He showed all the aura of spiritual power in his palm, but all of them were absorbed continuously.

When Lin Chuan knew that he was at this time, he must concentrate on absorbing all the spiritual breath into his hands.

In this way, he can use enough spiritual power to attack.

In this, his power continuously penetrates out, and there is a more terrifying aura of spiritual power, which can be directly penetrated through the space.

Lin Chuan let his spiritual power appear in the palm of his hand to further improve.

Before long, he had been able to use enough spiritual power to directly run through the direction in front of him.

Not long after that, more and more aura of spiritual power in the whole space had undergone the most intense transformation.

After a quarter of an hour, most of the power in this is presented in the first time.

Not long ago, Lin Chuan has been able to raise the aura of spiritual power in his palm. Now, Lin Chuan has realized what kind of power he has in his palm and can release it.

Although Lin Chuan doesn't know whether the power of these laws of space will have any effect when it is released for the first time, he knows that only by releasing these forces can he relax a little.

Otherwise, there will only be more and more dangerous forces around now, and there will be a steady stream of spiritual power in the whole space, all of which will run through in an instant.

Now Linchuan has tried his best to use the aura of spiritual power on his hand and penetrated it in a moment.

In this, the spiritual power that exists is presented in a most intense state.

Lin Chuan tried everything around him, and he was a bit stunned, because Lin Chuan himself did not expect that when these spiritual powers in the space were released, they would not have much impact on the monsters.

It seems that the monster beast has been promoted directly at the same time as he becomes stronger.

And by this time his senses, and all of them, had undergone a very strong metamorphosis.

Before long, some dangerous atmosphere in the whole space has been rapidly promoted.

After several attempts, the continuous spiritual power has been improved in an instant. Now Lin Chuan has been able to use the power in his palm and let all the spiritual power around him appear in the first time.

At this time, Lin Chuan found that in his own body, he had already bred a burst of particularly terrifying and fierce breath, and the breath of this particularly terrifying spiritual power had been unable to show up.

This makes him feel a little strange, do not know what this is about.

When there is enough power in this space, when it bursts out directly in the space, the continuous flame breath has suddenly appeared some powerful forces.

More importantly, these powerful forces are now able to help Linchuan fight.

Lin Chuan wants to try whether he can accurately use these spiritual powers and explode directly in the space.

But Lin Chuan tried, and finally he gave up, because in his opinion, these forces were beyond his control.

Although on the face of it, Lin Chuan is now able to take advantage of these auras to fight directly.

But Lin Chuan is also very clear that if these auras of spiritual power erupt directly, he will inevitably encounter danger.

Because these spiritual powers are actually traps set by the other party.

The monster is to let Linchuan absorb the surrounding forces, and then let all the spiritual power into Linchuan's body.

Then he can use all the spiritual breath to present it in a moment.

You should know that all the spiritual powers are very dangerous when they burst out.

Now Lin Chuan has seen through each other's tricks.

"Ha ha, do you think that if you send these spiritual powers to me, I will honestly absorb all the power?"

Lin Chuan shook his head, only to feel a little funny.

Because up to now, most of the sharp breath around has been unable to blend out.

Lin Chuan simply went on to hand, and let most of the aura of spiritual power in his palm be displayed.

Because Lin Chuan is also very clear, as long as the spiritual power around him is strong enough, then he can also get enough changes.

All these auras of spiritual power around us have been presented in the first time.

What's more, all the spiritual powers in the whole space are now entering Lin Chuan's body.

Now Linchuan has been able to make use of most of the forces that have erupted in the space, and directly integrated in the direction of the front.Before long, the aura of spiritual power bred in the whole space has become more powerful.

Lin Chuan found that the green dragon sword on his hand could release the spiritual power. He then directly tried to use the powerful and fierce breath, and in a moment, he rushed out in the direction of his eyes.

In front of the monster, there is no way to detect Lin Chuan's current state.

Now he felt a particularly dangerous breath, which directly covered his body, so at this time, he was particularly cautious, because he did not know why this happened.

Before long, more and more auras of spiritual power erupted directly in the space, and when enough auras of spiritual power erupted again, they were able to cause a particularly violent threat to the other party in the space.

The monster grinned bitterly. Originally, he wanted to continue to rush out, but by this time, he had already realized the spiritual power in his palm, and could not use any kind of spiritual power to attack.

Now there are more and more auras of spiritual power all around him, and they burst out right beside him.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan has been able to use all the spiritual power in his palm to directly present it.

Now Linchuan has taken advantage of all the huge and fierce breath around, and directly spread to the surrounding direction.

When the terror is coming out, the power of the source of terror has come out.

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