
Chapter 823: The Targeted Lin Feng

In the half of the game that just ended due to a trip and a power outage, it was the No. 1 choice of the purple team to take out the hero Ice Bird as the mid laner. An ice crystal phoenix that has long since declined in the current version is extremely unpopular. The former's hand was beaten with a demeanor comparable to that of Phoenix, the world's number one ice bird.

Over 400 knives for 300 minutes.

The level of economic equipment development that almost crushes the entire field.

Perfect team fight operation.

The magical W skill is cast by the ice wall.

If it wasn't for someone who almost broke the boat and put all his eggs in one basket, put all the price on Bingniao to the death, and finally completed a final kill, otherwise, the game just now would continue to go to the late stage. In his hands, he has to show even more eccentric operation demeanor.

In the past, the number one ice bird in the world was the Phoenix of the Four Emperors. There should be no objection to this point.

But after seeing the No. 1 ice bird today...

At least, at this moment, the players in the training room of the KG club have different ideas——

Compared to Phoenix, Senior No. 1's Ice Bird is definitely not inferior, and may even be half as strong!

However, no one expected that in the new training match that was about to start at this moment, Lin Feng on the blue side would actually choose the hero Bingniao again.

Many KG players suddenly stared straight:

Another ice bird! ?

What the hell, could it be that the unpopular hero, Ice Crystal Phoenix, is really about to rise again! ?


The leader of the KG team watching the game from the back row shook his head for a while:

"Impossible, the hero Bingniao is still too weak in the current version. He can't even make it to the T2 and T3 echelons. Even if he wants to cooperate with special tactical routines, he can't easily enter the professional arena, at least at the first level of each major competition area. It is impossible to appear in the above professional leagues."

The head coach Tony next to him nodded, speaking in jerky Chinese:


"Yes, strength, crush."

Indeed, if you can crush your opponent in terms of personal operational strength, let alone an ice bird, the King of Kings can take out a Galen mid laner with a blue crystal and go out, and it is possible to beat a rookie mid laner in the silver division. Doubt life to death.

It's just... For a training match like this one, someone's decision to choose Ice Bird doesn't seem particularly wise.

On the side of the purple army, the eyebrows of the monsters sitting in the single seat in front of the computer screen have already raised their eyebrows:

"Ice bird?"

"Is this too big?"

Even if he now admits that someone is stronger than himself and is convinced, it doesn't mean that someone can easily suppress his mid laner with a single-handed ice bird. Even if you are strong, you are not strong enough Is it okay to reach the level of senior No. 1, and this one depends on the lineup, we still have Yuanshen and Li Shiyi brothers here, do you still want to rely on an ice bird to penetrate the audience?

Standing by the side and starting to watch the battle, No. 1 saw someone's intentions and couldn't help laughing:

"This kid..."

"Still not reconciled."

Indeed, in the previous game against Bingniao with a clockwork, he was almost suppressed by the number one Bingniao for half the time. With Lin Feng's character and temper, he would probably feel quite aggrieved and depressed. Now he also chose Bingniao mid laner , clearly wanting to prove himself by playing more beautiful operations with the same heroes.

No. 5 covered her mouth and smiled: "It's not a bad thing, it's also a test for Xiaofeng herself."

At the same time, on the purple side of the field, two former teammates like Li Shiyi and Tian Tian were not at all surprised by someone's hero selection. They were too familiar with someone's character and temper, so even Not surprised but happy:

"Hi Ice Bird!"

"If Fengzi chooses Bingniao, this will give us a great chance!"

If the mid laner selected by someone is a hero of the current version of the T1 echelon such as Yao Ji, Jie, and Nan Dao, or even a jack-of-all-trades mid laner like Clockwork Demon,

Their purple side is destined to usher in a tough battle, but if it's just the ice bird, even someone's strength will inevitably be discounted by the weakness of this unpopular hero itself.

This increased the purple team's chances of winning the game by at least 10%.

Of course, then again, although it is an unpopular hero like Bingniao, although someone's current strength is still not comparable to No. 1, but after all, the former's current strength realm has already surpassed that of the Four Emperors. Threshold, especially if a hero like Ice Bird drags the rhythm of the game to the later stage... For the purple army, what they will face at that time will also be a terrifying big boss.

So Li Shishi and Tian Tian looked at each other tacitly, and reached a consensus quickly without words:


Aim at the middle of the road!


The game starts.

A certain person controlled his mid laner Bingniao to walk towards the middle route, and at the same time, he did not forget to give instructions to several other teammates in his team's voice channel with confidence:

"This jungler is not used for hitting."

"Take care on and off the road."

The second team member of KG, who is the jungler of the blue side, is controlling his prince to go to the wild area. He is a little worried when he hears someone say:

"Is it really unnecessary?"

"The opposite side...may target the middle lane."

Someone still patted his chest with confidence:


"I'm very resistant to stress!"

Four minutes later, the game time came to 4 minutes and 25 seconds. With the "First Blood" kill announcement sounded from the middle lane by the female voice of the system, someone yelled:

"Hey hey hey! That's too much!"

"It's fine for the blind man to swim, but Annie will also come to assist you in the bottom lane!?"

"Fatty, don't you want to go on the route! What are you doing here too!!"

At the same time, the game screen on the computer screen in front of someone has turned into a black and white TV, and Tian Tianzheng, who got the first blood on the purple side, is controlling his own Kenan to return to the top road, while smiling honestly:

"it does not matter."

"I took the first blood, this wave is not a loss."

It is indeed not a loss.

But Lin Feng's mid laner, Bingniao, naturally suffered a blood loss. He was beaten passively and gave him the first blood. He even handed over a [Flash] in his Summoner skill, which is simply a dreamlike epic start.

The ghost sitting in the single seat on the purple side smiled gloatingly:

"As you said yourself, you are not afraid of being targeted."

"Who can blame?"

At the same time, even the voice of No. 1 came leisurely from the audience behind:

"Boy, don't forget the bet."

"I'm waiting for lunch—by the way, Xiao Wu, what do you want to eat later?"

No. 5 chuckled: "I can do it, anyway, it's fine if it's Xiaofeng's treat."

No. 1 nodded happily: "Then just pick the most expensive one."

Someone anxiously said: "Hey, senior, you can't do this! Miss Wu! Please persuade senior!"

No. 5 smiled and replied: "I can't persuade him, you should do your best. A man's words are hard to follow, so you have to learn to be responsible for what you say~"

Finding that even Miss Wu, who was the most reliable at first, didn't help, someone suddenly deflated like a ball being poked, and then took a deep breath, the flames of fighting spirit in his eyes rekindled:

"It's okay!"

"This one... I don't even know who wins or loses!"

The figure of the ice crystal phoenix was revived from the spring water of the base, and the next moment, under someone's control, it was already rushing towards the middle route quickly again!

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The update is here, it took half a day today to get home with various planes and high-speed rail transportation. . . . The second is slightly later.

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