"What are you worried about? I want to find out that it's an underage ice spirit eagle, and its strength is only around the second grade peak."

Soon, Ling Donger knew what Lin Chuan was worried about. She also had self-knowledge. The three grade monster could kill ten of them with a slap.

The reason why Ling Donger takes a fancy to this Bing Ling Hawk is that it has the talent to reach the peak of the second grade only when he is young, and his strength in adulthood can not be underestimated.

But this also led to ice spirit Eagle extremely difficult to deal with, second grade peak can let Ling Donger spare no effort to fight with it only then defeated both sides.

"The second grade monster is almost the same. Take me to find the ice spirit eagle. It's wrapped in me."

Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. He recently induced the origin of all things. It took some time to recover. After all, his strength is not strong enough to a certain extent. If he does not use the essence blood sparingly, his blood purity will become lower and lower, which will have a great impact on Lin Chuan's future.

"Don't you wait for me to get better? The ice eagle is not as simple as you think Ling Dong'Er looks at Lin Chuan in doubt and asks.

"I can deal with the ice spirit hawk by myself. I'll help you to suppress it. You can link with it as soon as possible."

In the face of Ling Donger's query, Lin Chuan explains without expression. Listening to his confidence, Ling Dong'Er doesn't know what to say. Lin Chuan has the same strength as her, and he is extremely hard to deal with the ice spirit eagle. How can Lin Chuan be so confident that he threatens to deal with the ice spirit Eagle by himself?

Although confused, but with the alchemy bet just now, Ling Donger is not good to say anything more. She can only promise to come down. When she falls down, she has an accident, and she will do it together.

In this way, Ling Donger takes Lin Chuan to the nest of Bingling eagle. The ice spirit Eagle lives on a cliff above the medicine valley. During the period of injury, she has already found out the living habits of the ice spirit eagle.

"You should be more careful. The ice spirit eagle's claws are extremely sharp, and they have cold blood, so they can freeze their blood at will..."

in front of the ice spirit eagle's nest, Ling Donger kindly reminds Lin Chuan that the ice spirit eagle is far more difficult to deal with than he imagined. After all, it is a highly gifted monster with a lot of wisdom. If you are not careful, you may be hit.

Lin Chuan gently nodded his head, under the gaze of Ling Dong'Er, slowly approached a cave on the cliff.

The cave is affected by the extreme cold of Bingling eagle. It is covered with frost all around. Close to the cave, Lin Chuan feels a trace of coldness. He hasn't gone into it yet. When he goes further, he is expected to have a more thorough chill.

Ling Donger has been following her behind Lin Chuan. When the two men are getting closer to the cave, the owner of the cave seems to feel the breath of their two human beings. A loud hawk appears, and gusts of cold wind gush out of the cave.

Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes, but at this time, he saw the figure of Bingling eagle, and then appeared the rapid hail. With the wings of Bingling eagle, they attacked Linchuan.

These hailstones are not ordinary pieces of ice. With the powerful ice control ability of Bingling eagle, each of these hailstones is extremely sharp, like a knife. If it is pierced into the skin, it will definitely hurt.


At this time, Lin Chuan's aura spilled out of his body. Under his control, he smashed all the hail that was close to his body. Of course, this was not over. The little centipede emerged from behind Lin Chuan and helped him fight against the terrible hail together.

When seeing the centipede king in the earth's heart, Ling Donger is full of surprise.

Ordinary centipede is still common. Many friars would choose this kind of monster as their own monster. However, the king centipede with a gold stripe behind Lin Chuan is unusual. Moreover, the breath of the king is not the same as Bing Lingying. No wonder Lin Chuan promised to give it to him just now There is a foundation.

When Bingling Eagle saw that his hail was controlled by others, he was obviously a little discontented. At this time, he called, and the air around him became thinner at this moment.

"Be careful, he's controlling the temperature around him!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Donger's face changed slightly. Because of the cold blood, the ice spirit Eagle has the ability to far surpass the ordinary monster. Before, Ling Donger was hurt by this move of the ice spirit eagle. If the ice spirit Eagle successfully controlled the surrounding temperature, the whole blood of Linchuan would be frozen with the control of the ice spirit Eagle!

However, Ling Donger's words did not affect Lin Chuan. There was no panic on his face. On the contrary, at this time, the light green armor appeared on Lin Chuan's body, enveloping him all over the body. The influence of the outside temperature could not do harm to Linchuan.

"This is..."

looking at the armor outside Lin Chuan's body, Ling Donger is deeply shocked. The armor is not a spirit weapon or a spiritual treasure, but has the smell of a demon beast. In other words, Lin Chuan has two monsters?

It may be enough for a monk to have a monster. Too many will backfire and affect the speed of cultivation. Only a genius with excellent talent can control more than one monster at the same time.Like her Ling Donger, she hasn't had a monster since she practiced for such a long time. Otherwise, she would not be seriously injured by the ice spirit eagle.

It is because she knows that her talent can only control a kind of monster, so she has always been careful to choose. If she did not find this ice spirit eagle which is extremely suitable for her, Ling Donger would probably choose to practice alone.

However, Ling Donger's surprise does not affect the battle between Lin Chuan and Bing Ling Ying. With the attachment of Mo Yu Qilin, Lin Chuan's strength soared. After several punches from Lin Chuan, Bing Ling Ying's breath fell to the ground and was not as powerful as before.

Finally, in Ling Donger's surprise, she and Bing Lingying have established a blood relationship. At the moment of her final success, Ling Donger still has some problems. How does she feel that Lin Chuan seems to be trampling on a child and solve the problem?

Seeing Lin Chuan's dark green armor gradually disappear, and the earth's centipede king also gets into Lin Chuan's body and disappears, she swallows her saliva. She is glad that she didn't fight with Lin Chuan at that time. If she insisted on doing it at that time, the appearance of Bingling eagle would be her own end.

For a while, Ling Donger's eyes at Linchuan also changed greatly.

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