More and more dangers in the air merge out. Lin Chuan sees it in his eyes. He finds that the spiritual power fused in front of him is illusory, and he has attacked along the direction of Linchuan.

Lin Chuan takes advantage of the spiritual power in his body to further improve, and Lin Chuan makes the breath in his palm come out.

From the air, it is also surrounded by Linchuan.

Lin Chuan frowned and looked at the sword spirit of the whole space around him.

He had already found something wrong.

When the sword Qi in the whole space is integrated and presented in the air, it has already brought a lot of threats to them.

Lin Chuan has been using the power of his hand to further his hand.

There was a human figure around, but when it came out, something was wrong.

His face has even begun to appear black lines, each black line is condensed in the air, and finally, his teeth even become black, which is particularly terrifying in the air.

Lin Chuan's face was dignified. He took the green dragon sword in his hand and killed him directly. The people in front of him stared at Lin Chuan, but he sneered.

"Where did you come from and why can you still see you now?"

Said the other.

He thought a move, directly appeared in the air a barrier, by the way, the whole air inside the bloody breath isolated.

Lin Chuan saw the appearance, and his face was dignified.

He didn't expect the speed of the opponent's hand to be so fast.

"And who are you?"

Lin Chuan said, in front of this person, in his back unexpectedly also grew another head.

A man with two heads looks particularly terrifying.

"Where did it come from?"

The little girl said with a little sword in her hand.

On this small sword, there are blood red flame lines.

This small sword is also given to him by the rosefinch. The aura of spiritual power running out of it can make people encounter threats in an instant.

And the speed of the little sword is very fast. The little girl can control the little sword and run directly along with other people's bodies.

For this small sword, Lin Chuan has just begun to feel.

Because the power of this small sword is the same as that of the green dragon sword.

In the air, the spiritual power also becomes more and more powerful. The two swords are fused together.

At this time, the green dragon sword had changed into the same state as the rosefinch sword.

When the two swords were presented together, the aura of spiritual power appeared in the air. Seeing the weapon in Lin Chuan's hand, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"I didn't expect that you still had four great beasts on your body. It seems that this time, you can not only start breeding, but also get a lot of good things."

Said the two headed monster in front of him.

Lin Chuan frowned.

Look at this, they seem to have human beings as something to eat, and breeding up Linchuan is particularly dignified.

Lin Chuan controls the green dragon sword with great care.

Now the aura of spiritual power condensed from Lin Chuan's hands has been destroyed in a flash. The power gathered in the whole air around him has also changed more powerful.

When Lin Chuan saw here, the strength gathered from the palm of his hand suddenly attacked along the direction in front of him.

The double headed monster in front of him opened his mouth and ate all the spiritual power attacks sent out by Linchuan.

Lin Chuan's face changed dramatically when he saw it.

He had no idea why the other side could resist his attack directly.

"This guy seems to have incorporated the power of the devouring beast, capable of swallowing everything in the world."

The little girl said in the side of the mouth, just that a strength, but in the inside are fused out of the breath of fire.

However, after the double headed monster stabbed down, there was no change. On the contrary, he still had a look of special enjoyment.

See here, Lin Chuan frowned, heart special cautious.

Because Lin Chuan doesn't know why the other party is in such a state.

The spiritual power fused in Lin Chuan's palm suddenly merged along the front.

After several attempts to rush out, the aura of spiritual power that runs through Lin Chuan's palm has been directly promoted.

But the other side still smiles, there is no worry at all.

"You go on, the more you do, the better for me."

"Because now I especially need the aura of spiritual power that you send out. ,The other side said, while laughing, as if the other side especially need their spiritual attack.

Lin Chuan frowned when he saw this.

Indeed, Lin Chuan has found that there is a power to break through their cultivation.

If Lin Chuan continues to help them provide spiritual power, I'm afraid they can really break through their cultivation.

At that time, it will be more difficult for Lin Chuan to defeat them.

When he realized this, Lin Chuan frowned and stopped attacking.

He also made the little girl stop directly.

The little girl's face was cautious. After hearing Lin Chuan's words, she nodded seriously and didn't move her hand.

In the palm of Lin Chuan, the aura of spiritual power suddenly rose.

The spirit power that runs through the whole space around bursts out a very strong spiritual power. Then the spiritual power emerging from the whole space directly sends out extremely violent attacks in the air.

Lin Chuan's spiritual power this time has ensured safety as far as possible, and has not directly rushed out.

In Lin Chuan's opinion, if he continues to attack at this time, it is not good.

However, all these spiritual powers around him absorbed the whole space around him in a time, so he didn't help the double headed monster in front of him.

At this time, the spiritual power continuously emanating from the air has been greatly improved.

And then the power in the air has risen rapidly.

When Lin Chuan saw this, he was surprised.

Now in the air, the aura of spiritual power continuously running out has been greatly improved.

At this time, Lin Chuan then shot out again, he used countless forces to surround directly around, and isolated each other.

Around the whole space, spiritual power fusion, the other side saw Lin Chuan used the means, is also scared, and then they were ecstatic.

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