Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 954: Its daybreak

It was dawn ... the tragedy of Yunshan Temporary Airport was also revealed in front of all US soldiers. Holmes' chief of staff was no longer able to work in his command tent, and he had to stay in a semi-underground fortress constructed by engineers to look at the map.

There are craters everywhere on the ground, and the condition is already terrible. After an all-night battle, the eighth regiment of the cavalry was cut into several parts. The biggest part of it is the regiment headquarters of the airport, but it has become wounded and full of sorrow.

"Maybe last night I should follow Palmer's suggestion to make a breakout." Holmes' chief of staff pinched his forehead in pain. If Colonel Palmer was embarrassed by a laxative, he would be defeated And lose reputation.

No one expected that the situation would become what it is now, and the biggest cause was the army that set up a trap last night to disturb the eighth regiment. Holmes' chief of staff has cursed in his heart that the other commander is a 'damn cold-blooded executioner'.

If it were an American army, 10% of the casualties should be withdrawn from the battlefield. But the enemy commander who attacked last night not only slaughtered the U.S. forces, but also ruthlessly ordered his subordinates to launch a suicide attack. Half of the casualties did not retreat, nor surrender.

When the enemy's attack was found to be a trap, Holmes' chief of staff resolutely increased the attack and put the reserve team in his hand. Subsequent troops also broke through the opponent's crude defense line many times, and he has even seen the dawn of victory.

But ... when the 'Pershing' tank was crushing the opponent's line of defense, enemy soldiers holding explosive packs jumped out of the trenches and blew them up. This ongoing scene has shaken the confidence of His Excellency Chief of Staff.

The US soldiers are also very brave, but this is based on a strong firepower advantage. It is really rare that a soldier has the courage to sacrifice himself in the face of adversity in exchange for victory. But last night, the Chief of Staff saw many enemy soldiers doing this.

If it was just the bravery of the flesh and blood, it could be suppressed with enough firepower. His Excellency the Chief of Staff admires those brave enemy soldiers at most, and the fruits of victory to be enjoyed are still to be enjoyed. But last night there was a butcher who was hiding in the dark and killed a black gun.

That **** butcher, damn, damn, **** ..., butcher!

Thinking of the ghostly enemy tank, His Excellency the Chief of Staff grinds his teeth. Never seen such a cruel and ruthless person, never seen such a cunning and entangled person, never seen such a cruel and fierce person.

That was obviously an M4 tank that had been captured by the U.S. Army, and those who drove it never confronted the U.S. Army. It always hides in the darkness in the distance, even if its comrades-in-arms are being killed by the US military, it ignores it.

But if you feel it's weak, you're wrong. It will use every opportunity to fight the US military. As long as you see a sudden flame on the battlefield, it must be made by it.

The Holmes chief of staff specifically ordered a tank platoon to remove it, but four tanks chased into the night, and after a short time they became four torches in the night, one of which was itself. After a while it returned to the battlefield and was proud to drive a M26 'Pershing'.

According to the call on the radio, His Excellency the Chief of Staff only knew that the other side attacked and destroyed a 'Pershing', and then was chased by the remaining 'Pershing'.

But God knows how that sly guy used his "Sherman" as a bait when he was on the brink of desperation, sneaked in and seized a "Pershing" to make a comeback. In short, when one after another 'Pershing' and 'Greyhound' were blasted in the dark, it represented which guy was back.

A whole four platoons of tanks, plus a bunch of 'greydog' armored vehicles, troop carriers and trucks, are now mostly turned into scrap iron in the dark. Nearly half of them were killed by that terrible night butcher, and few were able to escape to the airport.

And the butcher still had a strong revenge. When it was determined that the US military airport had lost the ability to organize another attack, it continued to shell around the airport all night. There are non-stop flares and non-stop grenades all night, but there are not many American soldiers killed, which can have a great impact on morale.

In particular, it found the headquarters of the airport at the tip of its eyes and blasted out the command tent. This grenade completely deprived the eighth regiment of central command ability. Not only did more than a dozen radio stations be blown up, but many officers from the division were also killed.

Fortunately, the chief of staff of Holmes, who survived, did not feel how lucky he was. He still had thousands of people in his hands, and the third battalion was basically complete. Although people were still there, a lot of equipment was either destroyed or lost, and everyone was worried.

Outside the airport, thousands of people from the two regiments have been surrounded. The eighth regiment of the cavalry thought it was impossible to break through. But it doesn't matter, it's dawn now, and finally it's dawn!

At the end of the day, a hint of white fish belly appeared, and the morale of the US military at the airport immediately picked up. All the surviving soldiers were happy. They knew that the night was over and the powerful American Air Force returned to support them.

The Air Force will bring supplies, remove the wounded, and hurt the abominable yellow monkeys. Ah ... praise the American Air Force!

"Sir ~ www.readwn.com ~ We have been in contact with the Eighth Air Force. Their first batch of P51 fighters arrived over ten minutes later and we hope that we will instruct the target." The liaison officer in front of the radio station looked cheerful.

"Okay, very good!" Holmes' chief of staff even said several times, his heart was finally relieved after a gloomy night, and even the dry air of North Korea felt clear, "Fortunately, we still have a strong air Strength, otherwise I really don't know what to do? "

Without the words of the Chief of Staff, the remnants of the eighth regiment trapped at the airport cheered spontaneously after receiving the news. Especially when the P51 flying with the engine roaring over the airport, many people even got up from their bunkers and waved their clothes in the sky.

Looking at the bumpy ground, the lead P51 commander greeted the terrible Army brothers on the radio and asked where the enemy was? They received news from last night that the Eighth Regiment had been beaten all night and they took off and came over to support it at dawn.

Flying, hovering, lowering the altitude, the five-point machine gun is ready to go, and the eight P51s will begin to sweep the ground with God mode, and at the same time rescue the army soldiers who are unlucky on the ground.

But the pilots of the P51 fleet were not happy for a few seconds. The ground near the airport suddenly ripped apart a few camouflage nets. A dozen M16 semi-tracked anti-aircraft vehicles also aimed their muzzles at the sky.

And not far away, there were still a few 90-mm anti-aircraft guns that had opened their jackets, and they started to spit out flames, and dense rain showers swept the sky. The low-flying P51 pilot immediately climbed a lever, but it was too late, and two fighters had hit.

Damn it ... Damn Army, you even threw the air defense equipment to the enemy. I curse you all to hell!

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