
Chapter 788

In fact, some things on the surface seem to be miraculous to an unbelievable degree, but in fact, if everything is thoroughly dissected, it is not really impossible to achieve.

The jungler widow on the blue side was indeed extremely cautious in the first move of this wave of team battles, and at the same time, she did indeed use a cautious attitude of sneaking around from the beginning to the end. The figure was exposed to the opponent's purple army's vision.

It stands to reason that it is indeed almost impossible for anyone to react to such a sudden explosion after slowly approaching the target Kenan.

At least, Kenan, the top laner on the purple side, failed to prevent this at all as a party involved.

But it's not really unpredictable.


Such a seemingly difficult task is not difficult for number one or number five.

Because although your blue team's mid laner Clockwork Demon is the core finale comeback winner, if you want to say that you can only rely on the sword girl and the widow to figure out a way to start the team first, and such two assassins If a hero wants to cut someone, who can he cut?

The sword girl is on the front of the formation, and it is impossible to easily cut to the ADC playmaker in the last row of the purple side.

The widow in the jungle has a chance to go around the back, but your widow's damage output at this time is not enough to kill an ADC in seconds in a burst, not to mention that Jhin is protected by the auxiliary Braum.

So the play fortune teller will not be the target.

The ice bird with passive skills is equivalent to two lives in hand is standing in the center of the formation, and it is also unlikely to be a target.

Not to mention the spiders on the flanks. If your widow cuts one-on-one from the side, the spider queen will not retreat and fight back immediately when everyone is playing wild 1v1, and even one set can counter-kill your widow, half a crispy hero. up.


The one who can really become the target of the blue team is the top laner Kennan who seemed to be the most unlikely.

A widow directly driving the opponent's front row does not sound like a routine in conventional cognition, but it is currently the most suitable strategy for the blue army.

If this is confirmed, then for the purple side, it is only necessary to focus more on marking the positions around the front row teammates of the top laner Kenan.

Calculates the exposure distance for the widow's passive stealth effect.

Evelyn's movement speed.

Combined with a stance angle of the single-handed girl on the opposite side.

Basically, even if the opponent is in a state of stealth and invisibility, he can still be controlled to grasp your approximate movement trajectory in the dark shadows.

The rest only needs to rely on my enough reaction to operate the hand speed and a little bit of predictive luck——

It was able to achieve this amazing prediction E that almost shocked and shocked the audience at this moment.

"It's actually not that difficult."

Of course, this kind of words, it is estimated that there are only No. 1 and No. 5 in the training room of the KG club at the moment, and maybe one Lin Feng can barely be counted, because the theoretical analysis always sounds like it can be compared with the actual situation. The difficulty of operation is infinitely weakened, but if it is really operated...

Those who can complete all these complicated and huge calculations, and possess the world's top-level reaction and operation speed, have to reach the level of strength above the Four Emperors.


In fact, this wave of Li Shiyi's jungler widows was controlled by such a backhand, and they were stuck in the rhythm of the offensive and forced to open, and they were bound to death in place and could not move.

You are like losing to a Four Emperors.

And losing to the Four Emperors, of course there is nothing to be ashamed of.


In this game, when the battle situation reached this point and at this moment, it seemed that the blue army on the field would eventually usher in a defeat.


Although the spider's E skill spider web seems to be just a confinement and restraint effect, it actually has a short stun time of one second in the system's judgment.

So this second,

The widow Evelyn, who was wrapped in a spider's web, was powerless to move, and she was almost an extremely fragile living target.

It can't be said that there was a problem with the widow's shots this time. In fact, it's just that no one thought that the spider would hit such a god-like E skill spider web.

But it does—

At this moment, the widow maker is almost certain to die.

In the voice channel of the purple square team, the voice of No. 1, which seemed to be still relaxed and calm, sounded.

Also at this second.

Several other heroes on the purple side's army rose up almost at the same time, and all their targets were locked on the blue side's wild widow. "Cai" hits Evelyn from a distance and connects to the control.

Auxiliary Blonti shield came, and a Q skill hit the target.

Kenan, the closest top laner, directly hit the widow with a backhand with a flat A and then Q skills.

The purple jungler spider who was a little farther away pressed forward quickly under the control of No. 5. As long as the spider's next half set of skills was shot, the burst of damage was almost enough to kill the crispy widow Evelyn on the spot in an instant.

However, the reaction of the purple side is fast, while the speed of the blue side is not slow.

Tian Tian was the first one here to react.

The moment Tian Tian saw his jungler partner and teammate being controlled by the Spider E skill, Tian Tian's eyelids began to twitch uncontrollably, and his admiration and fear for Senior No. In an instant, his heart suddenly soared to an extreme point, causing his heart to thump and beat wildly and violently, but at this time, he still forcibly suppressed such fear, and tried his best to strike out at the first time regardless of the cost——


"Follow me!"

As if her lips were still trembling, Irelia, the single sword girl under Tian Tian's control, had already charged forward with the blade in her hand like lightning!

Q skill, "Blade Impact"!

Directly cut the target Kenan!

Pick up 【Flash】!

The golden awns are fried!

The sudden two-step displacement made the figure of the blade will suddenly rush in front of the purple jungler spider with fierce murderous aura. While controlling his own blood volume in advance, an E skill "Balanced Strike" slashed down fiercely. The system judges that the target spider queen in front of her will be directly stunned and controlled on the spot.


Such a one-handed operation made the two main players of the KG first team, Old C and Yaogui, who were watching the game, including the team leader of the club next to him and the head coach Tony, couldn't help but burst into tears and were immediately moved.

Extremely fast, extremely accurate judgment!

If you want to save someone at this time, then the most important target is not the nearest opponent, Kenan, but this jungler spider.

Because at this time only spiders have the fastest set of abilities to burst out in seconds.

The moment Daomei E skill stuns and controls the spider, it is equivalent to buying a little breathing time for her jungle teammate, the widow, at least it can be used to hand over a big move with a backhand or [flash] to escape the battlefield forcibly , so that he would not be taken away by the spike without the slightest effort to fight back.

Just like this...

In order to save people, Daomei also plunged herself into an extremely dangerous situation.

Because at the same moment when the sword girl Irelia, who was under Tian Tian's control, flashed her two-stage displacement and stunned the spider, before he had time to make any other operational reactions, a huge ice block not far away Exuding a jagged chill, it flew leisurely as if predicting in advance.


skill hit.

The ice suddenly burst into pieces.

Dao Mei froze in place and was dizzy and frozen on the spot!

There was an explosion of anxious exclamations from the surrounding crowd, but the calm and calm voice of No. 1 sounded again at the same time in the team voice channel on Zi Fang's side:

"Second knife girl first."

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The update is delivered, the two updates are done, and I have to work overtime when I get out, so my friends should go to bed early.

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