"'Old machine gun', you cooperate with me as a cover team, and use this m1919a6 to suppress the enemy's infantry. Lost the crooked man you hid, don't keep the old and the new, don't remember it Passed. "

"Zhang San, you bring two people into a throwing group, equipped with two m1 carbines and a five kilogram explosive package. Be careful not to face the enemy's tank, and attack from the side. Especially pay attention to kill the enemy and follow the infantry first, otherwise you Can't rush. "

"Li Si, you also took two people to form a two-throwing team ~ www.readwn.com ~ You must also kill the enemy infantry first. Without following the infantry's cover, the tank is just blind, and our chances of success are mostly."

After Zhou Qingfeng instructed, he wanted to start teaching everyone how to use the carbine. Such firearms, such as firearms that spray water, have not been used in the soil army, and it costs too much ammunition. But I did n’t get the “Ding Ding” working, but asked, "Squad leader, what am I doing?"

"What do you ..." Zhou Qingfeng also had a headache for the thinnest and smallest soldier in his class. He seemed to be incapable of doing nothing but juggling. "You are responsible for bringing explosives packs and ammunition, and follow me as a logistics . Act as an observation post when necessary. "

"But I also want to be a throwing team, or let me be the second shooter with the machine gun brother." Doudou obviously does not want to follow Zhou Qingfeng as an optional logistic. Because Zhou Qingfeng's carrying ability is almost equivalent to three or four people, he is not needed at all.

But before Zhou Qingfeng made his statement, the 'old machine gun' turned cold and refused, "Do n’t follow me, I can use a light machine gun alone. You can't do anything, I bring a bag or a burden. You still want to Look at the wind. "

Zhou Qingfeng couldn't say no, ‘Dou Ding’ was suddenly disappointed.

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