Rise up Hong Kong! Build a super wealthy Zhuang family

Chapter 19 Go to the exchange to learn about the factory

After walking around the streets with his younger siblings all day, Zhuang Rongxu had not left the house since the afternoon.

He needs to think carefully about which industry he will develop when he has the funds in a month.

The initial development of electronic products, the second generation of the Walkman, will definitely remain unchanged, but at the same time, he needs to think about whether there is a better industry, or how to start entering the electronics industry.

If he really wants to develop the electronics industry, he needs to prepare a lot of things, such as factories, talents, machinery, laboratories, production lines, channels, etc.

These need to be prepared.

It doesn’t mean that you can be the best if you have money and just talk. Anyone can start a business.

If it were that simple, then the world would already be full of rich people.

He must carefully consider, find R\u0026D talents, technical personnel, suitable factories, build laboratories, etc. Only after making these preparations can Zhuang Rongxu truly do well in this industry.

But what Xiangjiang lacks most is this type of talent, which makes Zhuang Rongxu very depressed.

Although there are many electronics factories in Xiangjiang, they are all small electronic products, not this type of electronic equipment that requires certain technical skills.

Therefore, it was very difficult for him to find suitable technical talents in Xiangjiang, and he had to find a way.

In this era, there are many countries with such talents, including the United States, and many in Europe. It is currently most suitable for him to recruit people in China, but since he has nothing now and is still a first-time builder, I don’t know if he can attract talents. It also worried him a bit.

"That's all, let's meet and walk."

Unable to solve this problem, Zhuang Rongxu could just cover his head and fall asleep, thinking that he would figure it out later.

The next morning.

Zhuang Rongxu woke up and did some exercise. After breakfast, he took his bodyguard to the Far East Exchange.

I plan to come here to find out if there is a suitable electronics factory to acquire.

If the price is good, he can negotiate now. After a month, when his funds are withdrawn, he can trade directly if it is suitable.

At the same time, Zhuang Rongxu could have asked people to go to Country R to understand the situation and see what conditions were needed to recruit some technical personnel.

He needs to understand these clearly in advance to avoid wasting too much time and meaninglessly doing it later when he has money.

Don't even think about catching up with Sony and developing the second-generation Walkman first?

In addition, Zhuang Rongxu also needs to obtain the patent rights for the Walkman first. After all, without a patent authorization, if you develop and sell it yourself, people will sue you at any time and bankrupt you.

The Walkman patent is very clear.

But the Walkman patent does not belong to Sony, it is authorized to develop and sell it.

Most people believe that the inventor is Sony, the first manufacturer to produce the "Walkman".

However, according to the British "Independent" report, the real developer of the Walkman and the person who enjoys independent patent rights is German inventor Andreas Pavel.

He is the "ancestor" of the "Walkman".

Pavel is a stereo enthusiast. In the 1970s, Pavel first proposed the design concept of the "stereobelt" and called it a "personally worn stereo system."

In 1977, Pavel filed a patent application in the name of "Portable Recording High-Fidelity Small Reproduction System" and obtained the patent in the UK in March 1978. Pavel then produced some prototype products and applied for patents around the world.

But he didn't just bring it to the market. Maybe he didn't have the funds, or maybe he was just an inventor and had no intention of running a business.

In the end, the benefits of the Walkman benefited Sony, making him the biggest sales profiteer of the Walkman.

In the original world, the Walkman dominated the market for 25 years. Only with the release of Apple's series of products did this product fall into the abyss.

But in the past 25 years, no one knows how much money the Walkman has made for Sony.

But it is absolutely an astronomical figure.

Therefore, as long as Zhuang Rongxu obtains Pavel's patent authorization, he can compete with Sony in the market. However, he will definitely not be able to compete with Sony in the early stage because Zhuang Rongxu has no channels.

Zhuang Rongxu has to admit that he will definitely lose to Sony, but as long as his products are better than Sony, he believes that he will gradually occupy this market, and he will definitely have a share of the world market in the future.

Soon, Zhuang Rongxu came to the exchange.

Since the Far East Club was established in 1969, it has become the place of choice for Chinese companies to go public.

Before the Far East Society, it was very difficult for Chinese companies to list in Hong Kong. If they were not in high-quality industries or had connections, they were not allowed to go public at all.

Otherwise, how could Li Chaoren, Zheng Yutong, and Li Zhaoji have been listed one after another after the Far East Association was established? It was all because the British capital controlled the market.

Therefore, let the British Exchange shoot itself in the foot. On the day when the Far East Club opened, countless Chinese companies were listed. The trading volume on the opening day was close to that of the Securities Center on Hong Kong Island, which was very popular.

Coupled with the bull market in Hong Kong in the next few years, the Far East Association's daily trading volume will be refreshed.

However, this also left a lot of trouble, causing irreparable losses to Hong Kong in 1973.

All this was due to the poor supervision of the Far East Association, which led to the market collapse.

After Zhuang Rongxu entered the exchange, although the place was crowded and the entire exchange was full of people, it was just a small environment.

It is incomparable to the big scenes Zhuang Rongxu had witnessed at the New York Trading Center.

He was not interested in observing other people. He found a seat to sit down and observed the information on the big screen, trying to understand the industry he needed.


"Sir, are you planning to invest in the stock market?" came a voice. Zhuang Rongxu turned his head and looked over. He saw the person wearing exchange work clothes. He knew he was a broker, but he didn't say hello to him. He was just looking for business.

This situation is normal in exchanges.

"To find out more, I plan to see if any sellers plan to sell off some electronic factories and release them. Do you have any information about this?"

"You want to buy the factory?" the agent asked in surprise after hearing this.


"Sir, if you want to know the factory sale information, you have come to the wrong place. This is the exchange. Even if someone wants to sell the company, they will sell stocks through the market and find sellers outside."

"That's it, thank you." Zhuang Rongxu really didn't understand this. He thought that if he wanted to trade these factories, he could only buy them on the exchange.

"But sir, if you really want to find a factory in this field, then I can recommend it to you."

"Do you have channels?"

"Of course, I have been in contact with various people in the exchange for a long time, and I must have channels in this regard. Don't worry, I will only charge a small introduction fee."

"Hahaha, very good, take me to find out." Zhuang Rongxu said happily after hearing this. If this person can really help him find a suitable factory, he will certainly not be short of the introduction fee.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment, I will contact you." The broker also responded happily. Although they work in the exchange, without customers and business follow-up, they can only go out to make some extra money. After all, They also need to live.

Soon after, Zhuang Rongxu followed the agent out. Nearly half an hour later, they arrived at the Sham Shui Po Industrial Zone.

Zhuang Rongxu disliked it even before he reached the destination. The surrounding environment and the remoteness of the place made him reject the factory.

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