Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 968: Ravage

After six rounds had been fired, there was already a pile of steel junk in front of him. The IS-7's artillery has also become extremely hot, and the semi-automatic loader's belt is empty, and it needs to enter a long and long loading. After the violent fire was blown out, the position of the monster was also naturally exposed.

Kill six tanks in one breath, this kind of refreshment is like love! For the US military that was fired, it was a nightmare like hell. Lying down, the American soldier found the radio station he was carrying in an exclamation and reported the situation to the superior commander at the rear.

"Support, ask for support, we were hit by heavy enemy artillery."

"The enemy fire was too strong. We lost six 'Pershing's in an instant. Now the road is blocked, and the rear tanks are difficult to advance."

"The enemy is hiding on the hillside of the road, the coordinate position is *. *, We need the firepower of the howitzer. Oh ... hell!"

On the top of the mountain around the ancient soil in the rear, US artillery observers were staring at the road two or three kilometers away, but the white mist that suddenly appeared in the early morning blocked the sight.

Originally, I thought that a powerful armored force would have to be captured, but now there are six piles of smoking bonfires in the dense fog, and a messy cry for help on the radio.

There were six 105mm howitzers in the ancient soil. After receiving the coordinates returned from the front, the artillery responded quickly and immediately fired artillery to support it. The artillery commander repeatedly asked the shooting effect on the radio, hoping to hear some useful information, but in fact ...

"It rushed out, it rushed towards us."

"Help, who will stop this guy?"

"My leg. My leg is broken. I need a paramedic."

Hearing these tragic numbers, many officers in Tuguli raised a question in their hearts: what exactly happened to the armored unit just out? They are a powerful armored battalion. Who can beat them so badly?

At the moment, Zhou Qingfeng was driving his steel mount forward. The 130-mm main gun was cool to use, but the shells were clumsy and heavy. To reload the bomb chamber and the ammunition belt, there was no way to be sure in two minutes.

The two minutes was too long, and enough enemy artillery plowed Zhou Qingfeng's location two or three times with shells. So he decided to rush out and rush out to give the enemy a happy treat!

The original version of the IS-7 was an extremely mighty tank with a rather narrow interior. Mao Xiong has always paid no attention to ergonomics. The tanks in motion are shaking violently, basically nothing can be done.

However, Zhou Qingfeng's "antenna baby" is quite spacious. Regardless of the space and weight vacated by the electric drive, the American radio alone is smaller than the Soviet radio. Various subtle subsystems replace the bear's silly bulky ramming goods, which is easy to use and comfortable.

A 1,200-horsepower diesel generator provided powerful power and torque, driving this 60-ton tank forward along the way. Because the road had been blocked by the 'Pershing' which had been destroyed, Zhou Qingfeng used the excellent characteristics of his tank suspension to drive on rugged hillsides.

The American soldiers scattered on both sides of the road were suddenly plunged into a disaster. When they heard the sound of the tank's impact, the steel beasts had ran to them. Some people dodge in panic, but others are killed and injured.

An IS-7 crew member drilled from the top of the turret and operated the M2HB heavy machine gun outside to continuously shoot the American soldiers falling behind the tank-yes, Zhou Qingfeng used American machine guns to facilitate the use of the captured ammunition.

As the IS-7 rushed forward, there was a string of US tanks and armored vehicles behind the road. Seeing this domineering tank actually emerged from the fog, a bunch of babbles rang in the radio again.

"Found the target."


"Good fight!"


"It seems to break!"

"They're done in another round."

"Strike the goal."

"We beat the enemy."


"We failed to penetrate their armor."

"The target disappears."

The first six 'Pershing's were destroyed, and the tank captains behind were already scared to the extreme. When I saw IS-7, a bunch of muzzles were aimed at it. It's just that the ping-pong ping-pong hit a bunch of artillery shells, and the mood of the US tanker fell from the crest to the bottom. This heavy armored tank did not fart, and went on like a panic.

The shells slammed on the IS-7's body, basically hitting the wedge-shaped main armor on the front. Because Zhou Qingfeng retracted the night vision and other equipment into the car before the impact, in addition to leaving a white spot on the main armor, the US military's shells were not cheap.

The U.S. tanks reloaded and tried to make a second round, but found that the hurricane tank ran behind them in a blink of an eye. Even if someone was fast-footed and wanted to hit the side armor when the IS-7 passed by, they found that the artillery's depression angle could not reach the enemy tank.

Eleven US tanks are left on the road, all of which are armored vehicles and trucks. When Zhou Qingfeng commanded the IS-7 to pass the tank in front of him, the thin little pitifuls in front of him were like lambs to be slaughtered, which was extremely delicious.

"Don't use the main gun, use the auxiliary gun to hit armored vehicles, use machine guns to hit trucks and infantry." He rushed into the enemy line not only to avoid the enemy's howitzer, but also to eat the weak **** behind him.

The interior space of the modified IS-7 car was large, but the main artillery shells could only sustain 60 shots. The forty millimeter auxiliary gun uses a chain to supply bombs. There are three hundred rounds of ammunition, and machine gun bullets exceed 2,000 rounds. The firepower is extremely high.

Compared to the slow-loading main gun, acting as the gunner's platoon deputy against the fast-fire secondary gun is also fond of ~ www.readwn.com ~ he aimed at the front of the 'Greyhound' armored vehicle and found the small The guy was shooting at him with a small 37-mm tube.

The clanging noise was just the mourning before death.

The deputy presses the power button, and the forty-millimeter semi-armor piercing grenade easily penetrates the thin armor of the ‘grey dog’. The power of the explosion is just right, and the internal crew is killed and injured.

The IS-7 just so easily penetrated into the enemy and swept through all obstacles with its sharp gunfire. After killing several armored vehicles and personnel carriers, it could not even use the secondary guns, and the turrets and machine guns in front of the vehicles were sufficient to deal with those unprotected transport trucks.

Motorized American infantry had to jump off one after another, and hurriedly sought cover by the roadside. When the machine gun of the IS-7 turret started firing on them, the body itself even hit the truck blocking the road.

More than sixty tons of sturdy tanks hit two or three tons of trucks. Zhou Qingfeng's killing all the way was completely unexpected from the US military. No one expected that he would face such an unreasonable super tank.

When it reached the rear of the armored unit, more than fifty armored vehicles and trucks almost all smoked. The material on board was completely lost, and all the personnel fled, causing great casualties. Several trucks carrying fuel even set fires and raged.

The U.S. forces on the hills in the ancient Tuli Village in the back were in a daze. They were watching the continuous fire in the fog and listening to the call from the radio for help, but they could not do anything, not even knowing that their comrades were facing what?

The IS-7, which has rushed to the rear of the enemy, has finally completed the main shell loading, this time including one round in the bomb chamber, and it can continuously fire seven rounds. Zhou Qingfeng ordered the tank to make a U-turn and shouted to the driver, "Kill it back, and kill the enemy's soul!"

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