Because they didn't believe everything in Lin Chuan at this time.

In their view, now Lin Chuan must be because he has run out of a particularly evil force, can let himself up.

Lin Chuan laughed and thought they were very funny.

Because it's just because their cultivation power is higher than them, they even think that they are practicing evil skills.

"Why is it necessary for me to practice the skill of yin and evil?"

Lin Chuan shook his head. "My current state has been able to make you completely unable to survive. You can feel the soul power that I release in the air, and you will already know that the soul power that I burst out now is particularly terrible. When every soul power suddenly appears in the air, you will know that you can not survive There is no way to resist it. "

Lin Chuan sneered and said.

At this time, Lin Chuan's own strength, which broke out one after another, has penetrated in the direction ahead.

The fierce breath bred in it became particularly terrifying.

When the power of fusion and explosion in the surrounding space can change, the other party smiles bitterly, and all of them have closed their eyes.

Because now they know they can't survive.

Lin Chuan to this time, suddenly between the air burst out of the power, has been stronger than one by one.

They can't bear the attack of Lin Chuan's aura of spiritual power, and at this time, the strength that Lin Chuan showed in a moment has been directly attacked along their body.

They can't bear the aura of spiritual power.

"Don't worry, in these three days, I won't let you die so quickly. I will use a part of the soul power to bomb out of your body one after another, so that you can have a good feeling of these spiritual powers in the air, how terrible they are at the bottom."

As Lin Chuan spoke, he used a huge aura of spiritual power, and then burst out directly in the space.

Now, in the whole space, the psychic power that can be bred has changed very terrifying.

When other people come near here, they don't dare to see them.

Originally, they thought that they could resist all the things in the air.

But then they knew that the aura of spiritual power from Linchuan had been attacked in an instant.

All of a sudden, all the spiritual powers around the whole space have been improved rapidly.

Now the soul power has been able to threaten the people around.

Lin Chuan followed up and perfected all the arrays in the air, and then he left a soul will in it.

As long as they have the means to leave, Linchuan can judge their position in the first time and attack them.

Now Lin Chuan is able to mark and make sure that every one of them has the power to have his own aura of spiritual power.

Detected here, Lin Chuan sneered.

Now he's completely relaxed.

Because for Lin Chuan, he doesn't need to observe how everything around him works.

All in all, the power that is constantly released in the air has suddenly risen.

The power of the whole space. They all burst out in a flash.

By this time, Lin Chuan has been able to control the green dragon sword Qi, hovering in the surrounding space.

"Lin Chuan, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, we tianhuozong would not have been able to live to this day. The means they used to break out were too powerful."

"Yes, otherwise, we'd better give you part of the power and all the inheritance, because we think that we only need to condense the spiritual power of a flame and give it to you. But now, in my opinion, it is not enough if we don't have most of the spiritual power passed on to you."

All of a sudden, the people around them kept talking. By this time, they all realized that Linchuan was definitely their Savior.

If at this time, they did not give most of the fierce breath to Linchuan, then it would be a bit unreasonable.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan shook his head.

"Why do you need to do this? You should take me as an elder in the fire sect. Only in this way, you will not feel guilty. Otherwise, in my opinion, you will give me everything you have. How do you want to develop tianhuozong then? "

Lin Chuan then said and communicated with them.They both nodded constantly.

"This is the best way. The best way is for you to be the honorary elder of our Tianhuo sect, because we are short of such a person now. It seems that you are the most suitable person."

"If you can be an honorary elder, it will certainly be the best for us. Now there are countless forces that can erupt in the whole space around you."

"And in the whole space around, there has been a steady stream of power that can be given to you. As long as you become a part of our tianhuozong, now we can certainly transfer part of the fierce breath to you, and let you come up with tish."

At this time, their elders of the fire sect, one after another, said.

When Lin Chuan heard this, he thought it was funny.

But Lin Chuan also knows why.

Now the elder has begun to use more and more powerful power in the surrounding space, and suddenly send out.

Because for Lin Chuan, the strength in his body is too large.

Now, if there is no such part of the aura of spiritual power, it will certainly not work.

Finally, Lin Chuan has suddenly risen to the third heaven of Xuanling realm.

The speed of Lin Chuan's promotion is extremely fast, and more importantly, his attack can be guaranteed.

Now Lin Chuan's own body, have appeared a burst of spirit breath, can burst out suddenly in the air.

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