Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 952: Lure the enemy

"Well! Will Lao Tzu be stunned by a few words?" Zhou Qingfeng sat in the position of his tank driver and drove forward. He stared at the long convoy behind him, weird.

Although the sky hangs the moon, the night scenes are still gray. The moonlight was not too bright, and nothing could be seen from a distance. When Zhou Qingfeng and others touched the periphery of the airport, they saw the wilderness where the lights were controlled.

The Volunteer Army's 116th Division is responsible for the eighth US Cavalry Regiment, which is mainly engaged in Yunshan. Especially after winning the US military position at the Sancha intersection, it completely trapped the enemies of a regiment.

The division was very interested when Zhou Qingfeng suggested attacking the US temporary airfield directly. It was only that the three regiments of the 116th Division had their own tasks, and in the end they could only piece together a temporary camp to do the work. To put it plainly, this is also a tentative test.

The deputy commander in charge of commanding this temporary task force was very motivated. When formulating the combat plan, he also emphasized the use of the advantages of melee night combat and approached the enemy to launch an attack. In the end, let's not say Zhou Qingfeng didn't agree. The commanders and soldiers of the original battalion of the three, forty-seventh regiment shook their heads one by one.

The piles of corpses of volunteers outside the intersection of Sancha Road have already shown a cruel fact that it is not possible to attack the enemy's strong positions with firepower by light infantry, which is equivalent to suicide.

At present, there are at least a dozen tanks in the U.S. military's temporary airport, and the artillery assigned to the regiment. The firepower is stronger than the position at the Sancha intersection. But this time without Zhou Qingfeng's **** stick to disrupt the interior, he relied on more than 300 infantry to attack the enemy's defense line, for fear that he could not even touch his side.

what is it now?

The deputy commander used the captured US vehicles and equipment on the spot to transform the temporary task force into a rapid column. He pulled in a few large-caliber mortars and more than a dozen heavy machine guns, and realized that his firepower was strong and he could fight with the US military.


What a **** idea?

Can this ignition force be stronger than the old beauty? Zhou Qingfeng gave the deputy commander's blind command back on the spot, saying directly that the other party did not understand how to fight the Americans.

A small squad leader said that he would not fight, and the deputy leader's Qiqiao smoked. It was just that Zhou Qingfeng was making great successes at the moment, and he was in the limelight. He had to calm down and ask what was the idea of ​​the tank-opening kid?

"Comrade Xiaozhou, it is your suggestion to fight the US Army Corps. Now how do you want to fight?" The deputy commander asked.

The native army has a habit of actively listening to the opinions of front-line soldiers. Zhou Qingfeng pointed at the map and said, "We have not enough people and firepower, but we have the initiative. We can attack and lure Americans out.

As long as we annoy the Americans, they will definitely organize a tank unit to expel us again. At that time, hehehehe, have you heard of 'black guns'? "

"Entice the enemy, set ambush, this simple tactic is still taught by you? I thought you had some good tricks for Zhou, this is all we have to play. At most, the enemy's tank is really difficult to deal with." The deputy head of the group snorted coldly, and his face must be disapproved.

For make-up forces, the simpler the tactics, the better. After the basic plan was formulated, Zhou Qingfeng immediately drove a tank and hid behind a road barrier about 800 meters away from the airport. The tall 'Sherman' only revealed a turret, and there was a little grass and groves in front of the turret.

At the airport, Holmes, the chief of staff who was about to wait until dawn, was still in contact with the various units on the Yunshan battlefield, trying to bring them all together. Just then, suddenly the sky was shining with dazzling light, and several flares illuminated the entire airport.

"Who fired the flare?" The night was shrouded in flare, which was almost naked during the day, and Holmes' staff rushed out of the command tent.

The regiment officer was also nervous, reminding immediately: "This is most likely that the army is moving around us and is about to launch an attack."

"Order the airport defense line to be prepared. Our enemies like to launch close-range group charge." His Excellency Chief of Staff is very much looking forward to a happy massacre.

But the first thing that appeared was not foot soldiers attacking on foot, but one mortar round after another. A large number of mortars and enough artillery shells were seized at the Sancha intersection. Volunteers had a rare extravagance and bombarded US airfields desperately.

With the instructions of the flares, the artillery shells of the task force were hit accurately. The logistics and cooking veterans who had previously been suspected of combat effectiveness by Zhou Qingfeng had reduced physical strength, but had rich combat experience. They split into multiple mortar groups, scattered their attacks, and shifted their positions with just a few shots.

The U.S. military's airport could not be moved, nor could the defensive positions set by Holmes Chief of Staff. The American soldiers stationed here could only hide behind their positions and face artillery shells.

His Excellency the Chief of Staff immediately ordered the howitzer company stationed at the airport to counterattack and cover fire on the suspicious target. But where did he think of several mortars that were attacked from the outside? They were equipped with trucks, which could be loaded with ammunition to ensure continuous firepower ~ www.readwn.com ~, and could move around with light mortar.

After fighting for a long time, the American soldiers in the defensive position could not stand first. The 107-mm M1 mortar has a long range and great power, and it also makes it difficult to return fire. With just a dozen or so casualties, they strongly demanded that the commander send a tank to expel the enemy in the night.

The Holmes chief of staff was also worried that his command tent would be patronized by artillery shells, so he ordered his two tank platoons and an infantry company to launch a small counterattack to try to ensure the security of the airport position.

Four 'Greyhound' armored reconnaissance vehicles rushed out of the airfield position, forming an attack fan surface more than twenty meters apart. The tank at the back also drove at top speed, creaking quickly to keep up.

The two tanks consisted of eight tanks, divided into two groups to form a clamp offensive. The infantry company following behind also drove armored vehicles and trucks, which had an absolute advantage in firepower and was particularly fast. Once they are stuck, they can't get rid of them.

Watching the Yankee's extraordinary shot, he casually pulled out an armored unit several times stronger than himself. The deputy commander in charge of the command battalion couldn't help taking a breath of air. If this is the way he originally played, he really hits the stone with a pebble.

"Order the blasting team to be prepared and never let the enemy's tanks come over." The deputy commander felt the tremendous pressure to fight the Americans, and the situation was suddenly grim under this confrontation. 'It's not good, I have to strip his skin.'

Thanks to the U.S. military, the position at the Sancha intersection seized many radio stations, and even Motorola walkie-talkies used by individual soldiers. The radio transmitted the order to every unit in the task force.

After hearing the order, Zhou Qingfeng had put his head in front of the sight of the tank gun, and said coldly, "Oh, it's the American M26 who is coming out to hit us."

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