Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 975: Butt-back

The maximum bomb load of the B-29 'Super Air Fortress' reached nine tons. Even if it was folded in half due to the overload of fuel, dozens of aviation bombs could be dropped on Zhou Qingfeng's head. Although he could run away with the IS-7, the possible places to run were limited and it was easy to predict.

You cannot stay in place or run towards your own positions, you can only run in the direction of the enemy. As a result, the three IS-7s led by Zhou Qingfeng were like runaway wild horses, rushing towards the US forces that were attacking the sixty division positions.

It was getting dark at this moment, and the US military under Colonel Pooler was relying on the support of tanks and artillery to prepare to deploy troops on the occupied hill. He planned to approach this step by step, killing Fushengli all the way, and going to the Xiayuli where his division was.

But this dream has just begun, and the US military who has already reached the occupation hill sends a warning message-Colonel, the army launched an armored shock to us, and their new tank rushed out again, very fast.

"Asshole, want to give me this trick again? I already have a countermeasure." Colonel Pooler's nose fumed. He suffered such a large loss in the morning that he was reprimanded by his superiors after the war. He kept thinking about what to do if he encountered this kind of scene again?

The answer is-set up roadblocks!

Anyway, at present, there is no tank in the Marine Division to deal with the enemy's steel monsters. It is better to set up barricades to stop the opponents and let the tankers kill them, and then let the large-caliber howitzers solve it.

So when he heard Zhou Qingfeng launching another armored shock, Colonel Pooler immediately ordered several howitzer companies' TD-14 bulldozers to crunch on the road, completely blocking the vehicle's ability to pass.

"Order the howitzer company to be ready, and immediately after hearing my order, I don't believe that the enemy's tank can still come over." Colonel Pooler was on the front line this time, holding a telescope one kilometer away from the crossfire. Set up a regiment headquarters.

The TD-14 bulldozer weighs more than a dozen tons and is sturdy enough to block four vehicles side by side, completely blocking the intersection. Colonel Pooler felt that even if he could not clear such an obstacle in a short time, as long as he could block the opponent's tank for a short time, he could pile up the opponent with a large number of shells.

Due to the narrow roads, the sides of the bulldozers are steep hillsides. If the IS-7 goes uphill, it will definitely slow down and expose its sides. The few 'Pershing' cars that squat behind will not miss this chance of revenge.

Zhou Qingfeng drove the IS-7 extremely fast. The bulldozer barricades were just laid out. The US engineers who drove the bulldozers had not fled yet. He had already rushed over. Behind him was a falling aviation bomb.

"Oh my god!" Colonel Pooler was stunned. He had never seen such a thrilling scene. In fact, no one saw the tank chased by the B-29 on the entire battlefield. Dozens of bombs were falling, chasing IS-7 along the road.

But the B-29's bomber must have underestimated the speed of the IS-7. A 1,200-horsepower diesel generator has given more than 60 tons of car body extremely powerful power. Zhou Qingfeng demanded full speed, so the driver drove the heavy steel giant to a top speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

This is simply Ferrari in the tank!

The forward tank was desperately escaping. It was followed by blockbuster bombs after bombardment, each of which was enough to blow up a position. Now it was all thrown on Zhou Qingfeng's head with a whistling sound. With the constant explosion of loud noises and smoke, IS-7 is like a wild beast that runs wild, unstoppable!

"This guy will hit a bulldozer." Hundreds of American soldiers stood on the hills on both sides of the barricade, and they all saw this magical scene. Everyone felt that these three enemy heavy tanks had been forced into a dead end and could not escape.

Zhou Qingfeng saw the military bulldozers blocking the road in front of him. He was even able to estimate the weight of these bulldozers, and he could not hit them by collision. However, when he was approaching the last two hundred meters, he ordered the main gun to fire. "The grenade fired and blasted a way."

The 130 mm gun was fired. The power of this caliber gun was absolutely shocking to the world. It was more than ten times more powerful than the 90-millimeter tube of ‘Pershing’. A warhead weighed more than thirty kilograms and contained more than ten kilograms of internal charge.

The shock caused by the blast in the past echoed through the valleys of the road, and the power of it made everyone within a kilometer feel tight.

The explosion sparked a strong smoke of smoke, covering a range of hundreds of meters, blocking the view of everyone on the battlefield. Colonel Pooler, holding a telescope, couldn't figure out what was going on. He could only stay a few seconds behind the front.

In just a few seconds, a lot of broken parts of the bulldozer flew out of the thick smoke. These parts are full of sky, like the scattered tyrannical flower. On the road again came the sound of rumbling tanks running, and the ground trembled from the feet, which was the consequence of the crushing of dozens of tons of heavy objects.

"Damn it, a dozen tons of barricades couldn't stop it, it rushed over." Colonel Pooler stomped his chest in disgust. He really looked down on the IS-7 too much. ‘Pershing’ bombarded the barricade with a 90-mm main gun, which did not mean that the 130-mm main gun could n’t open.

Close to the U.S. military position, the terror hunting of the B-29 can only stop. The current time is getting dark. If the plane does not want to land at high speed, it must return to the airport now.

"Stop it, you must stop it." Colonel Pooler was sweating for a moment. Although there are multiple lines of defense behind the barricade, is it really unknown whether this large tank can be blocked?

First is a US tank company behind the barricade. This is the tank company's own tank company. It is equipped with a six-level M4 'Sherman' and an eight-level M26 'Pershing'. Facing the incomparable IS-7, they are fragile.

After a group of tanks stood 300 meters behind the barricade, they immediately fired when they saw the IS-7 come up. They already knew that their tank guns could not wear such a frank front, and now they can only hope to hit the other side's tracks.

However, the two sides had to stop after only one round of shooting. A dozen U.S. tanks could not hit the track of the running IS-7. Most of the shells hit the turret and frontal armor. Clang bounced. On the other hand, Zhou Qingfeng bombarded a smoke bomb at his opponent ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the smoke bomb exploded, the position of the US tank company was confused. The tank gunner couldn't see anything, and the commander got out of the turret and couldn't figure out the surroundings. But in the horror of the crowd, the IS-7 on the opposite side did not stop but approached at a rapid speed, rushing in with a strong wind.

The gust of wind continued to stir the explosive smoke, and the running air rushed towards the rear of the US tank company. The wind was more than one, but three after another. All three IS-7s passed by. The captain of "Pershing" was even more desperate because they had suffered the same loss this morning.

"Hell, the enemy's tank rushed behind us again."

"Rotate the turret and look for cover."

"Hell, who can show me the target? Who knows where the enemy tanks are?"

The radio on the tank was messy, and the crew members were horrified, waiting in panic for their final fate. The tragedy of the armored unit in the morning stimulated their nerves again.

When the US tank company focused on the three IS-7s that rushed past their position, five bullseyes and a sherman rushed past the bulldozer barricades that had just been blasted by Zhou Qingfeng.

‘Pershing’ is bulky and much slower than IS-7, or even ‘Sherman’, but its 90mm gun is very sharp against ordinary targets.

The platoon mate and the 'old machine gun' finally heated up the engine, and they led the team to kill it. Just past the barricade where the scrap iron was blasted out, this small tank unit saw a dozen US forces 'Pershing' facing their big diao with their butt!

On the lead 'Pershing', the platoon deputy said silently after seeing this strange scene: "God really gave us a long face. We can't let go of this good opportunity. Everyone lined up. Make them cool! "

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