The mosquito has three colors, and its body size is very different from that of ordinary mosquitoes. At this time, the sharp mouthparts also pierced under the hard scales of the blood spirit demon snake, sucking its aura. At the beginning, the blood spirit demon snake was still struggling, but as the aura gradually disappeared, it also completely fainted, and soon died.

"This is..." cloud crane was stunned. Where did he see such a strange monster, even the second grade blood spirit demon snake could not be matched. However, by this time, he had not found out that it was Linchuan's native beast.

After absorbing the aura of blood spirit demon snake, the mosquito returns to Linchuan and feeds Linchuan with the aura.

Seven levels of physical training!

Eight levels of physical training!

The second grade demon beast fully promoted Lin Chuan's two levels of cultivation. To know, the later the body refining state was, the more Aura needed. This was because the tricolor mosquito failed to absorb all the aura of the blood spirit demon snake. Otherwise, Lin Chuan would have to go directly to the Jiuchong cultivation state!

Seeing the tricolor mosquito return to Linchuan, the cloud crane found that there was a person hiding in the deep forest!

"Lin Chuan? How could it be you! " Yunhe stares. He knows that Lin Chuan has entered the secret place. At the beginning, he is also very unconvinced. He thinks that Lin Chuan is not worthy to come in with them. But the reality undoubtedly slaps him hard. If Lin Chuan had not just started, Ying'er would have been the meal of the blood spirit demon snake.

"Before you came, I was staring at the blood demon snake, but just as I was about to start, you two came."

Lin Chuan shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want to kill Guan Ying'er. But at that time, Ying'er was very close to the cold spring ice lotus, which was extremely fragile. If Yinger's blood splashed on the cold spring ice lotus, this rare medicinal material would be destroyed.

"What do you mean, you want this cold spring ice lotus?"

Yunhe's face became heavy, and he recognized the meaning of Lin Chuan's words.

"Of course, ice lotus was my first choice. I killed the blood spirit demon snake. Shouldn't I take it Lin Chuan said that he was going to get the cold spring ice lotus, but Yunhe suddenly blocked it and hit him in the chest.

"If I didn't fight with Yinger to attract the attention of the blood spirit demon snake, you could kill it by yourself?" Yunhe sneered. He didn't think it was all due to Lin Chuan.

With the cold spring ice lotus, he can wash the essence, and it will be much easier to practice in the future. Maybe he can surpass Qin Xuan and become the first person among the disciples of the beast sect! How could he give it to Lin Chuan?

However, in the face of his attack, Lin Chuan laughs. He raises his hand to block the cloud crane's attack. At the same time, he calls out the tricolor mosquito to control the cloud crane's mountain sea crane.

"You can't stop me unless you want to die, too." Lin Chuan said, one hand has been cold spring ice lotus hand, put into the bag.

Yunhe looks at him with an ugly face. Now Yinger is still seriously injured. If Linchuan threatens him with this, he really can't resist.

Finally, Yunhe can only give up the cold spring ice lotus, gray headed with Yinger left before Linchuan.

"The cold spring ice lotus has arrived, but there are still several kinds of medicinal materials. Before I came here, I heard Xia Ruoxue tell me that there is a treasure land of medicinal materials in the mountain of beasts. I think there should be some good things there."

Lin Chuan said to himself. At this time, he looked at the body of the blood spirit demon snake. It's a pity that the second grade monster died like this. It's just that the blood spirit demon snake is not a powerful monster, and its blood is ordinary. Even if it is evolved by the blood of all things, there is no room for it. If it dies, it will die.

It's just that the Fangyang of the blood spirit demon snake still needs to be kept. It's a good thing. The core of the second grade monster is worth thousands of inferior spirit stones.

The so-called animal nucleus is the crystallization of the cultivation of demons. Some of them can be used as medicine to refine pills, while others can assist friars in cultivation. In short, they are of great use.

They can only stay in Wanshou mountain for only five days. In these five days, Lin Chuan will certainly maximize his interests.

On the way to find the treasure land of medicinal materials, Lin Chuan also met several monsters, but they were no different from the blood spirit demon snake. Most of them were about the first grade and second grade. They were of average blood and weak strength, so there was no merit in them.

Lin Chuan encountered the initiative to attack themselves, but also did not let them go, directly killed after taking out the core, and so on to save later to sell money.

However, if the monsters did not attack themselves, there was no reason for Lin Chuan to kill them. All things have spirits, so it is not easy to practice. Lin Chuan does not want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

During this period, Lin Chuan didn't meet any of his disciples, but he was very free. Even if he met Lin Chuan, he might not form a team with them.

"Mosquito, go and see what's going on there." At this time, Lin Chuan felt some movement not far away. He sent tricolor mosquitoes to see if he could find anything.

Because of the origin of all things, the connection between him and the beast is far beyond ordinary people. He can also feel what the mosquito perceives.

There are many good things in the valley."I think we found it!"

Lin Chuan mouth raised a delicate arc, it is likely that he has found the place Xia Ruoxue said.

A few minutes later, Lin Chuan appeared on the edge of the valley, looking at the rare medicinal materials in the valley, Lin Chuanle blossomed.

"This is a sea of medicine!" The aura of this valley is definitely the most gathering place of Wanshou mountain. There are herbs full of aura everywhere. Soon Linchuan found two kinds of medicinal materials that he wanted to make Baidu Dan.

A xuanshuihua and a poisonous bamboo herb are both essential for the preparation of Baidu Dan, which are not necessarily available if you want to buy them outside on weekdays.

As an alchemist, Lin Chuan was more happy to see the sea of medicine than to see the gold mine. He wandered around quickly, but when he saw the medicinal materials he wanted, he directly reached out to take them.

However, when he was happily picking herbs, suddenly there were several waves of vibration on the ground, as if something was going to drill out. Lin Chuan's face changed instantly.

"Little mosquito!" Linchuan called out the tricolor mosquito in case of emergency. At the moment of the emergence of tricolor mosquito, a huge object suddenly came out of the ground and arched Linchuan to the sky!

At this time, Lin Chuan, commanding the mosquito of tricolor, grabbed his body and was able to control his body shape. However, when he looked at what happened on the ground, Lin Chuan took a breath of cold ai

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