Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 966: Come and rescue!

"Run quickly, the enemy is catching up!" Zhou Qingfeng shouted heartbreakingly, without the calmness of the army commander. Because behind him, it was the ancient American army who had been ridden of horse honeycombs. A large number of US armored vehicles swarmed out and killed them together.

As the 'fourth class' in the U.S. military, Team 6 has always been the worst equipped. When the 6th Army began to fully replace the nine-level m46 'Barton', the 6th team was still using the sixth-level 'Sherman'.

Zhou Qingfeng snatched a 'Sherman' running on the dirt road with headlights running, but in fact, it wasn't just the US armored vehicles chasing behind his **** that actually made him suffer, but there was a hilltop position to instruct the target. US artillery.

In the ancient soil, there was the second battalion of the 11th Artillery Regiment of the US Army. The 105mm howitzer attached to it was easy to use. People have already calibrated coordinates on the map long ago, relying on the instructions on the top of the mountain, they can output a powerful full firepower.

The shells smashed down from the sky, and Zhou Qingfeng was like a flat boat sailing in the turbulent sea and could only retract into the turret to avoid it. The pits on the road were blown up, and the tanks would not get out of the crater if they were not careful.

"Turn off the headlights, the thing is instructing the enemy artillery observers on the top of the mountain." When Zhou Qingfeng thought about this joint, the road ahead was completely impassable.

"Then how can we escape?" The driver turned off the light, and the artillery fire was sparse immediately, but his eyes were darkened. At present, this road is the only road in the entire Changjin Lake area, and both sides of the road are difficult to pass through mountains.

"Leave the road and go forward 150 meters." Zhou Qingfeng took out his active infrared night vision device to observe the surroundings.

The pilot also protruded half from the front hatch, and also took out the night vision goggles to observe the road. And just as they hurriedly headed towards the rugged hillside, the chaser with the headlights on came up.

"The platoon leader, the enemy's tank." The driver turned his head and could see the menacing U.S. army without using a night vision goggle.

"I saw it. You continue to move slowly, and the motive sound should not be too loud." Zhou Qingfeng also drilled out of the turret with a cold face. He kicked the long shoulder in the turret with his foot and said, "Give me the aim first Cars, but do n’t fire immediately. "

Fearing accidental injury, the US howitzer stopped firing. The approaching chasers began to spread out, and their headlights could illuminate targets within a hundred meters, apparently seeing track marks on the road.

The Sherman commanded by Zhou Qingfeng continued to retract toward a hillside, and the driver carefully kept his tank movement to a minimum. The enemies apparently realized that the target of the pursuit might be nearby, and they became extra cautious.

"Squad, it's almost dawn." A tank soldier said to Zhou Qingfeng. The action was raging all night, and is still being pursued, it is almost six o'clock. Although the winter days are short, the night is long, but North Korea is located in the East, and the sky will be bright before long, and it is even impossible to escape at that time.

Barren mountains and ridges have no shelter. Zhou Qingfeng retired. He could only take out a flare gun from his rucksack silently and aimed at the approaching direction of the enemy. "Ready to fire!"

In the middle of the night, someone was killed in the old nest, and he was almost killed. This incident made Colonel Pooler, who commanded the American army in Gutuli, extremely angry. After determining that the number of attackers was small and retreating, he immediately ordered his tank battalion to start the pursuit.

The lead was chasing a 'Pershing', which was a heavy enemy and a strong enemy. The only thing Zhou Qingfeng is better than the other is that he is equipped with an infrared night vision device, but ‘Pershing’ is famous for its thick skin, and ‘Sherman’ may not be able to penetrate the other ’s frontal armor.

"I'm going to attract the enemy, you pay attention to hitting each other's side." Zhou Qingfeng jumped out of the turret and ran with guns. As he ran, he shot a flare at the enemy's location.

The dazzling flare suddenly appeared in the sky, and the enemy's sight suddenly changed from dark to bright, and he could not see things for a few seconds. The carbine in Zhou Qingfeng's hand fired continuously at the enemy while running, and the sudden sound of the gun appeared extremely obvious.

