At this time, they are confused, do not know where the problem is.

Ling Donger also hastened to be cautious and ready to fight.

Even if Ling Donger's physical condition is not good now, he has already adjusted his condition back.

At this time, the air presented some breath, also has been in the influence of Lin Chuan around the monster.

In front of them, gradually out of a person, when they see clearly who is the person in front of them, points are suppressed, and can not believe the scene in front of them.

Because now appears in front of them, unexpectedly is Chen Zhenhai.

"Didn't Chen Zhenhai have been killed by us before? Why are you here now? " Ling Donger said, his face was shocked.

He has no idea why this happened.

"I don't know. Looking at his state, it seems that he is no longer what he was before, but he is in some strange state."

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said, looking cautiously at Chen Zhenhai in front of him.

Chen Zhenhai's pupil has already changed into blood red, and he is still staring at his pupil. From time to time, there are some scarlet breath coming out, exploring the place where the breath of life may appear.

"He's looking for food." Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said with a bitter smile.

Because now Chen Zhenhai has found their position, he is moving towards their direction with excitement on his face, and he also gives out a bleak chuckle.

Helpless, Lin Chuan can only stand up and go forward.

At the same time, the Dark Jade Kirin is summoned. The body of the Dark Jade Kirin has been anesthetized during the previous battle.

But later, the anesthetic properties of his body were all extracted by the king of centipede.

So now the ink Jade Kirin is also in a state of freedom of movement, and the breath of the ink Jade Kirin should be more powerful.

This is also a blessing in disguise. If it was not for the anaesthesia of the other party, the body of the Dark Jade Kirin would not have changed like this.

Chen Zhenhai came forward with a sneer and kept roaring. Although he was in the shape of a human, his mouth was always roaring with the language of fierce animals.

Lin Chuan is cautious, dodging from left to right, responsible for attracting combat effectiveness in the front.

At the same time, others have rushed out in the first place.

Ice and snow Sirius claws hard on the other side's guard, but the other side at this time, but the whole body is full of energy.

On the contrary, a strong anti shock force came from the body, which made the ice and snow sky blue fly out.

The other side's body has no trace of injury, but it seems to absorb some strength.

"Is this guy invulnerable?" Lin Chuan frowned. He found that not only did ice snow Sirius, but also the bow and arrow erupted from Ling Donger in the distance, there was no one that could threaten each other's life.

"What's going on here?" Lin Chuan frowned and found that on each other's body, there was a layer of strange blood red power constantly fluctuating.

The other side has this layer of blood red power, it is enough to protect themselves.

Because of this, Lin Chuan can't continue to fight them. He can only break the strength of each other as much as possible now.

In the same way, some of the blood on hand will break out as much as possible.

He tried his best to disintegrate the blood red power, only in this way could they possibly solve the terrible guy in front of them.

The blood red power on the other side seemed endless, but Lin Chuan knew that as long as they consumed as much as possible, they would always be able to consume all the strength on each other.

At that time, the other party lost the protection of blood red breath, and it would be much easier to defeat each other.

Lin Chuan is now trying to attract firepower as much as possible. Because there are several defensive armor forces in his body, he can also quickly resolve the attacks from the other side, and he will not suffer too many accidents.

The battle lasted three hours, and Chen Zhenhua's blood red strength had also been consumed.

Just when Lin Chuan is ready to burst out a fatal blow, the other party's body is at this time, as if also aware of something.

A mysterious force suddenly disappeared from the air, and then, Chen Zhenhai's body had fallen to the ground, becoming an ordinary corpse.

"What is to be done?" Ling Dong'Er opened his mouth and asked. They looked at each other and ran out after the blood red light.

They all want to see who released the blood red light.

Ling Donger's master was hiding in the clouds at this time. Looking at the movements of Ling Donger and Lin Chuan, he gave a bitter smile and had to enter the land of Jiushan."Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Don't you know how terrible it is to control the corpse into a puppet by the scarlet light?"

"Now you're catching up directly. Are you both going to die?" The elder's face was a little bitter, and he quickly chased him.

He came to them. At the beginning, Ling Donger didn't realize that what appeared in the air was his master's breath.

She almost went out and started to fight her master.

"Your reaction ability and the speed against the enemy are really faster, but you should also carefully observe who appears in front of you before you attack."

"If I hadn't dodged fast enough, I would have been killed by you now." The elder said helplessly.

In his hand, he also holds a bow and arrow. Ling Dong'Er sheepishly scratched his head. After listening to his master's words, he realized how dangerous it was to chase after the blood red breath.

"There is a mysterious force here. I still don't know where the other side comes from and what kind of power it controls."

"You should be careful. As for the smell of blood red, just give it to me." Said the old man.

"I want to see it, too." Ling Donger said in the same way, looking at the old man seriously.

The old man had no choice but to nod his head and take the two of them to the distance.

Now, they also want to know who is hiding in the dark, who can have such a powerful force against them.

As for Lin Chuan, he just wants to observe how powerful the other side has.

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