
Chapter 363 Jealous

In fact, as early as when Lin Feng and Dou Zi of the Shangcai team stepped down from the stage, the members and students of the Shangcai e-sports club had already planned to rush over here to meet their heroes.

But because there are too many people in the competition venue at the moment, it is too crowded, and players from several college teams rushed over to say hello to Lin Feng just now, which made the members and students of the Shangcai e-sports club stunned. squeezed behind.

After finally struggling to push the crowd away, a group of members and students from the e-sports club jumped up excitedly and surrounded several heroes of their own team, and gave them praises and praises without hesitation, and among them was Cheng Qingqing. The most unrestrained, he threw himself directly in front of Lin Feng and gave him an extremely affectionate and enviable big bear hug:

"Little brother Lin Feng! You played so beautifully!"

"Hahahaha, we were super excited watching it just now! It's so high!!"

Cheng Qingqing's mood at this moment is really excited and high. If it wasn't for Song Jia who was next to her to pull her, this big model beauty with impeccable body and appearance could even express it with a "boo" on Lin Feng's face The joy I feel at this moment lifts my mood.

But even just such a warm, fragrant and nephrite-like hug is enough to make the eyes of the players of several other college teams around look straight:


Who is this model-like beauty?

How unrestrained are you?

Then all eyes turned to Lin Feng, without much jealousy, all eyes were full of admiration:

It is worthy of being called the "boss big devil" in private in their circle. The game operation is strong, and the show is shocking and exclaimed by the audience. Naturally, it will also win the hearts of beauties.

At such a young age, there are such beauties favored by royal sisters, and the future is even more limitless!

And at this moment, Lin Feng naturally has no time to care about what the players of these college teams are thinking about. He is trying to get out of Cheng Qingqing's strong bear hug in a hurry:

"Hey... Sister Qingqing, you hug me too tightly..."

"I'm a little out of breath—"

With Cheng Qingqing's perfect model figure, wearing a pair of high heels, she was even a little taller than Lin Feng, who jumped up excitedly to hug him just now, and almost didn't let someone's head be directly pressed against her chest. Smothered on the waves.

It was also at this moment that Cheng Qingqing came to his senses, and suddenly realized, after letting go of Lin Feng, he still smiled with a blushing face and heartbeat:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so happy, I'm a little out of control."

As she spoke, she paused, and then glanced at Lin Feng charmingly:

"But I'm happy to count you as Miss Qingqing today, and I'll treat you as a reward if I take advantage of you. If you want to have this kind of benefits next time... you have to continue to perform well~"

The tone is full of bold provocative meaning.

The players of several other college teams next to them were almost drooling:

Fuck, is this a benefit?

If their own e-sports club can also provide such benefits, nothing else will be said, even if they are asked to fight for a wave of national college league championships, they will be able to fight and scream to kill them! .

As for the members and classmates of the Shangcai e-sports club, although they were envious of this scene, they had long been accustomed to the character and temper of the beautiful vice minister of the external relations department, and didn't think much about it.

Only Song Jia couldn't help but give her girlfriend a hand,

Helplessly and annoyed, he whispered in the other party's ear:

"Okay, okay."

"The public is not afraid of being laughed at by others, is it?"

"Tangtang is also watching from the side."

Naturally, Cheng Qingqing didn't care about the first two sentences, others just read them, and be envious and jealous, but it was only Song Jia's last sentence that really reminded her and she suddenly came to her senses:


Lin Feng's little brother's little girlfriend is right next to him!

As soon as she turned her head, Cheng Qingqing just saw Tang Bingyao who had come up from behind the crowd, and hurriedly folded her hands together with a pitiful expression on her face and apologized:

"Sister Tangtang, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, and I accidentally borrowed your Lin Feng, don't you mind?"

Tang Bingyao's face turned red when she heard the words "Your Lin Feng", and she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do, so she waved her hands again and again:

"No, it's okay!"

"Sister Qingqing, you, you can borrow it casually—"

This made Zeng Rui, who was walking over, speechless. Sure enough, Tangtang is still too thin-skinned. He didn't know what to say because of such a simple sentence, and he "borrowed it casually". It's like treating someone as a rentable item...


His eyes swept across Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui raised his eyebrows slightly:

The relationship between these two people...

It's really getting closer.

Fumbling and stammering, she managed to appease Cheng Qingqing, who kept apologizing sincerely. Tang Bingyao breathed a sigh of relief, and saw Lin Feng coming over, saying hello to herself:

"Oh, Tangtang, you're still here too."

"Didn't you go back to your Shangwai E-sports club to watch the game with your roommate?"

Tang Bingyao shook her head, then glanced at Lin Feng, and then secretly glanced at Cheng Qingqing who was not far away. Thinking of the intimate scene of someone embracing this beautiful senior with a figure comparable to a model just now, she couldn't help biting her lower lip slightly .

Although I said I didn't care just now, but...

After all, it will be jealous.

The only time she hugged Fengzi was when she drank a lot of wine and worked hard to muster up the courage to do it, but now that senior sister Cheng Qingqing did the same thing easily.

