
Chapter 470 Don't even think about running away

In this match, there is actually a problem with the lineup of the purple side's Wangniu and Internet Cafe team.

That is……

Too brittle.

Not to mention the C-position crispy heroes like ADC's Verus and the mid laner's Bomberman, even the captain of the top laner is a DPS-oriented one based on someone's current production route. The offensive equipment line, the front row that can really be called a bit fleshy, probably only supports the Japanese girl and the jungler blind monk.

But still not enough.

The blind monk needs to be responsible for the task of advancing and starting first, and will inevitably become the target of fire. As a supporting hero, the Japanese woman does not have enough economic development to make enough meat to withstand the damage in the early and mid-term Pack.

And more importantly -

The lineup of the opponent's blue army is very terrifying.

The widow's cutting back row, Kenan's cutting big move, plus a set of Syndra's skill combo.

That is to say, regardless of the ability of single-handed people or the ability of group control and group damage, the lineup of the blue team Qiye has extremely strong burst damage.

Especially Syndra's single-target burst damage.

In the recent versions of the game, the hero of the Dark Head is almost as strong as a brainless cheating level. It is absolutely impossible to let Syndra develop easily, otherwise it is really a set of combo to pick up the big move and throw it away. Who? I can't bear it.

but now……

Syndra has taken the head.

This is equivalent to saying that the core C-position heroes of the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe team have greatly increased the risk factor they have to bear, and the fault tolerance rate of subsequent team battles will become lower, and the operation will be more efficient. Bother.


So at this time, Zeng Rui, Dou Zi, and Jingong Ying from the Wangniu Internet Cafe team were all in a slightly depressed mood.

The more you fight against each other...

The more they can feel the pressure brought by the opponent's professional-level lineup.

So steady.

It is true that there are very few mistakes, but at the same time, relying on the tacit cooperation between each other and the strict and perfect execution of tactics, the rhythm and initiative are controlled bit by bit without making a fuss.

The opponent didn't intend to fight any "show operation" at all.

It is purely completing the tactical tasks one by one in a calm and orderly manner.

When to suppress.

When to change the line and push the tower.

When to gank.

And then choose which way as the target.

Everything is done in a leisurely manner, and so precise and rigorous that there are no omissions.

But it is this kind of practical and rigorous tactics and style of play that seems to have no fancy, more and more people on the purple side can't help but feel a little powerless in their hearts——

On the opposite side, Syndra has a head, and the policewoman in front also got the head and the economy of the first blood tower. Kenan also has 1 head and 1 assist in hand, and the rhythm of the three core C positions has been smoothed out at once, but you must know ...

Just a minute or two ago, it was clearly a balance of power on the court.

Jingu Sakura bit her lower lip slightly, her eyes complicated:

For her, back then she was able to solo to become the king in the passer-by game of the European server, and met even more top-level professional gods, but even so, this is the first time she has truly become a champion. Play against a full professional team.


Compared with those high-end passerby bureaus, it is really completely different.

Really, harder.

Dou Zi was a little annoyed and blamed himself. If it wasn't for his lack of skill in the mid laner, he shouldn't have given the opponent Syndra a head for nothing just now. Now it is tantamount to saying that he has made the team worse.

Zeng Rui frowned, and also began to think about how to deal with and resolve the current situation, but he couldn't think of a reasonable and reliable solution for a while——

There is still a stalemate on the bottom lane, and Kenan on the opposite side is very cautious and does not give them a chance to jump over the tower and kill.

In the middle lane, Douzi's mid laner is not his strong point, and Bomberman is a weak matchup against Syndra, and the situation is naturally more difficult after the opponent takes a kill. It really has to wait until Bomberman can play a powerful role , it must be delayed to the later stage or even the later stage.

As for hitting the road...

Just now the thought flashed through Zeng Rui's mind, but someone's voice rang out in the voice channel of the team next to his ear:

"It's okay."

"It's just a head, don't panic."

The tone of voice still seemed understatement.

It seems that compared with the other teammates around him, someone at this moment doesn't have the slightest worry about the increasingly disadvantaged situation.

Even at this very moment—

His eyes fell on the two blue square heroes not far from the opposite side, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly:

"The junglers are all taking the lead in the middle..."

"On the road, how dare you press so fiercely?"

