Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 972: When did it become so strong?

If there were no planes, the combat effectiveness of the US military would be reduced by 90%. No matter how powerful the IS-7 is, it is difficult to deal with flying in the sky. In order to keep himself alive for a long time, Zhou Qingfeng will not ignore the overwhelming planes that Eagle Sauce has on the Korean battlefield.

You know that the US Marine Division has downloaded an aviation wing. Xingnan Port not only has an airport, but there are a maximum of seven aircraft carrier battle groups and hundreds of aircraft outside the port. There are also big guys such as B-26 and B-29 in Yuanshan Airport more than 100 kilometers away and Japan thousands of kilometers away.

How can this be carried?

Therefore, the IS-7 alone is not enough, and a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with radar is required. For this reason, Zhou Qingfeng even drastically reduced the amount of ammunition carried. Two tank chassis capable of pulling seventy to eighty tons of cargo carried only a total of thirty tons of materials, and the remaining positions were used to house simple air defense radar and anti-aircraft artillery.

For general ammunition, Zhou Qingfeng used a double-barreled 40mm Bofors antiaircraft gun for the U.S. M19 self-propelled antiaircraft gun, so that the firepower could be maintained by seizing the ammunition.

The most powerful part of the entire air defense system is the modified air-to-air fire control radar, semi-automatic loading and fast aiming device. To put it plainly, there is less manual intervention, fast response, and absolutely world-class level. Now this temporary self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has finally begun to show its power!

In the ancient soil, the American army here was full of anxiety after dawn. The "Hell Massacre" in the early morning was too impressive. The armored unit was destroyed too quickly and miserably. Many survivors kept telling the terrible scene at that time.

The tankers who escaped were frightening the enemy's new heavy tanks. They couldn't penetrate, they ran fast, the artillery was fierce, and there was no solution at all. Fortunately, the accompanying infantry also described the IS-7 as a ‘monster from hell’, saying the tragic killing of the rear armored vehicle over and over again.

In order to avoid the spread of the panic, Colonel Pooler had to send these returning soldiers to a field hospital. In order to defend his position in Gutuli, he immediately requested carrier-based aircraft for air support. Anyway, to reconnaissance the enemy's movements, it is better to kill that terrible tank if possible.

The U.S. aviation responded quickly, with two 'Pirate' carrier aircraft taking off from the 'Wright' carrier. When he saw the plane roaring overhead and heard the pilot's call on the radio, Colonel Pooler was deeply proud of the mighty United States.

And for a whole day, if you can kill those yellow monkey tanks, the powerful US navy and air force are invincible ... win.

The relaxed Colonel, standing in front of the radio station and waiting for the good news, he secretly chanted ‘Victory’ before he whispered a few words, but heard the pilot suddenly shout on the radio: “Hell, there are artillery on the ground!”

Just like that, the head is gone ... the communication is interrupted.

The U.S. military in ancient soil shouted ‘Hey Hey’ for a long time, and finally the correspondent sergeant looked at each other with their colonel. The "pirate" who was still invincible, is this over?

The discovery of the new heavy tank of the Volunteer Army not only attached great importance to Colonel Pooler in ancient soil, but also to the 1st Marine Corps, the 10th Army, and even MacArthur, who was squatting in Tokyo to be the 'Great Emperor'.

It was not surprising that Almond, the commander of the 10th Army during the battle of Xingnan Port, heard that two 'pirates' who had gone to reconnaissance were shot down. In his opinion, the so-called 'new tank' is definitely a good thing for a bear, and it will naturally arrange sufficient anti-aircraft firepower for protection.

"Send another team of" pirates "and pay attention to destroying the enemy's anti-aircraft fire." The commander of the army commander immediately took off the entire aviation squadron of the Marine Corps, and a total of fifteen "pirates" revenge.

The fifteen 'pirates' are already considered to be a large fleet, and they flew in over ten minutes from the airport in Xingnan and reached over the ancient soil. Seeing such a large fleet flying over, he immediately injected a shot of strength into the American army in ancient soil.

Colonel Pooler even dared to send a frontline aviation controller, who was responsible for air communications and instructed the 'pirates' flying in the sky.

The distance from Gutuli to Fushengli controlled by the Volunteers is only six or seven kilometers, and there are several hills in the middle. The two sides are very close. This time, the "pirates" were smarter. They did not rush through at low altitudes, but first made a circle at an altitude of three kilometers, and looked at the situation.

In the eyes of US pilots, it should be safe to stay at an altitude of three kilometers. Equipped with old anti-aircraft firepower by volunteers, basically there is no way to deal with enemy aircraft flying at this altitude. Because of the lack of radar, people can't see it.

As for the SCR-584 radar integrated by subsequent professionals, the altitude of three kilometers is clear. Although Zhou Qingfeng had only a double-barreled anti-aircraft gun, he did not hesitate to order to fire.

The semi-automatically controlled anti-aircraft gun immediately turned the turret, and the two gun tubes were erected almost 90 degrees to spit high-speed projectiles against the sky. There is a radar ranging and direction finding, and a time delay fuze can be set accurately on a 40-mm warhead. Although there is no way to use a better close-fuze, the effect is not weak at all.

Frontline air controllers sent by Colonel Pooler are climbing the mountain breathlessly. They will carefully observe the positions of the volunteers at a distance and look for targets that need to be attacked. But before they really went up the mountain, they heard the screaming wing howling.

No, just started diving? Anxious ... we are not in place yet.

The air controllers looked up, but saw a 'pirate' in the sky pull down the black smoke, and its wings had been broken. After falling into half of the aircraft's fuel tank caught fire, the pilot was swallowed up by flames before they could parachute.

And this time the shot was like a signal ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then the sky dropped after another. Even if the 'pirates' flying in formation have disbanded and escaped, the shells still stare at them like eyes.

There was a burst of black smoke bursting in the sky, and the shells with the delayed fuse set were exploding. And these smoke are all around the pirates flying around, and the shrapnel flying around cannot be separated like the anthrax.

In the position of Fushengli, the double-tube turret on the engineering vehicle is rapidly rotating, and the elevation angle of the gun tube changes with the change of the radar data. Every time it moves, it is dozens or even hundreds of shells flying. God.

Near the engineering vehicle, including the head of the 178th regiment and the political commissar, a large number of soldiers looked dazed. Today is the easiest day for them to deal with the U.S. air strikes. The enemy planes ran away before they started fighting.

"The Soviet Union's big anti-aircraft gun is so powerful?" The leader was surprised and stunned. The origin of 'GOD' for this batch of equipment is Soviet aid. "These few moments clear the sky."

American radio is full of messy information, and everyone who is in front of the radio feels confused.

"We were attacked by ground fire."

"The squadron captain was shot down, he failed to parachute, and his plane exploded."

"We have lost two aircraft, no ..., three, already three."

"The enemy's air defense fire is too strong, and we must retreat."

Fifteen 'pirates' flew over in a murderous manner, and as a result, five were shot down without even hitting each other. The deadly 'pirates' can only throw away the bombs they carry, save weight and quickly escape from dangerous airspace, and never want to return.

After receiving the news, Captain Almond of the first-class news was also aggressive-when was the rabbit's air defense firepower so strong?

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