
Chapter 477 Don't give the captain a chance

All of a sudden, the middle and lower lanes broke out one after another, and the final result was that the blue team Seven Leafs had the upper hand and ended. Even the Internet cafe guests in the audience didn't react to this situation. Tian Lai's little "say" ⒉

middle road...

Syndra was ganked and was able to swap a head before dying.

In the bottom lane, they even directly played a wave of 1 for 2, allowing their Qiye team's jungler Widow to get a wave of double kills?

Finally regaining consciousness, the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience were overjoyed:


The rhythm is out!

Sure enough, when the match was about to enter the middle stage, the masters of their Qiye team finally started to work hard!

Look at this rhythm, the captain on the top lane is being held back anyway, so it doesn't matter if you let him go against the jungler casually. The Qiye team has already begun to build up advantages in the middle and bottom lanes and is about to snowball!

Although just now, the scene seemed to be a balanced situation.

But as expected, it's just the masters of their Qiye team who are staying powerless. Now that they are working hard, it will be different immediately!

"The main reason is that the economy on the other side is concentrated on the captain alone!"

Among the audience, an Internet cafe customer with good eyesight told the truth, beaming and analyzing with other guests and audience beside him:

"Look, there are currently 6 kills on the purple side, and five of them are taken by the captain himself. It seems that the economics of the two teams are similar. In fact, if you exclude the captain's kills and last hits, it should be the blue side now. Our Qiye team is clearly superior!"

"And now the captain is being dragged on the road by our Iori Kenan again, and he can't find a chance to continue working."

"In that case..."

"Here in the middle and lower lanes, the masters of our Qiye team and the guys from the opposite Wangniu and Internet Cafe team played against each other, but it's not unreasonable at all!"

This is indeed the case.

"Even, more than that—"

On the side of the purple Fangwangniu Internet cafe team on the stage, Zeng Rui said in a deep voice in the team's voice channel:

"The lineup on our side is mainly playing a control flow. In the case of regular laning, it lacks output damage."

"That is to say, even if you seize the opportunity, it is difficult to kill people away in a wave before the opponent reacts."

"But the other side is different—"

"It's like Syndra in the mid laner. The burst damage has already risen. A combo combo is thrown out without thinking. It can still replace one of our bombers before dying."

Jingu Sakura quickly added:

"The same goes for the jungler Widow on the opposite side. If you get a double kill in the bottom lane, if you equip it again, the threat to our back row will be even greater."

There was also a bit of helplessness and resentment in the girl's tone.

You know, at the beginning of the game, her jungle jungler's rhythm was much smoother than that of the opposing widow. Even in the beginning, the jungle invasion reversed the opponent's buff and forced out the summoner skill [Flash].

But until now...

Yu, the widow opposite, was about to turn against her blind monk.

"It's definitely not okay to continue to drag on like this."

Zeng Rui took a deep breath and made a judgment:

"The outer towers of our middle and lower lanes are gone, and we continue to lead the line separately. It is like becoming a living target for the widow on the opposite side. It is really too easy for them to gank and catch people under such circumstances, but our Jingu Your blind man will look a little gank."

"So if it is still at the current pace, the opponent will really snowball the advantage completely."

Reality weighs heavily.

In the voice channel of the purple team, the other members of the Netbull and Internet Cafe team couldn't help being silent for a moment.

This is indeed the first time...

They really encountered this kind of professional-level team lineup. Compared with the Internet cafe teams they met a few days ago, the opponents on the field at this moment are definitely much stronger, not because of their personal strength, but because of that. Ability to control and deal with the rhythm of the battle.

And these are precisely what the few of them who have just formed a team are most lacking in.


Only when you really fight against such a professional team can you be more deeply and clearly aware of your own problems.

It was at this time that a voice sounded on the team's voice channel, breaking the silence:


"That's right."

The top lane captain who controlled himself defeated the last toad wild monster in the opposite wild area. While pressing the B button to return to the city, Lin Feng made a conclusive conclusion in an understatement:


"Next, let's start hugging."

When the game time was approaching the sixteenth minute, the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience quickly and keenly noticed some changes on the field through the OB screen from God's perspective.

Purple Square's Internet Bull Internet Cafe Team...

Let's start hugging!

The adc Verus and the auxiliary Japanese girl who were originally on the lower road began to approach the middle lane, and the blind monk in the jungle also opened the red jewelry at the river crossing of the middle road to scan and line up the vision. The captain of the brainless anti-wild breeding has already come to the middle route.

"This is--"

Someone in the Internet cafe audience took a light breath:

"Are you going to play a team!?"


"It's time for a group on the opposite side."

On the side of the blue army on the stage, as an assistant, Lu Zhong controlled his soul-locked warden, who was also quickly supporting his own outer tower in the middle road, and at the same time, his eyes swept across the middle road not far away. The heroes of the purple side who began to gather at the beginning had a bit of caution in their eyes:

"Their laning ability of this lineup is not strong. The strength lies in the poke consumption of the group."

"Just now, we took advantage of the fact that the opponent hadn't reacted yet, so our middle and lower lanes took advantage of a lot of opportunities one after another."

"However, now it seems..."

"The other side has also learned the lesson and made adjustments to deal with it."

Several other Qiye team members also subconsciously nodded.

Shi Ming's gaze was fixed on Captain Shangdan of the purple Fang on the opposite side.

Compared to several teammates...

From the beginning to the end of this match, most of his attention was never diverted from the captain, so at this time, among the five members of the team, he was the first to notice the new change in the opposite captain's equipment bar——

After the first large piece of equipment [Three-Phase Power] was exposed in the first 12 minutes, at this time, the captain of God m, Plank, unexpectedly quickly took out a Youmeng directly.

It's a two-piece set.

There is also a pair of straw sandals and a 45° anti-magic cloak, obviously to prepare for their blue side AP lineup to produce mercury shoes.

This equipment, in this time period...

Very luxurious.

Taking a breath of cool air, Shi Ming felt that the invisible pressure had increased a little bit. The captain, who was in a two-piece suit close to the three-piece suit in sixteen minutes, started to join the group under the control of God M, and almost no one was needed. Reminder, the alarm bells in his mind were already ringing crazily.


Absolute danger!

"Watch out, Captain."

Kenan, who was controlling his own top laner, quickly rushed towards the middle. At the same time, Shi Ming's voice in the team was almost emphatically reminding several teammates in the most earnest tone:

"Be careful!"

"Don't let the captain take a chance!"


Regardless of the current situation, it seems that their blue army is more dominant, but he really couldn't be more clear. Once the captain of the opposing m god catches even one chance in a team battle, their blue army will the end of -

It will definitely explode and collapse instantly, which is extremely ugly.

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The update was sent, and it was done in the third shift. I don’t know what happened to the 17k official website today. I couldn’t update it with a computer, and finally uploaded it with a mobile phone. . .

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