Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 947: Tank impact

The battlefield environment is complex, and various sounds and situations are constantly occurring. When one of the battalions of the Volunteer Responsible Army in charge of the attack broke out of their accumulated home and bombarded the positions of the 2nd Battalion of the 8th Regiment of the US Cavalry with hundreds of mortar shells, the bombing of an air defense vehicle was not a significant event .

In a stressful situation, most soldiers pay attention to a small area in front of them. Only the officer in charge will spread the energy a little bit and learn more about other aspects.

An M16 semi-tracked anti-aircraft vehicle currently exploded, broken parts and stubbles flying around at most, let the nearby US soldiers bow their heads to dodge one or two. Lieutenant Colonel Walton, who was in charge of directing here, glanced at it, and only expressed regret for his own losses.

This should have been hit by the enemy's mortar shell, right? May God bless other American soldiers who are alive!

"The anti-aircraft on the left did not move, allowing the two on the right to retreat twenty meters." Lieutenant Colonel Walton felt that the shell on the right fell more, "hit more flares and find the yellow monkey's mortar Position. To prepare the artillery, we must destroy those pesky guys. "

If the commander of the colonel is determined, he will respond quickly to the new situation, and the US military that received the order will also act. But within half a minute, another M16 anti-aircraft was blown up into the sky. Just one was blown up on the right, and now one was blown up on the left.

Lieutenant Colonel Walton had to turn his head and turn his attention to the left. "Hurry up, and move the anti-aircraft on the left back 20 meters. The evacuation point of the formation, don't be too dense."

"Sir, shall we launch a reverse assault?" A staff officer suggested. At present, the US troops gathered at the intersection of Sancha are just stubborn, meaning they are passively beaten. Nothing was lost before, but now the two anti-aircraft vehicles are blown out, and they can't be justified without moving.

Just moving the air defense vehicle is really a headache and a foot, it can't fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield.

However, Lieutenant Colonel Walton has accumulated a lot of tanks and armored vehicles, which are simply used as fixed fire points and are too big and small. Given your opponent ’s lack of anti-tank firepower, why not have an awesome armor charge?

"That's a good idea. It's time to let those yellow monkeys taste the power of the tank." Colonel Walton patted the staffer's shoulder. He also noticed that the terrain at Dasancha intersection was relatively flat, and the wasteland and farmland were frozen hard in the cold winter, which allowed the tank to run over it.

"Go tell the tanks and let their commander launch an attack in five minutes. I will order a platoon to follow them." Colonel Walton ordered to his staff.

The staff immediately ordered the order, and he found two scattered platoons of the 70th Tank Battalion, a total of eight tanks. These tanks stopped at the side of the road and violently bombarded targets hundreds of meters away, but no one could tell exactly what was hit in the dim moonlight.

"Who is your head? Answer me with the highest rank."

"Lieutenant Colonel Walton requires you to launch an assault to wipe out enemies on the periphery."

"Rest assured, we will send a platoon behind to protect your flanks."

The scattered tanks quickly gathered, and they rushed out of the Sancha junction in a double formation and rushed out. To strengthen this assault force, an infantry platoon followed them. Watching them aggressively rushed out, and the morale of the American soldiers at the position shook!

Only eight tanks rushed out, and the last one did not move. The U.S. military staff in charge ran up and asked, "Hey ... you should follow the main force and rush out."

A captain wearing a tank cap and goggles was standing on the turret of this tank, but the captain's question to the US military staff was only ‘uh, uh…’ non-stop. After a while, the front hatch of the tank was opened, and the driver came up and asked, "I'm sorry, sir, what happened?"

"Are you idiots? I want you to follow the other tanks to launch an assault." The American staff ’s anger was furious. If it were not for the current fierce battle on the battlefield, he would like to drag these two guys out and beat him up. why do not you answer me?"

"Oh ..., our captain has just deafened his ears by shells. He can't hear you?" The driver who shouted shrugged again. "And our engine is a bit broken and we can't assault. But rest assured. , Our role as a firepower point is also great! "

It sounds like the explanation is impeccable ...

The U.S. military staffer who ordered the order stared again at the captain on the turret and could only leave. At most he felt that the captain was a little silly, but people who had been bombarded by shells might look like this, "Well, aim at those **** yellow monkeys and give me a blast!"

"Yes, sir. You can rest assured!" The driver agreed, and he retracted into the tank after speaking.

On the other side, the Volunteer Corps of Three or Forty-Seven was in danger in the open field. I was just glad that the enemy ’s two heavy machine guns suddenly blew themselves up, but I did not expect the enemy to burst out several tanks.

Trouble ...!

Compared with tanks, the weapons in the hands of volunteers are burning sticks. In an emergency, the battalion commander snarled: "The battalion company was ordered to prepare an anti-tank team and must stop the enemy's tank attack."

Tanks weighing several tens of tons ran, and they could not be stopped by will. This can only be filled with human life. Try to approach it and blow it up with an anti-tank grenade or an explosive pack? However, the enemy's accompanying infantry will not let you approach easily, so the tank is not so easy to fight.

In fact, without waiting for the battalion to respond, the suppressed volunteer infantry on the front line realized that they were going to face great trouble. Whether for victory or for life, they spontaneously organized ~ www.readwn.com ~ to carry the enemy's tank with their own flesh and blood.

It was just that the infantry's attack by the volunteer army did not have much effect. The running tanks did not give these warriors a chance to approach. Not only the US infantry accompanying the tank, but even Colonel Walton in the position was giving strong support to his tank unit.

"Yes, that's how they blasted them and blasted them from the dark corner into the sky." Watching Volunteer soldiers who went forward and succeeded were tortured by tanks, Lieutenant Colonel Walton who dropped the telescope was extremely relieved. Then this is the correct way to deal with yellow monkeys. "

The smashing armored offensive made the colonel sergeant laugh, and the war situation was showing one side. But a burst of white flames burst out on the Lengbuding battlefield. The light of the flames illuminated the wilderness at Sancha Road, and wrapped most of the accompanying infantry behind the tank unit.

This time everyone's attention was attracted by the tank unit, and everyone clearly saw a bright dazzling bullet mark passing in the night sky. The hit white phosphorous bomb that accompanied the infantry turned out to be from the US military position.

Watching his own soldiers jumping and screaming in the flames along with the infantry, Colonel Walton yelled, "Where's the white phosphorous bomb? That **** is hitting his own?"

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