The little girl is beside Lin Chuan, her eyebrows are frowning.

He didn't know how to deal with the present situation.

In his opinion, Lin Chuan's actions are particularly dangerous.

In the little girl's memory, Lin Chuan did everything is extremely dangerous, but Lin Chuan did not worry at all.

As if this was his life.

There are more and more psychic powers in the air. When the aura of spiritual power in the surrounding air began to change, the breath that Lin Chuan could conjure up in his body has changed more powerful.

"Little girl, please help me guard it. Now the breath that can run through my body will certainly become stronger and stronger."

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said that countless spiritual powers in his body had been raised wildly, and there were also many changes in his physical body.

After several attempts in succession, Lin Chuan's horrible aura of spiritual power penetrated into his elixir field in an instant, and this kind of spiritual power was extremely fast when it broke out.

The little girl's eyebrows were frowning.

She had to nod.

Because she knew that she couldn't let Lin Chuan give up anyway. She might as well choose to agree at this time.

In the air, countless auras of spiritual power permeated through the air. When more and more power was transformed, the little girl could also absorb some of the spiritual breath from Lin Chuan.

Because the little girl is now guarding the side, when a part of the spiritual power leaks out, he just needs to consume and absorb it directly.

Now Lin Chuan controls the aura of spiritual power in his body, and his face looks dignified.

Because Lin Chuan did not know why at this time most of his physical strength, but could not directly burst out in the Dantian.

The aura of spiritual power presented in the surrounding space has become faster and faster.

But in the whole space, the power that comes out of it is not getting better and better.

After the power transformed from Lin Chuan's body was promoted, a huge aura of spiritual power erupted directly around him.

When he detected here, Lin Chuan further improved his spiritual power in his palm.

Finally, after trying several times, Lin Chuan began to let the spiritual power that he had on hand to further transform.

After the Xuanling realm came up, the speed of Lin Chuan's breakthrough in succession has become faster and faster.

Lin Chuan did not know whether this would have any negative impact on him.

However, Lin Chuan knows that he has tried his best to suppress the unstable factors brought about by his breakthrough in cultivation.

Now many of the auras of spiritual power in the air have recovered rapidly.

Lin Chuan tried to change his spiritual power. After several bursts of spiritual breath, the power fused in the whole space around him recovered quickly.

All of a sudden, Lin Chuan frowned because he realized that there was something wrong with the spiritual power on his face.

To know the original clear to his power inside the elixir field, part of it should be able to quickly merge.

But now all the spiritual power has entered his elixir field, which is madly destroyed.

And this part of the force, Lin Chuan is no longer able to control.

"Damn it."

Lin Chuan scolded himself.

He took advantage of the powerful aura of spiritual power in his body, and then he fused.

When more and more spiritual powers in the air are fused, Lin Chuan has already felt several abnormal spiritual powers suddenly burst out.

Lin Chuan and the little girl's face changed dramatically. The little girl quickly controlled a burst of strength and the breath of fire into Lin Chuan's body.

When Lin Chuan suppressed the uncontrollable force inside her body, the little girl now knows that if there is no further detection, it is likely that the spiritual power penetrating through the surrounding air will become more terrifying.

By this time, the aura of spiritual power in the whole space has been greatly changed.

Lin Chuan began to try to restore the strength he had at hand.

The little girl nodded with satisfaction.

This time, when Lin Chuan was in danger, it was OK to have him directly help him.

If not, Lin Chuan will certainly face more dangers now.

The little girl immersed part of the flame power into Lin Chuan's body, and then helped him recover.

However, when more and more spiritual powers in the air were restored, the power that Lin Chuan controlled in his hand had already transformed very quickly.Lin Chuan began to let the strength of his hands into the little girl's body.

"This part of the power is stored in you. If there is any danger, you will not consume too much of your own strength if you integrate the spiritual power."

Lin Chuan said at the beginning that he gathered all his power into a spirit breath state and presented it in the air for the little girl.

The little girl nodded and looked up at the sky.

The aura of spiritual power that runs through the whole space has changed by this time.

In the space, most of the forces that suddenly attack each other have already formed a state of Thunder Dragon above the sky, ready to attack Lin Chuan.

"It's strange. Why haven't we broken through the cultivation? There are so many abnormal forces in the air, ready to threaten me?"

"Is it possible that all the forces in the sky have already known that I will definitely break through the cultivation this time?"

Lin Chuan shook his head. He thought it was strange.

However, at this time, he did not pay attention to anything, but immediately tried to hand, let the power from the air continue to fuse.

When enough spiritual power is presented in the air, the forces that come out of it are already different.

"You are so strong, the power above the sky should have been sensed, so when you break through the cultivation in the future, you'd better hide yourself as much as possible, otherwise I don't know when you will be directly killed by heaven."

The little girl said, now the little girl's face is still a little nervous, because the little girl does not know why Lin Chuan's attack power is stronger and stronger than before, even stronger than he can see.

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