The enemy about 100 meters away turned his attention to Zhou Qingfeng, the turret of the leading tank was lowered, and the muzzle pointed directly at the direction of the gunfire. Regardless of whether it is a grenade or an armor-piercing projectile, the short-range spattered shrapnel and the sharp gravel are extremely deadly, and can be killed without having to aim too accurately.

Zhou Qingfeng was horrified immediately, while desperately running, his heart screamed, "Sit down, don't pit your teammates! Give your strength, I'm your platoon leader."


There was a loud noise on the battlefield, and the US troops on the hills in the distant ring positions were holding up binoculars. The sudden flare interrupted their vision, but they could still see the lead 'Pershing' firing.

There was a blaze of fire on the battlefield. Which ‘Sherman’ was stolen? No ... it seems to be our 'Pershing'. How could it be our 'Pershing'?

The lead 'Pershing' turned the turret, revealing a weak position on the side. Its gunner fired a blindfold at Zhou Qingfeng, and 'Sherman' hiding in the dark also shot a black gun and hit the ammunition rack of his turret.

During the loud noise, the entire ammunition rack was blown up. The orange-yellow high-temperature flame rushed into the sky, along with the turret of "Pershing". This horrifying movement shook the sky and shone all around. The other chasers behind ‘Pershing’ stopped immediately and they realized that the enemy was attacking nearby.

Turn off the lights, do n’t move your motivation, the turret points in all directions, and everyone opens their eyes to search for the target, because no one has noticed where the shell that just destroyed 'Pershing' came from? The atmosphere became extremely tense, life and death can be in the front line.

Waiting for the flare of the flare to fall, only the destroyed 'Pershing' on the battlefield was crackling and burning. It became extremely dim again.

Zhou Qingfeng got up from the ground with a little moan. Because of the decline in physical strength, he couldn't use ‘smartness’ to escape, no matter how fast he could n’t avoid the killing range of the shells.

The armor-piercing projectile fired by "Pan Xing" stirred up the rubble on the ground and tore up the clothes on Zhou Qingfeng's back. Many rubbles even penetrated the flesh, which was painful and cold.

"Leader, are you still alive?" A voice came from the walkie-talkie, a question from Captain Sherman hiding in the dark.

"Alive." Zhou Qingfeng whispered.

"The platoon leader ~ www.readwn.com ~ You run alone. Let's drag the enemy down," said the gunner of ‘Sherman’.

"I haven't left my own habit. I want to run with us." Zhou Qingfeng climbed up with pain, and returned to the vicinity of Sherman in the direction of his memory. He remembered that the enemy had several tanks, a dozen armored vehicles and motorized infantry.

The enemy infantry must have gotten out of the car and will soon find it. Zhou Qingfeng ordered in the walkie-talkie: "Leaving the tank, we evacuated on foot, we still have a chance to get rid of the enemy."

The occupants in "Sherman" came out lightly, and carefully followed Zhou Qingfeng to leave. They ran less than half a kilometer, and surely heard the sound of motivation coming from behind them. The enemy must have found the empty "Sherman" and unwillingly caught up again.

The sky will really appear white, the time is already over six o'clock, Zhou Qingfeng and others are tired and hungry, and their physical strength is almost exhausted. The trackers and wheels of the chase quickly caught up with their legs.

"The platoon leader, shall we go up the mountain?"

"Leader, you go first, we intercept the enemy."

"Longer, don't worry too much, you are more important than us."

The crew of the crew kept Zhou Qingfeng away, and the cold and tired Zhou Qingfeng really couldn't hold on. He is particularly hungry when he is injured, and at the same time he is very hungry. When he is hungry, he feels soft like a pool of mud.

And at this almost desperate moment, the direction of escape suddenly heard the rumbling sound of heavy objects crushing the ground.

There was a layer of white mist in the morning light, and suddenly a thick gun barrel appeared in the white mist, followed by an unstoppable steel beast, and the large and sturdy car body represented its inviolable dignity!

Ha ..., ha ..., ha ..., Zhou Qingfeng, who was almost weak, half-knelt on the pavement and grinned, "Grandpa's 'Teletubbie' has finally come to the rescue!"

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