
Chapter 853 Same Arrangement

The game time came to nearly 27 minutes.

On the game map of Summoner's Canyon, it can be clearly seen that after the rhythm of taking the opponent's two middle towers in a row just now, the blue team has already taken the absolute advantage and initiative in terms of vision, while the purple team has taken the initiative. No matter the field of vision or the development space, it has become a "concave" shape.

In fact, the middle tower is a more important strategic defense resource than the top and bottom defense towers.

The vision of the middle lane is pushed to the front of the high ground. Although the upper and lower lanes of the purple side still retain the second tower, they all seem a little helpless after losing the middle tower, especially if the hero on the purple side tries to go through the wild area Supporting the defense on the up and down lanes requires more than one level of risk.

Into the jungle?

The field of vision in the wild area has been completely controlled by the opponent, and entering without vision is almost death.

But even if you want to go directly from the high ground to the tower to defend, who knows if the blue army on the opposite side will get stuck in the blind spot of the terrain and make an ambush at the exit of the wild area between your second tower and the high ground tower?

So no matter from which perspective, the current purple army has inevitably entered a serious passive disadvantage.


But at this time, the God players watching the battle didn't make any cheers and cheers, and it was all quiet.

Even the five main players of God's first team on the blue side of the field all had ugly faces.

Oh shit--

They really have never played such a difficult and headache game!

You must know that with their God team's style of play and consistent game experience, even if a match enters the middle stage and is evenly balanced or even at a disadvantage, they can rely on a rigorous tactical system to snowball a big advantage little by little to gain the upper hand, and finally A wave of steady victory.

But now.

The snowball of advantage is indeed rolling smoothly.

Any player with a passer-by level can see at a glance that their blue side is absolutely dominant in the current situation.

However, the script seems to have been unscrupulously unfinished at this point, and it can't be written anymore.

The normal rhythm is to snowball and then completely push the opponent to a point where there is no way to retreat, wait for the opponent to make a mistake in a hurry, and then finish the game and win the victory. But the problem now is that they have already occupied such a big advantage. It was necessary to be able to see the hope of winning even more before, but everything came to an abrupt end at this time.

They dare not touch Dalong.

They can't push into the high ground.

Moreover, the upper and lower lanes of the opponent's purple army were pushed out ahead of time, and they couldn't move their upper and lower defense towers for a while.

In fact, if you really want to push, you can push hard.

But as long as you open the battle panel with the Tab key and see Yasuo's terrifying record data and gorgeous equipment that is almost against the sky, the main players of God's first team can't help but twitch their eyelids and choose directly. Get rid of this idea.

"Grass...how did you make it like this!"

The main top laner of God's first team was aggrieved and annoyed, and he clicked the mouse. His Kenan top laner almost wiped out the opponent Rambo in the early matchup, and Li Xiaochenxing's mid laner With the development of the ADC female policewoman of Xialu Huangxue Yege, the three core C positions are all well developed and cannot be more ideal——

In any case, this should be the rhythm of victory.

But now they were dragged into this embarrassing and embarrassing situation by the opponent's mid laner Yasuo and maybe a jungle excavator.

Hardly dare to act rashly.

Not to mention that the opposing Nakano were just two temporary sparring partners that the two seniors found from nowhere, even in the top professional competitions, their God team almost rarely encountered such a situation.

A pair of middle and wild, so that their entire God team can't make a shot?

This happened only once or twice.

That is when their opponent is the strongest team in Korea and even in the world - SSK.

But that is a combination of the world's number one mid laner and one of the two wild kings...

Even though it was not the first time that such thoughts flashed in their minds, the main players of God's first team on the blue side on the field still couldn't help but say *——

Oh shit.

Where did the two temporary sparring partners come from?


"If this fight continues, it's really going to be a bladder game."

Looking at the situation on the scene, it seemed that they were about to fall into a stalemate again, and many God players watching the battle couldn't help showing a dazed look.

The situation remains unchanged.

If the blue side is restrained by Yasuo and the excavator on the opposite side, the time will be dragged down abruptly, let alone 30 minutes, even if it takes 40 minutes, there may not be a result. .

At that time, it is estimated that both sides will have Liushen costumes.

And if that's the case, with the lineup of the purple army, it may even be more dominant in the late stage.

"It can't be delayed."

Huang Xue Yege frowned tightly, and this was the first time he had emphasized this point aloud.

Dawn Chenxing took a deep breath.

His male Dao Kong has a well-developed body, and now as long as he catches almost anyone on the opposite side, he can go straight up for a set of seconds, but the purple army on the opposite side seems to suddenly become wretched and cautious at this time, He couldn't find a suitable opportunity no matter what.

Tai Long, a male swordsman, really made him feel a little aggrieved at the current rhythm.

Simmering a fire.

Nowhere to vent.

In contrast, on the side of the purple army on the field, someone seemed a little more relaxed, and at the moment he was still making arrangements for several other members of his team in the voice channel:

"You develop under the tower."

"Don't take the order."

"Thresh protects AD well, the weakness is still there, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's fine to be wretched, don't die now!"

Although the rhythm seems to deviate slightly from the script he originally wrote, it doesn't seem unacceptable for the current situation to continue going down.

Their purple team is weak because the personal strength of a few players is inferior to the main players of God's first team on the opposite side, but to be honest, if they can drag it to the late stage and everyone is equipped with six gods, then their team battle lineup of the purple team The advantages of the characteristics can make up for the shortcomings of the operational level——

Anyway, as soon as the team started, Rambo's ult was covered, Verus's ult would dump anyone who cut him, Thresh was weak to protect AD, and his own Yasuo cooperated with Eleven's excavator to look for opportunities to fight in the opposite back row A wave of bo harvest.

Very simple and rude.

This is just relying on the advantage of the lineup to defeat the opponent.

Of course, the premise here is that they can really drag the Liushen outfit to the late stage, and before that, they need to be more cautious.

"The line of soldiers has to be taken out."

Li Shishi's eyes swept across the small map, and at this time the pawn lines of the upper and lower lanes were pushed back by the opposite side again.

Lin Feng quickly made countermeasures:

"Rambo go down the road."

"AD and support continue to defend the center."

"I'll come this way."

Although the situation is still stalemate, if the second towers on the purple side of the purple side are also pushed down by the opposite side, it will be really difficult to drag the situation to the late stage. Rambo holds the teleportation in his hand and goes down the road Retracting the line can still support at any time depending on the situation, and Verus and Thresh can also avoid the risk of being gank or forced to kill by defending the high ground in the middle.

The field of vision on this side of the upper half of the field is occupied by the opposite blue army, so the top road should also be the most dangerous line.

Of course, it can only be someone's mid laner Yasuo to defend.

Little did they know that at the same time——

On the blue side, Dawn Chenxing almost made the same arrangement.

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The update is sent, but I have to work overtime tomorrow weekend. . My heart is broken. . .

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