It seems to be a thoughtful comment.

At the same time, the captain under the control of Lin Feng dropped a gunpowder keg with E skill to the ground under his feet, leveled A, and at the same moment when the powder keg progress bar automatically turned one more bar, another gunpowder keg was placed forward—— —

Linked into lines.

The Q key on the keyboard is struck and pressed like lightning!

This time, without giving the opponent Thresh and the female policeman any time to react, the "gunfire negotiation" that blocked the time first directly detonated the powder barrel of the first shot!

The second barrel exploded!

At the limit distance, the target policewoman who is too late to retreat and dodge is directly hit!

The blood bar above the policewoman's head suddenly plummeted by a full bar!

Slow down and hold on! !

At this moment, the gaze in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly sharpened like a razor blade, and the ostentatious arc of the corner of his mouth also slightly raised——


The next moment, the captain of the purple party, who had been suppressed under the tower for more than a minute, held a knife in his left hand and a gun in his right. Relying on the talent of the passive storm rider triggered in an instant, he suddenly accelerated and moved forward to chase and kill the target policewoman. go!

The big move starts directly!

"Cannon Curtain"!

boom! ! !

Captain Plank raised his gun and fired into the sky. In an instant, a terrifying and dense cannonball fell from the sky like a rain curtain, completely covering the land with a radius of nearly a thousand yards around the blue ADC policewoman and auxiliary Thresh!

The arrogant and wild laughter that belongs to the disaster of the sea seems to be faintly heard in the air——

"In the shells..."

"Take a shower!"

A wave of aggressive and unreasonable first movers!


It is obviously the party with the inferior numbers, but facing the blue team's policewoman and Thresh, the purple team's top laner captain, under the control of someone, at this moment forcibly played a domineering force that seemed to be an absolute advantage style!

In an instant, the eyelids of Lu Zhong, the assistant of Team Qiye, jumped wildly. He never expected that the captain on the other side would suddenly launch a counterattack without warning at such a time, but the alarm bells in his head were already ringing frantically, and even more so in his mouth. Subconsciously shouted loudly:



At the same time, the auxiliary Thresh under his own control rushed forward quickly, an E skill "Pendulum of Doom" pushed the captain forward, and then connected with the Q skill "Death Judgment" the sickle chain quickly wrapped around the target and continued to control .

On the side, the ADC members of the second team of the Qiye team also controlled their female policemen to make the fastest response operation urgently.

E skill hits the rope net!

Use your strength to fly backwards!

The "Yordle trap" with the W skill was placed on the ground in front of him in seconds, and the hook control that caught up with Thresh continued to pinch and confine the target captain in place!

The cooperation between the two blue ADC support heroes is fully demonstrated at this moment!

Perfect understanding!

Then the female policeman fired a headshot flat A bullet into the chest, and the blood bar on the captain's head suddenly plummeted a whole section!

But at this moment, Lin Feng's face still looked calm and calm.

Press the W skill key on the keyboard.

Eat a bite of orange from "Scurvy Therapy" and get a solution in seconds!

In the next moment, the captain's figure had broken free of all control, and rushed to the target policewoman with a wild and murderous aura!

Ping A!

Play passive extra ignite true damage!

Another gunpowder barrel with E skill was dropped behind the policewoman!

Keep chasing people!

Ping A!

Trigger a crit!

Barrel A, a second shot of the Q skill "Gunfire Negotiation" after cooling down will detonate the explosive barrel again in an instant!

The blood bar on the policewoman's head plummeted to the bottom at this instant!

On the stage of the Qiye team, the pupils of the ADC players shrank severely:

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience had just subconsciously turned their gazes to the road, and they were stunned to see such a picture at the first sight, and they almost burst into an uproar in an instant:

Grass! ! ?

How did this get into a fight! ?

Captain 1 vs 2! ?

Just force it open! ?

And the captain's next refresh and reset passive level A has already been severely cut down again!

The policewoman's blood bar is cleared to zero!

The killing announcement by the female voice of the system sounded very pleasantly at this moment:


same moment.

Lin Feng's gaze has turned to fall on Thresh, the next target assistant, and he narrows his eyes slightly:


Don't even try to run away.

***************************************************** *****************************

The update is here, the next chapter looks like around nine o'clock, roll away the code words.

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