
Chapter 483 One point of cooperation is needed

The situation is becoming more and more severe for the purple team on the field.

Originally, in this round, the five members of the Internet Cattle and Internet Café Team Lin Feng put out a poke-like lineup. If such a lineup routine wants to exert its powerful effect, it attaches great importance to the development of the poke heroes themselves.

If we say that in the early stage of this round, if Dou Zi's mid laner Bomberman and Tang Bingyao's ADC Verus get a few kills, or even just one or two kills, and can ensure that the last knife and level stability are not left behind, then In the mid-term team battle, their purple army's control over the situation can be greatly enhanced by more than one or two chips.

The captain's gunpowder barrel, Verus' Q skill "Piercing Arrow" and Bomberman's "Bouncing Bomb".

Such a powerful poke combination can definitely guarantee the complete suppression of the blue army in terms of long-distance firepower.

But that's just the best case scenario.

As for now—

Except for Lin Feng's top laner captain who is almost far ahead of the whole game, Tang Bingyao's ADC Verus and Dou Zi's mid laner Bomber are not satisfactory in terms of development.

Even, it can be said to be very bad.

Almost no kills, coupled with being caught to death by gank several times in the early stage, the two C positions of the opponent are also obviously behind in terms of last hit and level.

What's more troublesome is that at this time, it is difficult for Tang Bingyao and Dou Zi to find more time to develop. In addition, the jungle widow on the opposite side has also developed, relying on the stealth effect of passive skills Can perform gank single grab at any time——

For example, Tang Bingyao's ADC Verus was just solo killed, which is the best proof.

"I can't find a chance to develop—"

Dou Zi, who is a single bomber, also had a headache at this time.

If he is allowed to play his best jungler at the moment, then he can find a way to deal with it even in a disadvantaged situation, at least not like it is now. I don't know how to continue playing this game.

Tang Bingyao tightly pursed her lips and did not speak.

Her ADC Varus is also poorly developed. Even if the Q skill hits the opponent hero in a team battle, the damage he can deal is very low. At least another five to eight minutes is needed for her to develop and make equipment. , Only then can the combat effectiveness be improved.

But the problem is...

It is impossible for the opponent to give her so much time and opportunity.


"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The game time is the 22nd minute.

Several members of the blue team's Qiye team pushed forward in a group in the middle, and led the troops to directly bulldze and demolish the second tower in the middle of the opponent's purple team.

At this time, Tang Bingyao's ADC Verus on the purple side had just been resurrected. In the 4V5 situation, it was impossible for Lin Feng and the others to forcibly defend the second tower, so they could only choose to give up.

But in this way, the second tower in the middle road was demolished, and for the purple side, both the vision and the development space were further compressed.

Things are getting tougher.

The hope of a comeback is also becoming more and more meager.

"This one is basically stable."

On the stage of the blue square Qiye team, several players seemed extremely happy at this time. The first ten minutes were too stalemate, and they almost felt that the outcome of this game was unpredictable, but now, the rhythm finally It still returned to the hands of their blue party.

Lu Zhong also showed a smile on his face and nodded:

"Just play according to this rhythm. If you don't make big mistakes, you should be fine."

The development of the two C positions of the mid laner ADC on the opposite side is not good, but the equipment level of all positions on their side has risen.

In addition, their lineup has team control cooperation and bursts of second-person damage. If they continue to fight down the team, they can immediately force open any opportunity they catch. It is impossible for the opponent to fight.

Of course, he was somewhat amazed at the strength of the members of the Wangniu and Internet Cafe team on the opposite side, but at this moment, Lu Zhong has let go of his original guard:

Strong is strong.

In the ordinary Internet cafe team, it is definitely considered to be the top, otherwise it would not be able to sweep all the Internet cafe venues in Shanghai.

But this round...

It is destined that their Qiye team will be steady and successful.

Several other members of the Qiye team continued to joke:

"Speaking of which, I have to thank that the economy on the other side only falls on the captain alone."

"If the captain really gave so many heads to Verus or the bomber, it would be even more difficult for us to fight this round."

"Yes, the captain was quite troublesome in the early stage, but it seems to be okay now."

"It's really useless for one person to gain weight alone."

Such words fell into Shi Ming's ears, but he couldn't help frowning slightly.


What the teammates around him said was not wrong. Compared with the current situation, it would be easier.

But there was still a big rock hanging in his heart that never fell to the ground.

Because the captain on the opposite side...

It's God M.

So even in the past ten minutes, the rhythm of the scene has been gradually controlled by their blue army, and the captain on the opposite side has never been able to truly play the role and effect of the 7 head economy.


His eyes fell on the captain of the purple side on the game screen of the computer screen, but the uneasiness in Shi Ming's heart became more and more intense:

If it was God M, would this game really be won as smoothly as they expected?

Always feel—

Still not at all practical.


His eyes drooped down slightly, covering his gaze.

At this time, Lin Feng was controlling his top lane captain, who was returning to the top lane to collect a wave of troops, and the blood volume of his second top lane tower had already been consumed by half. If even the top lane second tower was destroyed, then the opponent's One move is definitely to start making vision on Baron.


It gets really tricky.

All the economy of his own purple army fell on his top laner captain alone, and he was the only one who gained money alone. This situation is indeed not the most optimistic one.

But, in fact, this is also good.

Slowly raising his head, under the disheveled bangs, Lin Feng's eyes flickered and danced quietly.

Because his captain is well developed.

It's so good that even in this disadvantaged situation, they still maintain the highest level and best equipment in the game.


Even at this point in this game, there is still hope.

Hope for a comeback.

In the successive waves of large and small team battles, it doesn't matter if you lose, or even let the dragon let go of the defense tower.


Just give his captain, Plank, a chance.

Even if it's just one.

So even in this situation where the economy is thousands of dollars behind and the rhythm is completely under the opponent's control, as long as it relies on a wave of team battles, he has absolute confidence in relying on his own captain to complete an instant turnaround.


This can't just rely on his own strength.

At least, a little cooperation is needed.

Looking back, the captain Planck who controlled him chose to return to the city after collecting the troops. He directly bought another crit cloak in the spring equipment store and upgraded the straw sandals to mercury shoes. Lin Feng touched it subconsciously. Touch your nose, and then speak calmly in the team's voice channel:

"In the next wave, you can't be opened by the opponent first."

"Let's find opportunities ourselves."


Jingu Sakura, who was called suddenly, was slightly stunned, and subconsciously responded:

"here I am."

Lin Feng nodded:

"Later, watch my signal."

"Grab it."

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The update will be delivered, and it will be done at three o'clock. Good night, my friends! !

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