After a period of fighting, most of the spiritual power in Lin Chuan's body has been relaxed.

He knew that Li Guangyang must be very worried now.

Because Li Guangyang's body, there is no fire power to fight against him. Now the whole space around him is full of flame.

When the flame power in the air starts to agglomerate and form, the other party must carefully consider the danger of the power from the surrounding space.

You know, for these flame power, although the other party Li Guangyang wants to absorb. But I don't have the courage to absorb it.

He didn't know if there would be any danger after injecting the power of these flames into his body.

In his body, there was already a part of the fire power, but when this part of the flame power was diffused out, the breath in the air could not resist the power presented around him.

Now Lin Chuan attacks immediately, and has transformed part of his spiritual power into a new one. When more and more flames are directly surrounded nearby, it is obvious that something is wrong.

The aura of spiritual power suspended in the hand has been lifted up, and then the aura condensed around has been transformed.

"Don't you want the power of fire? Why don't you dare to come here now? I said that now part of the spirit breath in your body has burst out, which is a more powerful threat to you. "

"But I always think that you should be able to deal with the forces in the surrounding space."

Lin Chuan constantly ridiculed each other.

Now the other side has no way to say anything, he knows that Lin Chuan used these exciting methods, is stimulating him.

If he was cheated now, he would not be able to fight against Lin Chuan.

All the monsters in the other side's body burst out, and the spiritual power presented in each monster's body changed more powerful.

After several times of fighting, the other side even wanted to escape.

However, Lin Chuan did not give him a chance to leave. The aura of spiritual power suddenly burst out of Linchuan, and surrounded him directly.

In his look, there are countless flame breath, including him in the center.

If you want to run away, you can't leave at all.

He is helpless to stare at Lin Chuan, do not know how to resist.

Lin Chuan suddenly used the spirit power to attack, and then more and more huge spirit breath around him had already returned to his body.

Li Guangyang smiles, and the spiritual power diffused from it quickly condenses in the first time.

The power in the surrounding space has also been transformed.

But when Lin Chuan was ready to attack further, the other side even hid it directly.

"It seems that you shrink the head tortoise, the spiritual power bred by it is still very strong. I did not expect that when the power controlled by your body erupts again, it can show such an abnormal power in the surrounding air."

Lin Chuan said.

He watched as much as he could in the dark.

But after several attempts, he still did not find out where Li Guangyang was hiding.

He started one after another, and the aura of spiritual power suddenly rose, and then in this whole space, he fused his own soul power.

When enough soul power appeared in the air, Lin Chuan had already detected something wrong and burst out around.

In the air, Li Guangyang's position suddenly flashed in the air.

Of course, this is where Li Guangyang himself exposed himself.

For Li Guangyang, he can easily use such a state, because it is not difficult for him to directly condense some spiritual power in the air and disguise himself as his own physical state.

On the contrary, it's easy. He just needs to continue to control the aura around him from time to time.

For the power gathered from the whole space around him, Lin Chuan is now completely enough to directly gather the aura of spiritual power for judgment.

So when Li Guangyang thought he was very powerful and began to gather strength around him, so did Lin Chuan.

He had begun to observe everything around him.

For him, all the atmosphere around him condensed and showed the power, and changed more powerful.

When the power gathered in the air has been improved, Lin Chuan can now immediately kill out, and try to target the surrounding monsters.

Lin Chuan knows that every power in the air is becoming stronger and stronger.

Lin Chuan controls the power of the physical body and directly bursts out. Then he strolls through the aura of spiritual power in the whole space around him, and instantly rises up.Just when the other party felt something was wrong and wanted to continue the detection, Lin Chuan directly left a mark on the other party's body to determine the other party's position.

Now the aura of spiritual power that comes out of the crazy fusion in the space has risen in a moment.

Li Guangyang also wanted to dodge.

But he suddenly found that something appeared on him. If he had not removed the mark, he would be in danger now.

Lin Chuan ha ha smile, and then convenient with their own hands in the spiritual power, directly broke out.

The aura of spiritual power condensed from the surrounding air runs through in a moment, and this kind of power is extremely strong.

The other party realized that something was wrong and immediately covered himself with a spiritual barrier. He wanted to erase the mark completely.

But he didn't expect that Lin Chuan had already done something on the mark, and now the power burst out of the mark can completely threaten his life.

Just as he was about to do something about the mark, the power from the air burst out in an instant, and then the breath from the whole space around him directly suppressed Li Guangyang.

This is a particularly strong spiritual invasion.

If it can burst out immediately, it can give the other party a particularly strong danger.

Of course, now he wants to avoid Lin Chuan is totally helpless.

Lin Chuan can only attack directly through the position shown in the opponent's body to ensure that the other party can not pose a threat to him.

Otherwise, Lin Chuan would not have killed him later.

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