Keep walking and make sure they're as safe as possible.

Now in this whole space, there are still some fierce beasts growling in low voice, ready to attack at any time.

For these fierce beasts, the emergence of Lin Chuan and others undoubtedly threatened their lives.

They are worried about when they will encounter danger, and at this time, Lin Chuan is the same dark carefully looking at them.

His body constantly dodges from left to right, trying to make them understand that he is not aggressive against them.

Only in this way, but led to the side of a few ferocious beasts covetously staring at them.

"It's strange. Why are there such fierce beasts here? Is it that some changes have taken place in their original places? "

"So they can only be here now?" Ling Donger said, his face began to become more cautious.

Ling Donger also wants to know what happened.

"Be ready to fight! There are more fierce beasts in the distance, and they seem to be under the control of others

"If we didn't be more careful, I'm afraid we would be in danger at any time now." Lin Chuan said.

Ling Dong'Er nodded on one side, and his expression was very smart.

He has taken out a long black sword, ready to enter the fighting state, as long as the other side attacks him, he can immediately resist.

From time to time, the red lines in Linchuan's palm appear.

He can also summon the monster to appear at any time, but Lin Chuan did not call the monster out in advance.

After all, now they don't know when they are in danger.

If we summon now, we will surely attract some more ferocious monsters after the fierce beasts come out.

Therefore, they all hide their monsters and do not summon them directly.

Now they are in the fog. If they are in danger now, the road ahead will be more difficult.

Therefore, they just try to hide their breath of life as much as possible.

Some fierce beasts in the distance have already looked down at the direction of Linchuan and are ready to deal with Linchuan at any time.

Most monsters have two tusks on their bodies. If they are killed at this time, they will be besieged by monsters immediately.

Two people as far as possible hidden body, each other back-to-back forward.

These monsters have not dared to fight, because they are very clear that they are afraid that if they kill them now, they will be attacked by Linchuan's most powerful force.

No monster is willing to take the risk of the first attack, they are waiting for the opportunity.

Gradually, more and more fierce beasts surrounded them, and each beast showed a lot of horrible and gloomy atmosphere.

Among them, there are many fierce beasts that call their companions.

In Ling Dong'Er's moment of loss of consciousness, the fierce beasts in front of him have all roared and rushed out.

Each fierce beast, as far as possible in the direction of the two of them to bite.

According to this trend, I'm afraid they can hardly withstand each other's crazy attack.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan's speed is not slower than them. At this time, he has directly killed him and summoned the black jade Qilin.

As soon as the Dark Jade Qilin appears, all of a sudden, the monsters who originally roared to kill them all stopped.

They know the horror of the black jade unicorn, and the Dark Jade Qilin appears in the air out of thin air. Stepping on it, it has killed a fierce beast.

At this time, they are also constantly backward, the monster that had already attacked Ling Donger also kept retreating.

Lin Chuan and their simple solution to some of the fierce beasts surrounded, pulling Ling Dong'Er directly to the distance, no love of war.

Even those fierce beasts on the ground were not taken away.

Because at this time, in the distance, there have been dozens of more powerful monster breath appeared.

If they delay here, the consequences will be disastrous.

After Lin Chuan left, more than a dozen powerful monsters appeared around the original place.

And these powerful monsters are also constantly exploring the residual breath in the air.

However, they continue to detect, but they can not detect the breath of human beings left in the air, which makes them very distressed.

Then, they hid in the dark again, ready to continue to rush out to deal with the people walking by.

In the land of Jiushan, the spirit of the monster hidden in the first of the three mountains is weaker than that of the other three mountains.

Lin Chuan and they have passed through the fog and come to the foot of the first mountain.And now, Ling Donger suddenly receives the news from the elder.

In the ancestral gate, groups of scorpions were found in Jiushan.

And scorpion is also constantly attacking some other monsters, so now, a lot of places have been destroyed by scorpion.

Even the places where countless herbs were originally grown have become breeding grounds for scorpions.

It's said in the zongmen that if you hunt enough scorpions, you can get the rewards from the clan.

"We killed the scorpion. We just need to take down the crystal stone from the scorpion to calculate the number."

Ling Dong'Er says, the face dew dignified color.

However, seeing Lin Chuan immediately, he got excited again.

"Although scorpion sounds terrible, but you are a top-grade alchemist, you should be able to deal with their toxicity, right?"

"As long as we can deal with the poison of scorpion, it will be much easier to deal with scorpion."

Ling Donger said excitedly.

"Ha ha, I don't have that ability. It's not easy to judge if I mutate the toxin."

"Even if I can refine it, I have to wait until I am poisoned before I can judge. So be careful all the way. "

"If some scorpions mutate and produce an unparalleled toxin that is bitten, it will die in a few minutes."

"I can't get it back." Lin Chuan said.

"Of course I know that, but with you around, I can always relax."

"To tell you the truth, can you refine the pills for jewelry?" Ling Donger asked, staring at Lin Chuan seriously.

He always felt that Lin Chuan's Alchemy level was beyond his imagination.

"Reluctantly, I haven't tried, but I think it can be refined by now." Lin Chuan answered carelessly, his eyes were always staring at the front.

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