
Chapter 652 Open!

Summoner's Rift, mid lane.

The ten heroes of the blue and purple armies have all gathered in the middle line, but as time passed, the line of troops has always only stayed in the center near the river mouth.

The situation was deadlocked.

The blue team's cautious defensive posture is completely understandable. After all, the situation is not dominant for the Internet Bull Internet Cafe team, and they are even at a serious passive disadvantage. Even if they want to bite their teeth and fight the last The wave of key team battles also suffers from not having much first-hand ability.

The purple side's Gaoshan team is based on another consideration.

On the one hand, they can afford it if it takes time. They have the upper hand in the upper and lower pawn lines. After a while, the pawn lines will still be pushed from the upper and lower side roads towards the opposite blue square height. Anyway, they are still opponents.

on the other hand……

The people from Xingluo and Crossroads were also a little vigilant and alert.

As professional-level LSPL players, they all know that the next wave of team battles is very critical, and they absolutely cannot afford to lose. Katerina on the opposite side is still a very big threat. If there are any flaws and mistakes on their side If Carter caught the opportunity and killed a C-position hero in seconds, it would be difficult to handle.

In addition, the jungler Widow on the opposite side is also a hidden threat. The opponent who is most likely to start a team is Evelyn. Once the Widow's side-cut big move is used to three or four, even if their purple army has an absolute advantage in the current situation, they will still eat it. The last wave of suffering.

"Jinx be careful."

Crossroads will sound a warning on the team's voice channel.

And the ADC player of the Gaoshan 2nd team has also concentrated and tensed up all his nerves: "Got it!"

His Jinx has been targeted by Carter several times in front of him, and he has already had a psychological shadow. This time, he finally gritted his teeth and produced a banshee. With the dual call cooldown in hand, he can no longer fall on Katrin. Na's hands.

Xing Luo frowned slightly and looked at the blue army not far away:


"It's not very interesting to procrastinate like this."

"Looking for opportunities...it's best to open here."

Indeed, although it is beneficial for them to delay time, it is still too slow after all. There are so many guests, fans, and even the club's shareholders and big bosses watching. It is too late for their Alpine team to have such a big advantage. Chi can't take down his opponent, and it doesn't make sense in terms of face.

More importantly, now they too need this clean victory to prove themselves again.

Asuka sneered:

"rest assured."

"Leave it to me and the road!"

Although there is a wild widow on the opposite side who may have a certain ability to start a team first, but to be honest, they have a blind jungler and a single-handed girl on the purple side, plus the support of the Japanese girl's big move, the ability to start Definitely have to go across several streets.

And that being the case.

There is no need to spend it with the opponent!

Xing Luo nodded slightly, and glanced at the small map. A new wave of soldiers has already lined up from the base and walked out towards the high ground: "The next wave of soldiers, find an opportunity to directly attack them!"

The other four members of the Gaoshan team suddenly agreed.

All of them had a cold and cruel light in their eyes.


It's almost time to resign to fate!


"The next wave of lines can be opened."

Under the stage, Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club standing next to Mr. Wang in the front row of the crowd looked at the OB screen on the LCD monitor and made the same analysis and judgment.

As the team leader, his vision level will not be half a point worse than that of these team members in the club, and even more vicious.

The opposite blue side is now completely passive defense.

Walking out from the high ground was a forced and helpless choice, but if this is the case, it means that the initiative is still in the hands of their purple army.

Time-consuming is too procrastinating, and you can take the initiative to attack.

Team Leader Liu wasn't worried at all about the counterattack from the blue Net Bull and Internet Cafe team on the opposite side.

It's nothing more than a wild widow.

Can't make any waves.

Still the same sentence, almost all the economic heads of your team fall on Katerina alone, but as long as the other people can't create a harvesting environment for Katarina, then Katarina will be full of kills The book is amazingly powerful, and it's still the same...

The corner of his mouth turned into a cold mocking arc, and Team Leader Liu looked at the blue mid laner Katerina on the court, and chuckled in his heart:

It can only be a piece of trash.


The game time is 30 minutes and 45 seconds.

A new wave of soldiers slowly came out from the ruins of the outer towers in the middle of the blue and purple sides.

About to meet in central ground near the mouth of the river.

As if aware of the possible intentions of the opponent's purple army, several members of the Internet Café team on the blue side became more cautious in controlling their heroes, and began to choose to retreat slowly.

At the same moment, several members of the Gaoshan team on the purple side have already controlled their heroes to actively press forward.

Quickly clear this wave of blue square minions.

At the same time, Daomei and Blind Monk approached the blue army formation that was retreating not far away in the gap between teammates leveling A and clearing the soldiers to make up for the knife.

"It's about to open!?"

There was a commotion among the Internet cafe audience.

Many people's eyes lit up.

Excited to look forward to.

Xiao Er's heart almost reached his throat:

"It's over, it's over, the other side doesn't plan to wait any longer! It's a one-off decision!"

Li Shiyi next to him was silent, staring fixedly at the OB screen, and his hands hanging by his side suddenly clenched into fists at this moment——

Success or failure, in one fell swoop.


Are you ready?



A warning signal to retreat sounded.

While signaling the teammates around him to retreat, Lin Feng's voice also quickly spread through the voice channel of the blue team, but the content of the words he said was actually completely opposite to the nature of the retreat signal:


Back off.

Are you ready to make a move?

It sounded like it was extremely contradictory, but at this moment, the other four members of the Internet Cattle and Internet Cafe team who heard Lin Feng's voice did not question at all, their expressions suddenly became dignified and solemn, and they held the mouse and keyboard tightly in their hands.

next moment.

The mid laner Katerina under Lin Feng's control suddenly stopped.

Suddenly turned back from the original retreat state.


The Q skill "Ejection Blade" turned into a scarlet sharp dagger and flew towards the purple soldier who was advancing forward.

Ping - ping - ping -

There were several crisp ejection sounds in succession, and several melee soldiers on the purple side, including the single-handed girl on the purple side, were hit by the ejection and cut off a small amount of blood. The last scarlet dagger drew an arc trajectory in mid-air and then floated to the ground. Dig into the dirt.

This Q skill came very suddenly.

All of a sudden, several members of the Alpine team of the purple army were still in the subconscious inertia of chasing and following up, and failed to react immediately, but a thought arose in their minds:

Carter lost Q?

But in the next second, this kind of thought is restrained by the subconscious inertial thinking. So what if the Q is released?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, so the purple hero under their respective control, including the crossroads and Asuka in the front row, did not stop and continued to chase and follow up.

Only Xing Luo suddenly seemed to be vaguely aware of something, and his face changed slightly:

"Wait a moment!"

A signal warning to retreat has not yet been sent.

But the next second...

On the side of the blue Fang Legion on the stage, Lin Feng's eyes in front of the computer screen suddenly became as sharp as a knife, and the E key on the keyboard was also suddenly pressed heavily at this moment!


There was a crisp explosion.

It was like a signal to detonate the flames of war.

Katerina's figure suddenly disappeared in place.


In the next second, with a flying red long hair, the figure of the ominous blade suddenly appeared at the landing point of the Q skill dagger, and also stood directly in front of the formation of the purple army!

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth raised slightly, but the fighting spirit in his eyes began to burn at this moment:


"It's open—"

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The update is here, spend the holiday with my sister at night, happy! Happy weekend everyone, happy 520!

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