
Chapter 884 Extreme way to become stronger

When a professional e-sports player's level of strength reaches the level of Seven Kings or above, he is not only able to specialize in his main position, but can also master several other positions. Compared with other positions of the same level, For players, the only difference is their understanding and proficiency in the specific operations and skill casting of heroes in other positions.

But in terms of consciousness, each position basically leads to the same goal.

Therefore, Dawn Star does not admire Lin Feng for his "ability" as a mid laner but can predict the jungle route and even the time position of the opponent's jungle hero.

Because if it were him, he should be able to do such a thing if he had the intention to do it, but the degree and accuracy may be slightly different.

But what really shocked him...

It is the thought and concept hidden behind someone's calculation behavior.

A mid laner.


Will you include the calculation of the opposite jungler's jungle route and time and location into your own thinking from the beginning?

Regarding someone's understatement, Dawn Chenxing hardly believed it at all. Is it just because the opponent Victor's single kill in this game was not enough? No, this was not just a training match.

It should be a style concept that has almost been consistent by someone.

Perhaps this behavior has been completely integrated into someone's playing style since I don't know how long ago.

It's hard.

Dawn Chenxing thinks about the huge efforts and efforts he has put into simply improving his position as a mid laner, and he realizes how much sweat it takes for someone to have a level of strength that is even slightly stronger than his own. , not to mention that on this basis, you have to devote your attention to honing your understanding and mastery of various other positions including the jungle——

The training difficulty will almost be doubled or even more.

This means a terrifying amount of training.

It means hardship that is simply indescribable in words.

This is what makes Dawn Chenxing really find it difficult to believe and understand. What is the reason why someone is so perverted that he squeezes his energy to complete such intense training.

Catalina, who was controlling herself, killed the opponent's jungler Lee Sin and then ran towards the opponent's blue buff jungle area. At this moment, Lin Feng seemed not to notice the shock and swaying mood of his partner next to him, and his face remained calm. And calm.

The reason...?

Someone's eyes were slightly lowered at this moment, and the true expression on his face was unclear.

Certain past events from that year, countless scenes flashed through my mind like a revolving lantern.

"Back then, after losing that BO5 match, Xiaofeng really blamed himself for a long time."

Standing in the back row of the spectators, No. 5 spoke softly, looking at someone's back with a hint of pity:

"Put all the blame on yourself alone."

"I feel like I lost the championship trophy all because I wasn't strong enough and didn't think enough."

"Then... I wanted to become stronger so much."


It was precisely because of such an almost pathological and unreasonable sense of self-blame and guilt that someone at that time began to try such a terrifying and arduous training method that could no longer be simply described as "harsh".

Not just for the mid lane position of his main job.

He also included all the responsibilities of the four positions of jungle, top laner, support and ADC into his training scope.

What he is trying to achieve is that even as a mid laner, he can simultaneously support half of the jungle, half of the top laner, half of the ADC and half of the support——

Not only does he compete with the opposing mid laner as a mid laner, but he also devotes four fifths of his mind to the thoughts of the other four positions.

All the operating habits and style concepts of the opponent's heroes in the other four positions, as well as countless complicated and horrifying amounts of information, are all incorporated into the brain to conduct the most massive and rigorous analysis and calculation.

In the end, what can be achieved is that one person can defeat all possible tactical routines of the opponent, exposing all the opponent's plans and calculations to his own calculations, making it impossible to escape and easily crushing them one by one.

To put it in the simplest and most popular way, it is to achieve "one person serves five purposes".

Or called real 1V5.

Originally, in a team-based e-sports game like League of Legends, especially after entering the professional e-sports circle, I still thought about the use of five people by myself. It almost sounded like a fantasy, even if It is impossible for even the top level experts in the profession to do it.

But it just so happens...

Such a fantasy-like behavior still has very few special exceptions.

Lin Feng is one.

Because his talent and strength are indeed so strong that he was almost the only one in the world's professional e-sports circles back then and even today. The more important point is that his hero pool is far more than limited to the mid lane position. The mid-level unit can reach the level of the Four Kings, and other top laners, auxiliary ADCs and junglers can also perform at a level that is almost as good as the Seven Kings in his hands.

Therefore, what other professional players would never dare to even think about trying, he was able to do it after putting in great efforts and sweat.

And there is another one.

It is F-Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors of South Korea's SSK team.

"Xiao Feng and that guy from South Korea's SSK should be regarded as the only two unparalleled existences in the e-sports circle."

No. 1 commented in a leisurely tone:

"However, it is precisely because of the innate advantages of having such a terrifying hero pool that is unmatched by any other professional player that both of them have become young talents who truly have the opportunity and potential to cross the highest threshold."

The "highest threshold" mentioned here.

It is not even the threshold of the realm of the Four Emperors that most players and even professional players consider today. Even if Dawn Chenxing, who is currently half-stepping to the level of the Four Emperors, is struggling to pursue the threshold realm of breakthrough, in fact it is still still there. It is not the real theoretical limit for professional e-sports players.

But this is not surprising.

Because, looking at the entire professional e-sports circle, from the previous generation to the current new generation, there is only one person among countless professional e-sports players in the world who has reached that highest level.

Today's so-called Four Emperors and Seven Kings can only be regarded as juniors.

And even in the previous generation where stars gathered and demons danced wildly, a man as powerful as Europe's most terrifying and mysterious shadow crow, as powerful as the previous generation's dominant king in the Korean e-sports circle, had the first "F" name. In front of that figure, they could only be overshadowed by the green leaves.

So that man is the real living myth.

An immortal legend who is still walking in the e-sports circle.

No. 5's eyes were filled with flowing crystal light as she looked at her fiancé beside her. Even though they had been together for many years, she still couldn't change her unconcealable admiration for the man in front of her -

Her lover.

From the past to the present, he has always been the strongest and has never changed.

As if aware of the gaze cast by the beautiful fiancée next to him, No. 1 tilted his head slightly to meet the former's gaze, smiled and stretched out his hand to gently help her push away a few strands of hair from her forehead, and then her eyes fell on the scene again. superior:

"That's a bit far."

"For the realm that Xiaofeng and that boy from South Korea's SSK are pursuing now, in addition to hard work, they also need to have enough patience to wait for an opportunity."


"Although that method of strengthening and improving strength is indeed too difficult in the end, but if it is only for a little guy like Ah Xing who is stuck in the realm of the Four Emperors..."

"As long as you successfully learn from and understand something that belongs to you, breakthrough will not be difficult~"

The update is coming. I dug a small hole and slowly filled it in. I will continue to work overtime tonight, so I am not sure whether the next chapter update will be available. . . Friends, no need to wait.

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