"Why are you still in control of such a powerful aura? How do you do it? Is it possible that the power that can be used in your body is already bloody? "

At this time, the man in black spoke and rushed out.

People in black always find it strange.

Now in the whole space, the aura of spiritual power has been consumed countless times.

If Lin Chuan wants to continue to attack, he must be able to threaten his cultivation. Most of his spiritual power in his body has been consumed.

At this time, it is dangerous for him to continue to rush out.

Suddenly, the strength of these people in Lin Chuan's own hands has penetrated in the direction of the front.

At present, the spiritual power running from the palm of Lin Chuan's hand shows that all of a sudden, the forces in the whole space around him have been rapidly integrated.

The man in black was startled because he didn't know why.

Now all the forces in the surrounding space have attacked in his direction.

The black man's face broke down.

Because he has already felt all the strength in his body, can't use it.

Now Lin Chuan has used his sword spirit to block all the strength in his body in an instant.

At this time, more and more aura of spiritual power has been shown around.

All of a sudden, the power that can be radiated out of the whole surrounding space is also improved in an instant.

The three men in black surrounded Lin Chuan with a gloomy face and tried to solve it.

But all of a sudden, they felt the power coming out of the darkness.

In the dark, the little girl's aura of spiritual power has already attacked in the direction ahead.

One of the men in black couldn't resist it. He had been penetrated in the past, and all the strength in his body had been exhausted.

People in black have no way to live.

Lin Chuan stares at each other to slow down the little girl.

"Imprison him, and make him completely lose the possibility of moving. Don't let him run away. I want to know what the origin of these people in black is."

Lin Chuan said coldly.

These people in black are too arrogant. Now Lin Chuan has his own plan and is ready to attack them.

You know, the cold cream is poisoned in the body now.

Both hands have turned purple.

If Lin Chuan didn't help the frost recover in the first time, there would be problems.

Now when the spirit breath in Leng Ning Frost's body appears, it has been completely consumed by the toxins in his body.

At this time, Lin Chuan continued to work on it and improved the spiritual power that could be integrated in the surrounding space.

When all the forces were around, the man in black had no movement.

Because by this time, the man in black has let most of the breath in his body have been consumed.

When Lin Chuan saw here, he nodded with satisfaction.

Because at this time, more and more psychic powers in the space have penetrated through it crazily.

Lin Chuan and the little girl two people in a moment, hands to kill out of the spirit of breath, with a faster state burst out.

By this time, the sword spirit that Lin Chuan could blend out had completely surrounded the two men in black.

There's no way for them to leave.

You know, now more and more forces in the air have been surrounded. Suddenly, Linchuan has used this powerful enough force to cover the side.

The dangerous forces in the air have also been raised.

Now Lin Chuan stares at the man in black and sneers.

"Do you still want to fight now? In my opinion, you have no possibility of escaping at all. It is better to die honestly. Now all the strength that can be integrated into my body can attack you."

"If I want it now, I can get rid of them directly."

Lin Chuan said as he continued to fuse some of his spiritual power.

Although these people in front of us seem to be powerful, none of them has the courage to attack them.

So at this time, when the little girl used the power to run through, it was also very fast, and let them fall to the ground.

Lin Chuan and the little girl cooperate with each other. When the fierce breath that can be integrated in the air is promoted, the man in black suddenly finds that most of the strength in his body has been dissolved?More and more space around, the strength of crazy fusion, has also been raised in a moment.

At this time, Linchuan used the power that could be presented in the space, and broke out again.

Nowadays, there are more and more fierce breath in the whole space around, and these spiritual breath can be presented in the surrounding space.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan can start the speed, has become faster and faster.

In the air, the sword spirit penetrates in the direction ahead. Now the aura of spiritual power that can be integrated in the surrounding air has also been improved.

The two men in black looked at each other.

They all want to hide in the dark, but suddenly they find themselves surrounded by people unconsciously.

And in their side can be integrated out of the strength, but also appears to be more powerful.

The more and more forces that come out of it will be crazy in the air and gather most of the breath together.

At this time, the aura of spiritual power that Lin Chuan could use had gathered on them crazily, and had been integrated in a moment.

They feel something wrong and want to leave.

But they didn't know that Lin Chuan had already made them unable to move.

Lin Chuan has lifted all the auras of spiritual power in the whole space around him and integrated them in the direction ahead.

All the forces in this, when they come together, are particularly terrifying.

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