"You people in black bull city will not have any regret to die here now, because all the strength and ideas in you have finally merged with me and changed into my power."

"Originally, as a territory owned by the Shangguan family, you should be able to judge what's wrong with you, but you don't know what's going on with you. It's really funny that I don't know all the preparations I've made here."

The other side said, while laughing, the lines in the air become more and more bloody.

"What's going on? Why are our spiritual powers beginning to weaken?"

At last someone around me realized that something was wrong.

In the past, they were only forced to take out a small part of the spiritual power, and they could recover in less than a day. Therefore, they did not care what the bloody lines around them would eventually have on themselves.

Some people who knew something terrible might happen had already left black bull.

The state of black bull city has become very strange.

All the people who have a strong sense of danger have left, while those who feel that nothing has happened have all survived in the black bull city.

Now there are people who are aware of the danger and want to leave the city, but they find that they can't leave the city.

Around this black cow. There is a huge force running through it.

And when each aura of spiritual power in the air is illusory, more and more spiritual powers are fused.

When more and more spiritual powers appeared in the air, Lin Chuan let his mind come out on his hand. The sword Qi controlled by Lin Chuan also became more and more powerful.

Now the whole black bull city inside the people have begun to have action, and in Lin Chuan's side has many people to protect him.

Some even use his own strength to resist danger.

In their opinion, now only Lin Chuan can save black bull city.

So they can't let black bull die.

All the selfishness, including human beings, will not unite.

Because most people have their own families and what they care about.

In black bull City, they didn't want any accident in black bull City, so that everything they had disappeared.

Everyone is trying to do his best to spread the spiritual power from his body.

When the spirit power in the air appeared around, the spirit breath of the whole space gradually formed a spiritual barrier around Linchuan.

"We don't have to do this. We need to protect ourselves first."

Lin Chuan said, while using the aura of spiritual power to protect all these people around him.

Lin Chuan knew that if any accident happened to these people, he would feel sorry for it.

Therefore, when he made a move, the first time he was to let these spiritual powers transform some forces in the air and protect them.

Now the whole space around the suspension out of the fierce breath, suddenly through the out.

More and more dangerous forces floated out, and Lin Chuan began to work out a defense magic weapon.

Most of the defense magic weapons were also used by Lin Chuan.

The people around me are especially grateful when they notice here.

And when they realized Lin Chuan's action, one or two of them also helped Lin Chuan more seriously.

Because they know that Lin Chuan is definitely not a selfish person.

At this juncture, Lin Chuan is thinking about their safety.

Elder Haitian was next to Lin Chuan at this time. At this time, he felt that there was no reaction.

When he saw Lin Chuan for the first time before, he didn't think Lin Chuan could do anything.

But now, elder Haitian can feel that the sky will change again in Heiniu city.

And I'm afraid Lin Chuan will rescue everyone again.

If he can continue to rescue the people in black bull city again, the position of the Lord of black bull city. It must be his.

In the side of the sea sky elder, heart thought, not to mention Lin Chuan and their Shangguan family are not bad now.

Shangguan family in a long time ago, has directly lifted the action to deal with Ling Donger, and also sent people to personally apologize.

Lin Chuan is also very satisfied with the attitude of their families, so Lin Chuan will let them survive.

Otherwise, with the help of Lin Chuan, I'm afraid Linchuan will be able to destroy all the people of Shangguan family.

Lin Chuan smiles to himself. In his opinion, those who control the array hidden in the dark will never survive this time.If it's just Lin Chuan's own strength, maybe Lin Chuan just detects what's going on here, and then he'll leave and go to the beast sect to tell everyone to be ready.

Because with his own strength, he also knew that it was impossible to confront such a powerful enemy.

However, when the aura of spiritual power that runs through it suddenly bursts out in the air, it directly forms a strong life force.

When all the power covered his body, Lin Chuan could directly feel that the spiritual power contained in his body was extremely powerful.

Now Lin Chuan wants to use the power in his palm to spread out and attack. The spiritual power that he runs on his hand is absolutely incomparable and powerful.

More and more sword Qi diffused out in the air. When each sharp and fierce combination came out, it had formed a strong spiritual power, which directly broke out.

In the most important position of the array, the man finally felt the breath of something wrong and woke up.

He had already fallen into the state of resurrection, but now his face was very angry.

"If you people die honestly, I won't fight against you again."

"But I didn't expect that you really wanted to resist. Don't blame me for directly ending your lives."

"And now in my opinion, there is not much spiritual power in you. Believe it or not, I can destroy all the spiritual power in you at once."

The other side growled and said angrily.

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