A little unhappy.

Lin Feng was puzzled when he saw some girls with puffy faces seemed to be depressed;

"What's wrong?"


Tang Bingyao nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, with a bit of aggrieved tone: "You just hugged Senior Sister Qingqing—"


A certain person with thick lines had a question mark on his face, and with his personality, it was completely impossible for him to guess the girl's delicate thoughts.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips hard, and once again mustered up the courage to look at Lin Feng:

"I...I don't like other girls being so close to you."

"If you see it, you won't be happy."

Now, no matter how unresponsive Lin Feng is, he has finally figured out some of the situation, but he has been hugged and hugged just now, and he was "sneak-attacked", so what can he do now?

Unable to resist scratching her hair, Lin Feng looked at Tang Bingyao and suggested:


"Shall we hug too?"


Now it was Tang Bingyao's turn to be in a daze, hugging Fengzi in front of so many people in such a large crowd?

The little face flushed immediately, and the girl hurriedly shook her head:

"No way!"

Although she said that she would look forward to this kind of thing extremely in her heart, but she was so thin-skinned that it was too embarrassing for her to have the courage to really do this.

This doesn't work and that doesn't work, but Lin Feng still thought of a new solution witty:

"Otherwise, owe it first?"

"Make it up next time?"

The girl's eyes brightened slightly when she heard this, and she nodded quickly again: "Yeah!"

Finally solved the problem, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief:

"Hey, it's okay like this? Really... what's so unhappy about such a small thing——"

Habitually complaining, Lin Feng rubbed Tang Bingyao's head twice, making the girl's hair a little messy. Tang Bingyao blushed and slapped Lin Feng's hand away, but actually felt sweet in her heart. be happy.


The intimate interaction in this scene fell into the eyes of others.

"Oh My God!--"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd, and the tone was full of shock and disbelief.

Both Tang Bingyao and Lin Feng subconsciously turned their heads to follow the prestige.

Not far in front of them, the three girls from dormitory 312 rushed over at some point. Zhou Xiaoyao, who had just exclaimed, looked at the two of them as if seeing a ghost. Especially when Lin Feng's hand just fell from Tang Bingyao's hair.

And behind the girls in dormitory 312...

There was also a tall, handsome boy standing there.

Zou Siyuan, who came with Zhou Xiaoyao and the others, had an extremely livid and ugly face at the moment, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Feng's hand.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update will be delivered, and it will be done at three o'clock, tomorrow. . . Well, let's continue with the third watch tomorrow.

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League of Legends: Final Peak Chapter 363: Jealous - NovelBanner

In fact, as early as when Lin Feng and Dou Zi of the Shangcai team stepped down from the stage, the members and students of the Shangcai e-sports club had already planned to rush over here to meet their heroes.

But because there are too many people in the competition venue at the moment, it is too crowded, and players from several college teams rushed over to say hello to Lin Feng just now, which made the members and students of the Shangcai e-sports club stunned. squeezed behind.

After finally struggling to push the crowd away, a group of members and students from the e-sports club jumped up excitedly and surrounded several heroes of their own team, and gave them praises and praises without hesitation, and among them was Cheng Qingqing. The most unrestrained, he threw himself directly in front of Lin Feng and gave him an extremely affectionate and enviable big bear hug:

"Little brother Lin Feng! You played so beautifully!"

"Hahahaha we were super excited watching it just now! It's so high!!"

Cheng Qingqing's mood at this moment is really excited and high. If it wasn't for Song Jia who was next to her to pull her, this big model beauty with impeccable body and appearance could even express it with a "boo" on Lin Feng's face The joy I feel at this moment lifts my mood.

But even just such a warm, fragrant and nephrite-like hug is enough to make the eyes of the players of several other college teams around look straight:


Who is this model-like beauty?

How unrestrained are you?

Then all eyes turned to Lin Feng, without much jealousy, all eyes were full of admiration:

It is worthy of being called the "boss big devil" in private in their circle. The game operation is strong, and the show is shocking and exclaimed by the audience. Naturally, it will also win the hearts of beauties.

At such a young age, there are such beauties favored by royal sisters, and the future is even more limitless!

And at this moment, Lin Feng naturally has no time to care about what the players of these college teams are thinking about. He is trying to get out of Cheng Qingqing's strong bear hug in a hurry:

"Hey... Sister Qingqing, you hug me too tightly..."

"I'm a little out of breath—"

With Cheng Qingqing's perfect model figure, wearing a pair of high heels, she was even a little taller than Lin Feng, who jumped up excitedly to hug him just now, and almost didn't let someone's head be directly pressed against her chest. Smothered on the waves.

It was also at this moment that Cheng Qingqing came to his senses, and suddenly realized, after letting go of Lin Feng, he still smiled with a blushing face and heartbeat:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so happy, I'm a little out of control."

As she spoke, she paused, and then glanced at Lin Feng charmingly:

"But I'm happy to count you as Miss Qingqing today, and I'll treat you as a reward if I take advantage of you. If you want to have this kind of benefits next time... you have to continue to perform well~"

The tone is full of bold provocative meaning.

