Lin Chuan continuously used some spiritual breath, and spread directly along the direction ahead.

After using the green dragon sword spirit several times in succession, Lin Chuan is in better condition now.

Because Lin Chuan doesn't need to worry about whether there will be monsters all around him, and he will rush to kill him.

At this time, the fierce breath gathered on Lin Chuan's hand. The first came out suddenly, and the danger came out in the air.

Before long, the fierce breath of the integration of the whole space has been promoted.

Lin Chuan uses the power in his palm to float out and ensure his safety as much as possible.

At this time, Lin Chuan let the spiritual power in his palm. It is generalized into a seal, ready to seal the blood red eyes in front of you directly.

In Lin Chuan's opinion, the eye in front of him must have broken through from a seal.

If they can hand, and will seal condensation, suppressed in the blood red eyes above, will certainly be able to bring them a great threat.

"Hehe, this boy, do you still want me to seal it up? What you killed before is just my body. Now my soul has cultivated the form of devil. Can't you let me eat you in one bite? "

There was a murmur in the air.

Lin Chuan became cautious and observed the movement around.

But he didn't hear where it came from.

Lin Chuan took advantage of the aura of spiritual power in his palm, and integrated in the direction ahead.

After several attempts, Lin Chuan has confirmed that there is a very huge devil around here.

Originally, the devil could have started at Lin Chuan, but now, the spirit power from the devil's body has exceeded the original city Lord's imagination.

So the city Lord directly sealed a part of his soul.

On the one hand, the city Lord wanted to draw strength from his soul, but on the other hand, he didn't want the evil devil to hurt him, so he made this arrangement after careful consideration to ensure his own safety.

But in the end, he could not do anything, and he had been solved by Lin Chuan. Instead, he left this array here.

"Big brother, what should we do now? This big eye looks so disgusting, and there is a strange spiritual power in his eye, which seems to affect our mind and judgment."

Suddenly the little girl said.

Now it seems that the situation is still not optimistic.

Around the air slowly floating out of the spiritual power, suddenly through the out.

It's a real threat to their lives.

"For such a dangerous thing, you'd better step back and stand behind. Don't leave too far away. I'll protect you in front of you, so that you won't have any dangerous breath."

"Even if there is danger, it can directly help you resist it. No matter how you say it, you will not suddenly encounter danger."

Lin Chuan said, while he was thinking that the girl is around here, as far as possible not to leave his sight.

He nodded and followed Lin Chuan closely.

At this time, Lin Chuan has already begun to hand, the needle in front of the blood red eyes penetrated out.

In the air, one after another of sword Qi was suspended, but when the sword spirit contained in the air was strong enough, it attacked in the direction ahead, and a strong seal was condensed in the whole space.

But the blood red eyes just opened their eyes, and then a red light came out, which destroyed all the sword spirit of Linchuan.

In front of this eye, let Lin Chuan feel the power of something wrong.

Lin Chuan's body constantly moved back in the past.

When he was trying to fight just now, he found that most of the spirit breath in his body could not be released. He did not know why this happened.

Now you have to be prepared.

Therefore, he constantly moved to other places. In Lin Chuan's opinion, at this time, he was able to be more cautious and could directly break his eyes.

The eyes were originally completely blood red, but now they have been stained with some black fog. When they are presented in the air, they have become more inexplicable.

In the whole space, the fierce breath bred out of it is extremely terrifying.

Lin Chuan watched him, the aura of spiritual power on his hand. He wanted to know whether the spirit sword spirit fused in his palm could be used again.

It is the best if all the spiritual powers can burst out in the first time.More and more power appeared. Lin Chuan watched and began to move.

He constantly integrated some sword Qi and let it attack.

After trying several times, Lin Chuan found that the taboos he controlled had already changed in essence, and more and more terrifying forces were emanating from the air.

When the breath of this air fusion took place further transformation, Lin Chuan took the green dragon sword in his hand and directly attacked him in front of his eyes.

Lin Chuan knows that the spiritual power left on his hand can control the force to rush out. In the air, more and more bloody breath lingers, and most of the black fog is shrouded in Lin Chuan's side.

But at this time, they all want to close Linchuan directly.

If such an evil force can seal Linchuan directly, it will not take long for Linchuan's body to recover.

Now in Lin Chuan's body, there have been some spiritual power fluctuations.

Lin Chuan knew that if he did not fight as soon as possible, and broke out a strong force to solve the fog, he would certainly have more danger.

We should know that the power of the whole space around has undergone a transformation in essence.

Most of the power can seal Linchuan.

Now Lin Chuan's aura of spiritual power has formed a defensive array on him.

This defensive array, in fact, seals himself inside to ensure that external forces crush him down and directly destroys his body.

For this means, Lin Chuan has already been ready.

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