"Ling Donger, I don't need to think that my talent is stronger than you."

"There is no need to envy other people because of the power of your blood

Lin Chuan saw Ling Dong'Er's mentality at this time and said.

Ling Dong'Er nodded his head and finally understood.

Ling Donger knows that in fact, her own blood is also very strong, and Lin Chuan has already pointed several acupoints on him, which makes his strength burst out with a more powerful breath.

After seeing Lin Chuan's action, the old swordsman did not say anything. The blood force that originally remained in Ling Donger's body has not been activated.

The sword master wants to wait for a suitable opportunity to help Ling Donger activate, because after the activation of blood vessels is successful, most of the power in the body needs to be burst out.

Otherwise, his body would suffer an accident.

His blood force is too large, if in a short time can not be some of the original blood force out.

Then his body is likely to be demonized.

Now there are so many demons around him that he can release his fighting power, so he doesn't need to continue to worry.

Sure enough, the swelling power of Ling Donger's body broke out in an instant.

In this one of the crazy forces, each of them is aimed at the devil to kill. At the beginning, those demons still want to pick soft persimmon pinches, and they want to kill Ling Donger first.

But now, they suddenly found that Ling Donger's speed is not slower than Lin Chuan's.

Moreover, Lin Chuan broke out some taboos crazily. Now it seems that Lin Chuan is even weaker than Ling Donger.

For a moment, the demonic puppets around were cautious.

Lin Chuan and Ling Dong'Er cooperate with each other to fight, as much as possible to break out some strong breath to kill out.

The puppets in front of them all kept retreating, and they all realized that they could not defeat Linchuan and Ling Donger.

As for sword master's strength, it must be more powerful, and they are not the puppets who can deal with it.

"Don't retreat. Kill them directly. Why can't we solve the problem of tens of millions of them?"

"Why are your abilities so powerful? I must be dazzled. It's impossible for this to happen!"

The other side growled and said that he didn't believe the accident he was facing now.

But these demons can't resist the power of Lin Chuan and the three of them.

At this time, one by one demons constantly retreat, even if they want to rush up, they can not do it.

Now, some of the ones who led by Kawabata have been killed faster than others in the battlefield.

"Your weaknesses are so obvious that I can kill them all without much effort."

Lin Chuan said, staring at each other.

The other party's appearance is clearly a little uncomfortable, but what Lin Chuan said is indeed so.

Now Lin Chuan doesn't need to break out any power. He just needs to direct his sword Qi at the opponent's defects to kill him.

After a while, the puppets around have been consumed, and no puppet can survive three moves in their hands.

The devil's body kept retreating and wanted to leave, but at this time, Lin Chuan had killed him directly.

At the same time, in Lin Chuan's hands on the control of several strong breath, instantly killed out, blocked the other side's retreat.

"Is it too late to escape now?" Lin Chuan said.

The old swordsman surrounded him. From the beginning, the other demons surrounded himself. Now the demons have no way to withstand their power attack. It's only a afternoon in the past.

The devil in front of him was anxious and abnormal, and was preparing to run to the passage behind him.

But the moment his figure flashed by, his body had been hit by Lin Chuan's strength, and his whole body fell to the ground in an instant.

"It seems that your escape speed is really a little slow. You can't escape from my hands."

Lin Chuan said, staring at each other, the other face a little angry, but at this time, there is no way.

The old swordsman had already killed him on one side, and broke his two legs in an instant, which made him lose any possibility of escaping.

Then, Lin Chuan and Ling Donger two people also killed, thoroughly dissolve each other's breath of life.

Now the other side only has a corpse left. Lin Chuan smiles slightly in front of him and walks forward to observe everything behind him.

It has to be said that there are also several mysterious breath in each other's body, and these mysterious breath are more important for Lin Chuan.Lin Chuan can make use of the breath to enhance the original blood of all animals in his body.

The origin of all things at this time also showed the desire for the devil's body. Lin Chuan observed for a moment, and then, he had absorbed a few drops of blood in the devil's body.

Although the breath contained in the devil's body has already belonged to the devil's flesh and blood, the devil's power also belongs to a part of the pure power.

Linchuan is now able to continue to absorb, not long, Linchuan vitality has been passed a few mysterious changes.

At this time, the body of T. tricolor has also been lifted up. All the lines on its two wings have been greatly changed in an instant.

Some of the strength and breath that Lin Chuan has never felt before.

Lin Chuan looked at the change of the tricolor mosquito, and his face was happy. Although there are few of them fighting now.

However, due to this period of time, the mosquito is less likely to come out, so it can run more of its original blood, so that he can be promoted.

"Master, come and have a look." At this time, not far away Ling Donger said, as if found something.

Lin Chuan suddenly also walked past, he wants to see what changes exist in front of him, unexpectedly let Ling Donger so shocked.

In front of him, a person looks furtive, and his clothes look familiar.

It turned out that the man in front of him was Chen Kelin. Before that, Lin Chuan had never thought that Chen Kelin would be here, and his body began to demonize.

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