Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 956: Tyrant haunt

As we all know, the tigers and leopards in the 'zoo' of the heads of state during World War II were so famous that the tiger style and the king of tigers were famous in the world. In fact, when it comes to the preference for heavy tanks, the bears are completely inferior.

Compared to the extremely coquettish KV series, another heavy tank named after the leader is also extremely successful. Follow me shouting its name-'Stalin'!

After the Second World War, Mao Xiong ’s Kejing Design Bureau began to design ‘IS-7’. This is an extremely abnormal tank, and its designers want a perfect tank with ‘heavy armor, heavy firepower, and high mobility’.

Amazingly, that talented tank designer named ‘Nikolai Shashmulin’ did it.

This tank used the Navy's 130-mm naval gun for its own firepower output, and this thick tube was simply heartbroken. It also used the 1,050-horsepower diesel engine of the torpedo boat as the power source, which is known as the middle tank in the tank. Its total weight of nearly seventy tons is also very strong.

At the time, IS-7 was almost impeccable-it was too expensive and complicated, and the bears who preached that `` simple is beautiful '' didn't like it. Although it has been developed, it has not been put into mass production. But it can be said that it was one of the most powerful tanks in the 50's, not one.

Zhou Qingfeng didn't care about expensive and complicated, he didn't want to use these tanks for a lifetime. What he wants is that it is strong enough, and money and resources are not the issues he wants to consider at all. The best thing is that he can integrate the best technology in the world in the 50s of last century to make this tank!

Think of the cruelty of the blood battle in Changjin Lake, compared with the loss of the Battle of Yunshan is a piece of cake, not worth mentioning at all. To survive in that harsh environment, you must have the best weapons.

After returning from the copy, Zhou Qingfeng didn't even return home. A phone call hurriedly contacted his old partner Xiao Jinlang, smiling and greeting each other, "Lao Xiao, did you eat at night?"

Every time Zhou Qingfeng comes to the door, it means there are all kinds of strange and troublesome things. Xiao Jinlang is also not strange, but he laughed at Zhou Qingfeng's hungry tigers, "How are you? You are also a big star. How come you are released from the prison?"

The two met at a small restaurant in the capital. Zhou Qingfeng was holding a large bowl of beef noodles. Listening to Xiao Jinlang's move, he said bitterly: "I've been here for a few days to experience the food of the volunteer army, you don't understand."

Xiao Jinlang rolled his eyes and opened a computer that he brought with him. "You said that you wanted to find domestic tank experts to customize several Korean war-level tanks, but I immediately found an expert group for you. If you ask, I will Convey. "

"The requirements are very simple. In the last century, the Soviet Union ’s IS-7 was used as a benchmark to integrate the best technology in the world at that time and produce five of the best tanks. Money is not a problem, the key is better performance, but the level of technology used should not exceed 50 Year, it must be delivered within one month. "

Zhou Qingfeng asked for his beef noodles. With the help of Huaxia's abnormal production capacity and computer-aided design software, he is still very confident in getting this 'perfect' tank.

For those who play technology, Zhou Qingfeng's request is to arrange a propositional composition that gives full play to imagination. Xiao Jinlang's team of experts was certainly not the best tank design division in China, but a group of young and middle-aged technicians in their 30s and 40s were enthusiastically engaged in the work.

Because this is so fun, no high technology is needed, the key is to look at imagination and integration. Because Zhou Qingfeng was in a hurry, he ate the beef noodles overnight, waiting for the results of the 'Expert Group' discussion. Six or seven hours later, a preliminary plan appeared before him.

Pushing away the dishes full of desktops, Zhou Qingfeng checked the electronic draft sent by the design team on his notebook. After a brief glance, he found that the so-called 'expert group' Xiao Xiaolang had found was really using his project to brainstorm.

The shape of the tank is still 'IS-7', but it has been greatly modified inside and out. In order to obtain good maneuverability for nearly 70 tons of iron guys, the ‘Expert Group’ replaced the original mechanical transmission with two 600 hp diesel generators with electric transmission.

"Is this reliable? The technical level will not exceed 50 years, right?" Zhou Qingfeng asked on the computer.

The ‘Expert Group’ responded immediately, “No problem, there has been no revolutionary change in the technology of generators and motors for more than a century. The technology in the 1950s was very mature.

Compared with mechanical transmission, electric transmission has great advantages, light weight and convenient layout. It also saves the gearbox and drive shaft, is simple and convenient to operate, greatly expands the interior space of the vehicle, greatly improves the overall performance of the vehicle, and can also use various electronic equipment in the vehicle. "

That sounds good, after all, more than sixty years have passed since the 1950s. Advances in science and technology and the development of industry have made past difficulties no longer an obstacle.

In addition to the power being modified, the electronic equipment in the car has also been greatly strengthened, and Mao Xiong's mechanical fire control system has been replaced by Eagle sauce's electromechanical fire control. In the 1950s, at most one infrared night vision device was installed in the tank, and the field of view was very narrow. Now four are installed, both the commander and gunner.

There are a lot of small changes, and another huge change is that one or three zero caliber guns. Teddy bears like to use thick pipes, but they use thick pipes on tank guns because their armor-piercing shells are too bad.

You need to know that even when the M1 'Abrams' was equipped with the Eagle Sauce in the 1980s ~ www.readwn.com ~ they used 105mm barrels, because they did n’t need a large caliber. Can achieve a high effect of piercing. In the second world war, Mao Xiong used a family heirloom of 1-2 millimeters.

The 'expert group' retained the thick tube, but the ammunition was fully aligned with Eagle Sauce, and it also improved the original semi-automatic loading machine. The reloading speed and accuracy of the artillery have been greatly improved, and the power is much greater.

After reading the preliminary design, Zhou Qingfeng was actually very satisfied. With a big wave of his hand, he allocated 100 million yuan for the development of soft sister coins, and requested that they be manufactured and tested with the current mature technology as soon as possible.

This prestige frightened the ‘expert group’ across the computer screen—really? We all thought it was a joke!

A technician who was pulled out in the middle of the night was dazed. A young technician stunned a bald middle-aged man in front of the computer and asked, "Director, we have met a tyrant. A whole hundred million, with this sum Money, we don't need to dissolve our workshop! "

Bald middle-aged is also in a daze, he was also temporarily pulled over to complete this frivolous design task. Seeing that he wanted to design a tank that was decades ago, he felt sad for his situation. But who would have thought that ..., can I really see money?

After a busy night, it was all day. The bald middle-aged also wanted to take a breath of fresh air outdoors to be sober and clear-headed, but who expected that the finance department of the factory suddenly opened the phone and said that a special amount of money had just arrived, and he had to name it for him.

"How much is it?" The bald middle-aged thought to himself: Even if it's seven buckles and eight buckles, leave me half.

Finance said in a very envious and envying tone: "A whole hundred million, it is said that the superior leadership directly gave instructions, this money specifically for your project, no one is allowed to move."

Oh my **** ... happiness comes so suddenly!

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