Lin Chuan smiles and looks at each other.

He began to beg for mercy and said, "young Xia, we were blind before. We offended you. We should die!"

"But we all have young and old people in our family. We come out to look for monsters just to sell them at a good price. Please spare our lives! Otherwise, the family behind us will not be able to survive. "

"Yes, and there are more than a dozen people in our family. If you have a large number, let us go!" Another said, they are afraid of any action.

"People like you will also have families? It's just a bunch of nonsense here, trying to win my sympathy, right? "

"The strength of your blood has proved that there is no family in your family." Lin Chuan said.

The secret skill of this kind of skill is quite unique. It can only be judged by using the original blood of all things.

The other party looks at Lin Chuan, his face is shocked.

They didn't expect that Lin Chuan could even judge these things.

Lin Chuan at this time has been looking at their state, in front of them, will be in their bags inside the things out.

And also has been the vitality of Dan let tricolor mosquitoes take down, tricolor mosquito's body began to slowly recover, the body's weak breath has also been restored.

Seeing that the state of the mosquito has recovered, Lin Chuan is now relaxed. There is nothing else in the bag except two vital pills.

Other miscellaneous things, after Lin Chuan looked at them again, had already lost them, because they had no effect on him at all.

"Don't you have any other good things?" Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said, the person in front of him shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

"In that case, there's no point in keeping you." Lin Chuan said, while using a sword, directly pierced their heart.

At the beginning, he thought that he could continue to procrastinate and spend some time with Lin Chuan. Maybe when it was dawn, their companions would be able to detect something wrong and trace it.

But Lin Chuan didn't give them any chance and didn't ask. They fell into the cave with their eyes closed.

At the same time, Lin Chuan also walked out of the cave, ignored them and moved on.

The smell of blood has spread out here. Therefore, although it would be dangerous to leave late at night, Lin Chuan must also set out now, because he has not started now, I am afraid he will be surrounded by monsters with bloody scent from some pursuers.

At this time, shortly after Lin Chuan left, the original cave had been filled with monsters, constantly gnawing at the two people, as well as the body of the demon wolf.

Lin Chuan turned to take a look, only felt the whole body creepy, suddenly, faster to the distance, worried that staying here too long, he would encounter some accidents.

After walking to a place ten miles away, Lin Chuan simply found a place to rest for a long time, and his body would not be able to bear it.

You know, in this piece of wasteland, the gloomy breath appears from time to time, and the breath gathered in the sky appears more and more gloomy.

When they walk, they have to use some spiritual power constantly to ensure that they will not be affected by the wind around them.

When the wind in the garden swept over them, they were like knives. They had no spiritual power and could not walk in the wilderness.

Moreover, as we go forward, there are more and more dangers inside. Of course, it is precisely because of this environment that the spirit fire of heaven and earth can be bred.

I'm afraid the spirit fire in this place is even more powerful than Lin Chuan imagined. Lin Chuan takes a rest and restores his spiritual power to the peak state.

At the same time, he also took a hand to deal with the ashes formed by a mass of spirit stones on the ground. After all, if some people pass through this place, they will be able to judge something through the ashes.

At that time, Lin Chuan will encounter a lot of danger. Lin Chuan begins to observe the strange forces ahead. Suddenly, he has seen a small oasis in front of him.

Lin Chuan rubbed his eyes and looked at the oasis in front of him in bewilderment? Isn't it a mirage? " Lin Chuan thought in his heart that he had gone to the front.

When he stepped into the oasis, Lin Chuan's steps suddenly stopped, because he realized that there was a particularly gloomy smell emerging in the oasis.

If he walked in, he could only face the danger of his life. It turned out that it was a monster of wood property, a thousand year old tree demon.

"It seems that this piece of desert was not like a desert before. There are still thousands of years of tree demons growing."

Lin Chuan said in a low voice. He had already judged some breath in front of him. He knew that this oasis was just an illusion gathered by a thousand year old tree demon.If he goes in, his whole body will be eaten by the Millennium tree demon.

It is true that many people have been walking in the oasis for thousands of years. When they are aware of danger, or when they are too thirsty, they go directly into the oasis.

The original oasis in the desert has become a very strange thing.

However, few people are cautious. As a result, it is difficult to survive in the desert, but the Millennium tree demon here has been greatly improved.

The cultivation power in his body has been promoted to the nine levels of spiritual guidance.

Lin Chuan walked in at this time, but he couldn't get out alive.

"I think I'll take a detour." Lin Chuan said, has gone to other places.

At this time, the body of the Millennium tree demon suddenly and constantly vibrated, in which, there are many branches spread out.

The branches grow wildly, trying to trap Linchuan.

The thousand year old tree demon didn't want to deceive the flesh and blood in front of her eyes, and disappeared like this.

Lin Chuan is also ready to fight, and directly uses his sword to kill.

The king of centipede in the center of the earth soared up and jumped up. In an instant, he had dealt with all the branches that the other side had grown.

"Give up. I already know your trick. Why do you want to prepare to do it to me now?" Lin Chuan said.

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