Lin Chuan heard what the elder said and tried to let his sharp breath burst out.

When there is enough spirit breath to attack, there will be a huge sword attack in the surrounding space all day.

And these forces are all made up of soul power. The reason why Lin Chuan has used so much power now is that he wants to seriously detect whether there is something wrong with the spiritual power that erupts in the whole space.

By this time, more and more psychic powers in the air had been transformed.

But in this, some of the breath presented in the bombing could not form a force attack.


Lin Chuan stares at each other, he always feels a little strange.

Because at this time, he didn't know what kind of power the monster possessed.

It seems that the spiritual power bred from each other's body can burst out in an instant.

And threatened Lin Chuan's life, but Lin Chuan wanted to kill it, it was more difficult.

By this time, Linchuan has been sending out a part of the spirit power breath which is strong enough to run through directly.

Lin Chuan wants to make the surrounding power strong enough to burst out, and solve the other big elder.

One by one, they all collected the strength in their own flesh. They controlled a strong sword force on their hands, and then attacked them in an instant.

Lin Chuan frowned when he detected that the dangerous forces were breaking out, because Lin Chuan could feel the sword Qi from the elders around him, and he couldn't attack and get the other side.

What's more dangerous is that all the spiritual power that the elder erupts now will surely be absorbed into the body of the other party.

Sure enough, the elder sent out all the strength, the other side did not see.

The other side just ha ha smile, and then they have absorbed all the sharp breath in the whole space around, so that the power consumption in the whole space is gone.

"Why does this happen?"

The elder spat out a mouthful of blood.

Because part of his soul in his body has been completely consumed by the other party, and part of his soul power in his body has also been lost.

In this part of the soul power, there is also a particularly strong source of power.

It is very difficult to recover the original soul power after being hurt.

Lin Chuan used the fierce breath from his hands to present all the spiritual powers.

Lin Chuan controls the spiritual power that erupts from the whole space around him, and when he attacks, the opponent's attack can't be absorbed.

"You can do it!"

When the elders around saw this, they all nodded with satisfaction.

"Otherwise, we will integrate all the strength in our body into you, and let you control it."

The other side said, while part of the spirit breath, gathered to Lin Chuan's body.

"Don't you think that you can do it to me with this stinky boy? Tell you that this is absolutely impossible. Even if you attack with more strength, you will never be able to solve me."

At this time, the other side sneered, and his body disappeared without a trace.

Lin Chuan frowned. He couldn't tell where the other party was going.

It seems that after the other party hides, Lin Chuan has completely lost the ability to track him.

The big elders around them are all serious and feel the power of the whole space around them.

Because at this time, they did not know what transformation had taken place in the aura of spiritual power penetrating through the surrounding space.

At this time, Lin Chuan carried the green dragon sword in his hand and rushed out in an instant.

Lin Chuan has now aimlessly controlled the strong enough sword Qi to attack.

Because Lin Chuan knows that if he wants to rush out, he must first attack with the spirit power flowing from his body.

Some of the forces emanating from the surrounding air have already burst out.

Lin Chuan followed up and let himself control a sword.

All of a sudden, the psychic power running out of the whole space has been upgraded.

At this time, Lin Chuan had already felt the other side's hidden position. He suddenly burst out a powerful force and rushed out along the front position.

In front of the flame flashed by the location, Lin Chuan has directly left a mark.

"I didn't expect you could tell where I was."The spirit of fire said, it seems that it is a little inconceivable.

He stares at Lin Chuan and always feels something is wrong with Lin Chuan.

Because he did not know why Lin Chuan could judge his position in such a fast time.

With a smile, Lin Chuan controlled the sword Qi from his palm and attacked the front position in an instant.

However, when the powerful spiritual power burst out, the fierce breath from the surrounding whole space had already taken place more violent attacks.

Elder elder, they were all worried, but by this time they had already felt the power of Linchuan.

Therefore, one by one they are crazy to fuse the spirit breath of their own body.

They know that at this time, perhaps Linchuan can help them, suppress the spirit bodies in the space directly, and suppress the spiritual power in the whole space around them. It must be the best.

At present, the spiritual power that runs through the whole space can threaten Lin Chuan's state.

Lin Chuan is satisfied, because Lin Chuan also knows that if he only needs to continue to attack, he will be able to use some powerful spirit breath to attack. At that time, the opponent will certainly be unable to bear the strength from his body.

All of a sudden, the forces that are still moving out of space have changed.

At this time, Lin Chuan carefully manipulates the spiritual power in his body to recover.

Lin Chuan knows that he can recover a lot of strength now, and let most of the spiritual power attack in his body directly ascend.

Throughout the day, the power continuously emanating from the space has also been extremely rapid recovery.

When he realized this, Lin Chuan was not worried now.

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