The fierce breath that Lin Chuan was able to put his hand through had been able to burst out more powerful spiritual power in the direction nearby.

One after another, dangerous forces burst out directly in the whole space, and the speed of their hands merging with each other is changing faster and faster.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan also found something wrong.

In his own palm, the aura of spiritual power that was directly promoted was not much.

And in the direction in front of you, the aura of spiritual power burst out from the direct hand, one after another, has formed a more strange fluctuation in the whole space.

"Why is this happening?"

They all felt a little strange, because they had no way to judge what to get, and did not know that Lin Chuan was the dominant cultivation power.

When Lin Chuan's cultivation power erupted directly in the whole space, it could form the most intense spiritual power.

The countless auras of spiritual power are wildly integrated, and the power they can have with each other is more and more.

"Ha ha, do you have something for us now?"

Their guys growled and pointed at Linchuan. They even started to lay out a trap and wanted to get rid of Linchuan in an instant.

The people in the beast clan are very worried.

Because they didn't know that Lin Chuan couldn't withstand such a fierce attack of spirit power here, but they looked at Lin Chuan and suddenly felt that there should be no problem.

Lin Chuan at this time, are not much care about the appearance.

Lin Chuan's own palm, also gathered a force.

Although this force seems to be nothing, but they have been able to observe that this force is breaking out, and can destroy the earth and the sky.

"It seems that I was cheated by him again. He is just deceiving us. If we can directly penetrate some spirit breath at this time, it must be the best."

"Now, we must also be able to fuse some more spirit breath into our bodies, and fight against them."

"I don't believe that the power we can have now on our own hands can't be killed in this instant."

"You know, we can certainly destroy them now."

Around these guys, one or two are constantly talking, always feel that they can destroy Linchuan.

But they don't know that they can't aim at Lin Chuan now.

You know, in Lin Chuan's own body, crazily gathered some more spiritual breath.

And in this whole space, the aura of spiritual power that can be swept out has changed more and more.

The powerful forces, one after another, have already fused in the direction of the surrounding areas and come out violently.

And suddenly, the aura of spiritual power that can run through the whole space is becoming more and more intense.

Lin Chuan's own light smile, looking at their hands now kill out of the state.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan needle to the direction of the eyes, in his own palm in the fusion of the most powerful aura of spiritual power.

He directly penetrated through the whole space. When his aura of spiritual power erupted again, more and more spiritual powers were directly penetrated into the whole space.

And in the direction around here, the spirit breath that can be used has changed more and more.

When powerful forces burst out in the whole space, the fierce breath that they can integrate with each other will become more and more intense.

Now Lin Chuan continues to move his hand, aiming at the direction in front of his eyes, fusing more aura of spiritual power.

Lin Chuan wants to work hard to make them lose the aura of spiritual power in an instant.

At least from now on, they can't use any kind of spiritual power.

One after another, dangerous changes have been made in the space nearby.

Between them, the speed of their hand is getting faster and faster.

"Quickly solve Linchuan, as long as you can get rid of Linchuan, then the freezing frost will certainly appear, because in fact, cryofrost has not much ability."

"Yes, as long as we can destroy Linchuan, all the people in the beast clan have basically lost their confidence."

"When we want to kill them, it's just a piece of cake."

Both of them kept talking and felt very strong.But they didn't know that Lin Chuan had already bred more spiritual breath.

The direction nearby, the waves that can be killed, have changed more and more fiercely.

Then in the direction of seeing, more spiritual breath came out.

The power of killing each other is changing faster and faster. Then the aura of spiritual power that can be penetrated through the surrounding space also has some different transformation.

In the whole space, the breath of spiritual power condensed by crazy inhalation has caused extremely violent fluctuations.

All of a sudden, Lin Chuan stares at the direction in front of his eyes, and directly bursts out several fierce breath.

Those patriarchs realized the power of Linchuan and all of them stepped back.

But they suddenly found that all their spiritual power had disappeared.

In an instant, all the master's cultivation power in Lin Chuan's own body was released.

All the people in the whole space were completely shocked.

All the people laid down their weapons, especially those outside.

They all smile bitterly. They all feel that they are a little bit incredible. They even start at the master.

They then knelt down respectfully on the ground, and they knew that from now on Linchuan would be the guardian God of the beast clan.

Moreover, in this whole continent, Linchuan is also a patron saint. They are not qualified to fight against Linchuan.

Now Linchuan has controlled the rules of all things in this world. Linchuan is a new generation of God of the whole continent and controls all the order of the whole continent.

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