The players of several other college teams next to them were almost drooling:

Fuck, is this a benefit?

If their own e-sports club can also provide such benefits, nothing else will be said, even if they are asked to fight for a wave of national college league championships, they will be able to fight and scream to kill them! .

As for the members and classmates of the Shangcai e-sports club, although they were envious of this scene, they had long been accustomed to the character and temper of the beautiful vice minister of the external relations department, and didn't think much about it.

Only Song Jia couldn't help but give her girlfriend a hand, and whispered in the other's ear helplessly and annoyed:

"Okay, okay."

"The public is not afraid of being laughed at by others, is it?"

"Tangtang is also watching from the side."

Naturally, Cheng Qingqing didn't care about the first two sentences, others just read them, and be envious and jealous, but it was only Song Jia's last sentence that really reminded her and she suddenly came to her senses:


Lin Feng's little brother's little girlfriend is right next to him!

As soon as she turned her head, Cheng Qingqing just saw Tang Bingyao who had come up from behind the crowd, and hurriedly folded her hands together with a pitiful expression on her face and apologized:

"Sister Tangtang, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, and I accidentally borrowed your Lin Feng, don't you mind?"

Tang Bingyao's face turned red when she heard the words "Your Lin Feng", and she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do, so she waved her hands again and again:

"No, it's okay!"

"Sister Qingqing, you, you can borrow it casually—"

This made Zeng Rui, who was walking over, speechless. Sure enough, Tangtang is still too thin-skinned. He didn't know what to say because of such a simple sentence, and he "borrowed it casually". It's like treating someone as a rentable item...


His eyes swept across Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui raised his eyebrows slightly:

The relationship between these two people...

It's really getting closer.

Fumbling and stammering, she managed to appease Cheng Qingqing, who kept apologizing sincerely. Tang Bingyao breathed a sigh of relief, and saw Lin Feng coming over, saying hello to herself:

"Oh, Tangtang, you're still here too."

"Didn't you go back to your Shangwai E-sports club to watch the game with your roommate?"

Tang Bingyao shook her head, then glanced at Lin Feng, and then secretly glanced at Cheng Qingqing who was not far away. Thinking of the intimate scene of someone embracing this beautiful senior with a figure comparable to a model just now, she couldn't help biting her lower lip slightly .

Although I said I didn't care just now, but...

After all, it will be jealous.

The only time she hugged Fengzi was when she drank a lot of wine and worked hard to muster up the courage to do it, but now that senior sister Cheng Qingqing did the same thing easily.

A little unhappy.

Lin Feng was puzzled when he saw some girls with puffy faces seemed to be depressed;

"What's wrong?"


Tang Bingyao nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, with a bit of aggrieved tone: "You just hugged Senior Sister Qingqing—"


A certain person with thick lines had a question mark on his face, and with his personality, it was completely impossible for him to guess the girl's delicate thoughts.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips hard, and once again mustered up the courage to look at Lin Feng:

"I...I don't like other girls being so close to you."

"If you see it, you won't be happy."

Now, no matter how unresponsive Lin Feng is, he has finally figured out some of the situation, but he has been hugged and hugged just now, and he was "sneak-attacked", so what can he do now?

Unable to resist scratching her hair, Lin Feng looked at Tang Bingyao and suggested:


"Shall we hug too?"


Now it was Tang Bingyao's turn to be in a daze, hugging Fengzi in front of so many people in such a large crowd?

The little face flushed immediately, and the girl hurriedly shook her head:

"No way!"

Although she said that she would look forward to this kind of thing extremely in her heart, but she was so thin-skinned that it was too embarrassing for her to have the courage to really do this.

This doesn't work and that doesn't work, but Lin Feng still thought of a new solution witty:

"Otherwise, owe it first?"

"Make it up next time?"

The girl's eyes brightened slightly when she heard this, and she nodded quickly again: "Yeah!"

Finally solved the problem, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief:

"Hey, it's okay like this? Really... what's so unhappy about such a small thing——"

Habitually complaining, Lin Feng rubbed Tang Bingyao's head twice, making the girl's hair a little messy. Tang Bingyao blushed and slapped Lin Feng's hand away, but actually felt sweet in her heart. be happy.


The intimate interaction in this scene fell into the eyes of others.

"Oh My God!--"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd, and the tone was full of shock and disbelief.

Both Tang Bingyao and Lin Feng subconsciously turned their heads to follow the prestige.

Not far in front of them, the three girls from dormitory 312 rushed over at some point. Zhou Xiaoyao, who had just exclaimed, looked at the two of them as if seeing a ghost. Especially when Lin Feng's hand just fell from Tang Bingyao's hair.

And behind the girls in dormitory 312...

There was also a tall, handsome boy standing there.

Zou Siyuan, who came with Zhou Xiaoyao and the others, had an extremely livid and ugly face at the moment, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Feng's hand.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update will be delivered, and it will be done at three o'clock, tomorrow. . . Well, let's continue with the third watch tomorrow.

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