The man in front of him continued to come forward as he spoke.

"As long as we delay for a quarter of an hour, there will surely be others who will continue to rush out in the distance. When enough people gather together, they will certainly be able to pose a threat to you. I don't believe you can still bear the spirit power penetrating through the whole space around us. I'm afraid you will not be able to continue fighting at that time It is. "

The other side spoke while continuing to attack.

The aura of spiritual power bred on their hands has been raised in an instant.

The forces that come out of it have changed tremendously.

Lin Chuan shook his head.

"There are many of you now, but there is no threat to me."

As Lin Chuan spoke, he burst out a sword spirit and went out in the direction of the seal array.

Because Lin Chuan knows that if the seal array bursts out directly now, it will surely present a strong enough spiritual power in the surrounding space, and will directly save many elders around him.

The aura of spiritual power in the elder's body has been recovered and can enter the fighting state again.

When we detected this, there was something wrong with the people in front of us.

They don't know why there is no power in the whole space, which can present such a powerful aura of spiritual power. Suddenly, there is a particularly terrible spiritual wave around, and this spiritual wave can breed sword spirit in the surrounding space when it is attacked.

Lin Chuan could not imagine the power. At this time, Lin Chuan felt the power from around. He continued to present the spiritual power on his hand. When enough spiritual power radiated in the space, Lin Chuan had already sent out a strong enough fierce breath and attacked in an instant.

You know, when the spirit power in this burst out, it has threatened the aura of spiritual power in the whole space around in an instant.

Lin Chuan nodded with satisfaction, and the elders also started in a moment, and all the auras of spiritual power in the whole space were integrated.

By this time, there are more and more psychic powers in the air, which can explode.

The aura of spiritual power in the whole space has been upgraded in an instant.

"What's going on? Why have the psychic powers in the space around you changed so much?"

The people who rushed over from afar are all frowning. They don't know why they are in such a dangerous situation now.

It seems that the aura of spiritual power that blends in the surrounding space has exploded rapidly.

Violent forces begin to merge in the air, madly.

After detecting how powerful the fierce breath in it is, the other party has frowned. They simply don't believe that the spiritual power presented now has such a powerful power.

However, the elders and their crazy moves have not given them any chance to doubt.

Before long, most of the people had fallen directly on the ground, unable to attack.

Almost a whole clan has been fighting here and died.

"At this time, do you all feel that the spiritual power that comes out of your body can attack me in an instant, and then solve me?"

"It's funny."

The other side said with a smile, while he rushed out.

More and more sharp breath, continuous throughout the whole space.

When there has been a strong spiritual power for fusion, Lin Chuan has found how powerful his power is now able to fight.

When I realized that there was something wrong with the other person's face.

Now there is only one person left in front of him. If the other party wants to use his spiritual power to attack, he must be able to withstand the spiritual power on hand of Lin Chuan before he can continue to attack.

Lin Chuan shook his head, and then the aura of spiritual power that broke out in his palm had penetrated into it in an instant.

The spiritual power bred in this has been fused in a moment. The other party feels the fierce breath of Lin Chuan's spirit in his body, and obviously frowns.

Lin Chuan shook his head and then burst out the strength in his body.

Suddenly, there was enough power in the air to fuse.

Although the power in the air is still rising, the aura of spiritual power emanating from the whole space has been continuously penetrated.

Lin Chuan felt his body inside the spiritual breath of ascension, he nodded with satisfaction.Because at this time, he already knew that the aura of spiritual power that was constantly fusing in the whole space was bound to burst out powerful enough in an instant.

At this time, Lin Chuan followed up and released the power from the surrounding space.

Because they know that as long as they have enough aura of spiritual power to present in the space, it must be the best, because calmness can make use of the spiritual power from this fusion to fight, and let Linchuan control more power.

Now Lin Chuan has solved countless people, but he has not consumed much spiritual power in his body.

Because after Lin Chuan solved them, he would integrate most of his spiritual power into his body.

Xia Ruoxue they also at this time around the crazy fight, help Linchuan burst out a burst of strong force out.

When there are enough spiritual powers to fuse in the space, there will be more spiritual powers that can be gathered out.

And Lingchuan will start to improve the whole space.

By this time, there are more and more auras of spiritual power in the air that can be improved.

Lin Chuan followed up with his hand, and let his body be able to merge out of spiritual power to upgrade.

At this time, Lin Chuan's physical body radiated out of the power, a steady stream of ascension.

Now Lin Chuan's quick hand, will be in the space inside the fierce breath along the front direction to attack out.

He wants to do it as soon as possible so that he can attack.

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