
Chapter 855 Accident, Here Comes!

Since no one dared to open the baron for the time being, the situation on the scene became a stalemate and stalemate.

The God players who were watching the game subconsciously focused their attention on the top road. After all, this road is the battle between the blue and purple sides. Sex is without a doubt at the top of the list.


After watching the situation on the road for a while, all the God players watching the battle looked away in disappointment.

Because, although it was a solo duel between two strong mid lane heroes like Nan Dao and Yasuo, there was no fight at all on the top lane.

The male knife leads the line into the tower.

Yasota got off the line.

Each of them seems to be step-by-step. After completing their tasks, they always keep a safe distance from their opponents, as if the well water does not violate the river water. Even the resource economy in the upper half of the field has been wiped out. The two It is impossible for a mid-lane hero to even enter the wild area and have some collision sparks.

"No way."

A jungler from God's second team made a sound analysis and evaluation like this:

"If you can't find an opportunity, you can only waste it."

"Both of them are holding a set of instant damage in their hands, but they are not absolutely sure that they can kill the opponent first, and they don't even dare to turn in summoner skills casually, otherwise if they turn in at this moment In case of a head-on team fight, if you lose [Flash], you will lose one ultimate move, so now we can only slowly test each other like this."

The truth is of course the truth.

However, in this way, the laning in the top lane naturally loses its value for viewing, and many God players who watched the game turned their eyes away to pay attention to the situation in the middle lane and the bottom lane. Instead, it was because there were not enough heroes in the middle and bottom lanes. In order to directly cause an instant fatal threat to the opponent, the ADC support of both sides, including various small skills in the top lane, is constantly cast, and the consumption of poke is quite lively.

However, it doesn't seem to be a problem that there has been no head-to-head war.

On the third route, everyone's heroes are on the table, as long as you don't make rash and reckless mistakes, basically it is impossible for any problems to arise.

The only thing that is within the control range of both parties...

Only the junglers on both sides are left.


In such a stalemate, the key to breaking the game seems to be on the junglers of both sides.

At this moment, both the blind jungler on the blue side and the jungle excavator on the purple side have already entered the wild area directly. of vigilance.

The burden on them is now the heaviest.

If they can't catch each other's figure, then they can't easily show their heads hastily.

Those who are in the dark will always take advantage.

If I can't see your whereabouts, then I will be cautious when I make a move next, and I will be wary of whether you are squatting back and will not rashly open the gank; but if I can confirm your position, then No matter which lane you are in, the remaining two lanes will be my best and safest gank targets.

Sweat could already be seen on Li Shishi's forehead at this moment.

But even so, he still stared at the screen including the mini-map and his own first-person perspective, and never let go of any detail changes. The location where the monk may be.

For him, this was almost a severe exhaustion of energy and physical strength.

Because you must know that just a few days ago, he was just a substitute for the LSPL Alpine Club, but now he is playing against the main jungler of the God team.

Even if his strength and state are recovering a little bit, but now he has to do his best to try not to fall into the disadvantage in this kind of undercurrent and turbulent invisible confrontation.

It looks like no one is making a move now.

But Li Shiyi can be 100% sure that the blind jungler on the opposite side is definitely dormant and waiting for an opportunity. As long as he makes a little mistake on his side, the one who greets him or other teammates from the purple side... will be from Blind Monk Li Qing made a deadly attack like a poisonous snake in an instant!

Taking a deep breath, Li Shishi gritted his teeth and showed a ruthless expression——

one way or another……

Absolutely, you must fight to the best of your ability!


"What do you think will happen?"

Standing in the back row of the watching crowd, No. 5 stared at the game screen on the computer screen in front of him, and at the same time softly consulted his fiancé beside him for opinions.

No. 1, who doesn't even need more communication, tacitly understands what his beautiful fiancée is asking:

"The current Eleven, in terms of conventional strength, naturally has a certain gap with the LPL's first-line professional junglers."

"But at this time..."

"It's more about consciousness."

"So we should be able to play again."

No. 5 frowned slightly: "It will consume a lot of mental and physical energy for him."

No. 1 smiled: "If you don't squeeze yourself to the extreme, how can you pursue significant breakthroughs and improvements in the shortest possible time? If you want to get as many things as you want, you need to pay twice as much. The price."

As he spoke, his eyes and eyes just swept across the small map of the game on the computer screen in front of him at this moment, but then his words suddenly stopped, and then his brows were raised slightly:


"Except for the problem of fighting consciousness."

"In terms of luck, this kid seems to be unlucky."

A slight look of confusion and astonishment flashed across No. 5's face, but as her eyes also fell on the small map on the computer screen, she quickly reacted in the next moment, with complex lights shining in her eyes:



There was an unstoppable sense of regret in his tone.

It seems to be for Li Shiyi's jungle excavator.

It seems...

It was because this game seemed to be finally coming to a dusty ending.


There were still no surprises in the middle and lower lanes.

On the top lane of Summoner's Canyon, the swordsman Yasuo under the control of Lin Feng just pushed out a new wave of minions from under the tower, and looked at the blue Fang who was pressing in from the ruins of his top lane outer tower not far away. Xiao Bing, he couldn't help frowning a little.

to be honest.

On the road, he is still a little passive.

Because the whole situation is still under the control of the opponent's blue team, and even the purple side can't do it in the field of vision in the upper half of the field. The line is too far away and can only be guarded under the tower.

Conversely, although the male sword Tailong on the opposite side was restrained by his own Yasuo on the road, but the movement space and freedom of Dawn Chenxing were stronger than his own Yasuo.

For example, at this moment, when his wave of pawns was pushed out, the figure of the opposite male knife had been temporarily lost on the line on the road.

Lin Feng can be sure that the male knife on the opposite side has never gone far, and it is impossible to return to the city.

However, when his field of vision was severely suppressed, he also couldn't judge exactly where the male sword Tai Long was at this time.

And even so—

He also doesn't intend to take the initiative to find the whereabouts of the opposite male knife. In such a disadvantaged situation with passive vision, all other accidents are situations that he tries to avoid. Now the script he wrote is of course a desperate gamble. But at least everything is still within the expected range.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens...

This is the moment.

Just when such a thought flashed through his mind, Lin Feng's eyelids suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

And just in the next moment.

A rush of warning signals suddenly echoed in the Summoner Canyon, which had been silent for a long time!


It just came out of nowhere!

***************************************************** ***************************

Update, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, the road to work overtime, everyone cherishes the good time in school! !

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